500 Questionnaire Items Measuring Supervisory Skills
Supervision is a multifaceted process that involves several key components to ensure effective oversight and development of employees. The main components of supervisory skills include:
- Delegation Assigning tasks or authority to others in a way that leverages their strengths and fosters accountability.
- Empowering Providing employees the autonomy and authority necessary to carry out their tasks.
- Coaching and Development Guide employees towards better performance by providing instruction, encouragement, support and constructive criticism to help individuals improve their performance and achieve their goals.
- Communication Ensuring clear, consistent, and open channels of communication for decision-making and daily interactions.
- Decision Making Deciding who, what, when, where people, supplies and tasks are to be allocated or used.
- Rewards and Recognition Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements is crucial. This can be in the form of bonuses, promotions, or even verbal recognition, which can motivate and reinforce desired behaviors.
- Feedback Regular performance feedback is essential for growth and improvement. It should be specific, timely, and relevant, allowing employees to understand what they are doing well and where they need to improve.
- Performance Management Setting goals, monitoring progress, and evaluating outcomes. A continuous process that involves monitoring and reviewing an employee's work objectives and contribution to the department/organization.
- Self-Control Supervisors must also exhibit self-control, managing their own emotions and actions, setting a good example for others, and maintaining a professional demeanor.
Supervisors are an important link between the employees (staff) and management, ensuring that the work of the team/department supports company objectives and employee development. Good supervisors foster a productive, efficient, and harmonious work environment.
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaires Measuring Supervisory Skills:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaire Items
The Supervisory Skills competency in a 360-Degree Feedback assessment includes items measuring the ability to hold employees accountable, delegate work/tasks, coach others, provide feedback, reward, recognize, and manage performance.
Definition: Supervisors can create and sustain an engaging work environment; inspire and foster creativity, trust, and a positive workplace climate; make decisions and allocate resources; enforce discipline and conduct performance reviews. This is done by delegating tasks, resolving personnel issues, coordinating schedules and timelines, establishing good rapport with employees.
Delegation and Empowerment
- Delegates effectively.
- Oversees the work of a group of employees.
- Empowers employees to make their own decisions in the field.
- Is able to motivate others through persuasion rather than coercion.
- Gives employees the ability to complete their tasks as they see fit.
- Follows the company standard procedures for allocating assignments.
- Delegates assignments to employees according to seniority.
- Allows employees to make their own decisions.
- Empowers employees to perform the assigned tasks.
- Assigns tasks appropriately.
- Delegates tasks to employees according to their skills (skill level).
- Effective in delegating assignments.
- Assigns the right work to the right employees.
Coaching and Development
- Encourages employees to achieve their full potential.
- Identifies and maximizes opportunities for continuing education for employees.
- Coaches and mentors others to achieve higher performance levels.
- Seeks to enhance the performance of employees under their supervision.
- Coaches subordinates in how to make good decisions.
- Instructs employees on the safest way to perform tasks.
- Determines the training and development needs of employees and staff.
- Provides training on equipment as needed.
- Introduces targeted training and development initiatives to address and elevate subpar performance.
- Instructs employees on the proper way to perform tasks.
- Provides direction and coaching to employees.
- Provides guidance and support to help employees achieve their goals.
- Offers instructions and guidance to subordinates.
- Seeks to provide effective training and development opportunities for employees.
- Communicates effectively with employees.
- Listens to others.
- Asks employees for their ideas and opinions.
- Informs employees of what tasks need to be completed on each shift.
- Asks employees for their input in decisions that may directly affect the team.
- Listens to the concerns of employees.
- Communicates equally well with all employees.
- Communicates on a daily basis with the team at the start of each shift.
- Communicates the goals and expectations for the team.
- Facilitates open communication between employees.
- Communicates effectively to avoid issues, conflicts and errors on the job.
- Knows the best ways to communicate effectively with different types of employees.
- Fosters an environment that supports open communication.
- Conveys instructions, directives and guidelines to the employees.
- Sets clear expectations for acceptable performance.
- Is clear when assigning tasks to be completed.
Decision Making
- Makes decisions based on all relevant information.
- Effectively determines which issues need immediate attention.
- Decides the best approach for addressing issues that arise on the job.
- Sets the objectives to be completed for the shift.
- Determines appropriate staffing levels for the job.
- Determines which team members are to be promoted to the next higher level.
- Decides which team members are assigned to each job.
- Decides what supplies need to be purchased.
- Decides the order that tasks need to be completed.
- Decides how the supplies are to be allocated on the job site.
- Determines when the job is satisfactorily completed.
- Decides the best approach to perform jobs that have some level of risk.
- Maintains good working relationships with employees.
- Is aware of the unique strengths of each employee.
- Treats all staff equitably.
- Maintains the confidence and trust of employees.
- Demonstrates empathy, respect, and openness to employees.
- Encourages good working relationships between employees.
- Works well with the team members.
- Values the opinions of subordinates.
- Has a high degree of multi-cultural competence to supervise individuals of various cultural backgrounds.
- Is sought after for advice in a variety of situations.
- Maintains professional interactions with peers, customers, and employees.
- Is respectful toward employees.
- Facilitates conversations where each person can be heard.
- Effectively resolves internal employee and/or organizational conflicts through knowledge of management techniques.
- Is clear about the expectations that employees will be held accountable for.
- Oversees employees to make sure their work is performed up to standard.
- Encourages employees to take responsibility for mistakes.
- Provides clear expectations of outcomes during performance reviews.
- Makes sure employees are accomplishing important objectives.
- Makes sure employees are working toward goals set by the company.
- Makes sure employees complete the work on time.
- Ensures employees know what they need to complete during the shift.
- Holds employees accountable for work assignments.
- Fosters a culture of personal responsibility and accountability.
- Holds others accountable for their work and job performance.
- Holds others accountable for completing tasks on time.
- Considers diverse perspectives during the disciplinary process.
- Enforces workplace rules fairly.
- Uses persuasion rather than threats of disciplinary action.
- Intervenes immediately if disciplinary action is warranted.
- Emphasizes constructive discipline strategies, prioritizing the development and feedback of employees over punitive measures.
- Implements disciplinary policy in accordance with the union contract
- Is diligent about properly documenting disciplinary actions.
- Uses disciplinary measures with the intent to guide and improve behavior, rather than to seek retribution.
- Maintains disciplinary policy and fair enforcement of work rules
- Willing to consider a spectrum of disciplinary measures, ranging from formal warnings to unpaid leave.
- Is fair and equitable in enforcement of work rules.
- Is consistent in disciplinary/corrective actions.
Performance Management
- Conducts regular performance management sessions.
- Uses metrics and benchmarks established by the department.
- Is diligent about completing performance assessments on time.
- Provides timely and thorough performance evaluations of employees.
- Completes assessments in a timely manner.
- Measures job performance fairly using established criteria.
- Reviews performance against established measures.
- Understands the importance of good performance management.
- Schedules follow up meetings if employee's performance is below average.
- Performs thorough and timely employee performance appraisals.
- Maximizes the performance of employees.
- Provides constructive, ongoing feedback.
- Offers constructive feedback to facilitate performance improvement.
- Provides useful and constructive feedback to employees.
- Gives feedback that includes both a recognition of the employee's strengths and areas where the employee could do better.
- Provides feedback that is aligned with performance expectations.
- Meets with employees at the end of the job to debrief them.
- Provides feedback referencing specific instances or examples of behaviors.
- Provides detailed feedback to employees.
- Conducts regular progress meetings to ensure adherence to the schedule.
- Gives employees feedback on a regular basis.
- Responds positively to innovative ideas and suggestions from subordinates.
Rewards and Recognition
- Appropriately recognizes and rewards employees.
- Offers non-monetary rewards as incentives for employees.
- Effectively uses rewards to help motivate employees.
- Recognizes those who have exceeded expectations.
- Recognizes when employees have completed major milestones.
- Recognizes and rewards excellent employees.
Conflict Resolution
- Resolves personnel problems quickly and effectively.
- Successful in resolving personnel conflicts.
- Effective in resolving conflicts to mutual satisfaction of the parties.
- Speaks to all employees involved to get a complete picture of the situation.
- Successfully mediates conflicts between employees.
- Spends time to actively listen to the grievance.
- Resolves disputes in a way that quickly reaches mutual agreement.
- Always remains calm and professional even in stressful situations.
- Maintains a calm demeanor when addressing stressful issues in the workplace.
- Is able to manage emotions during difficult times.
- Is a calming force during stressful periods.
- Adopts a measured approach to resolving workplace issues, ensuring that actions are not taken hastily.
- Able to remain calm in tense situations.
- Maintains an even temper in stressful situations.
- Promotes teamwork and cooperation within the department.
- Enhances teamwork through good supervision.
- Uses the team to its fullest capacity.
- Motivates and inspires high performance by team members.
- Facilitates team members working well together.
- Encourages teamwork.
- Provides good supervision for the team.
- Supports team members who are working on difficult projects.
Leads by Example
- Leads others through their commitment to the department.
- Others emulate this supervisor's enthusiasm for work.
- Sets a good example for others to follow.
- Has a strong work ethic that inspires others.
- Exemplifies professionalism in the workplace.
- Shows consistency between what they say and do.
- Contributes to a productive work environment for the team.
- Fosters a positive work environment in the department.
- Demonstrates exemplary work performance that others should follow.
Employee Opinion Survey Items
Supervisory skills are invaluable assets to any organization, driving performance, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that the department/team efforts are aligned with the organization's vision and goals.
Delegation and Empowerment
- I do not feel micro-managed.
- Employees are allowed to make their own decisions
- Managers are effective in delegating assignments
- Assignments are delegated to employees according to seniority
- Tasks are assigned fairly
- Tasks are assigned to the right employees based on their skill level
- Employees are given the ability to complete their tasks as they see fit
- Our department follows the company standard procedures for allocating assignments
- Supervisors delegate work effectively
- My supervisor is effective in delegating assignments
- My supervisor motivates others through persuasion rather than coercion
- Employees have the autonomy to perform the assigned tasks
- Tasks are delegated to employees according to their skills (skill level)
- Tasks are regularly assigned based on seniority
- Supervisors are able to motivate others through persuasion rather than coercion
- Employees are empowered to make their own decisions in the field
- Managers follow the company standard procedures for allocating assignments
- My co-workers are able to work without excessive supervision and guidance
Coaching and Development
- I receive adequate supervision
- My supervisor provides direction and coaching to employees
- Supervisors determine the training and development needs of employees and staff
- Supervisors provide direction and coaching to employees
- Managers identify and maximize opportunities for continuing education for employees
- Supervisors offer instructions and guidance to subordinates
- Supervisors seek to enhance the performance of employees under their supervision
- I receive the training on equipment as needed
- Managers seek to provide effective training and development opportunities for their employees
- Supervisors determine the training and development needs of employees and staff
- Supervisors instructs employees on the proper (or safest) way to perform tasks
- Managers encourage employees to achieve their full potential
- Managers coach and mentor others to achieve higher performance levels
- Supervisors demonstrate empathy, respect, and openness to employees
- Supervisors coach subordinates in how to make good decisions
- My supervisor provides guidance and support to help employees achieve their goals
- I am given clear instructions and objectives.
- Managers convey instructions, directives and guidelines to the employees
- Supervisors ask employees for their input in decisions that may directly affect the team
- My supervisor communicates effectively to avoid issues, conflicts and errors on the job
- Supervisors in my department communicate effectively with employees
- Leaders here communicate effectively with employees
- Supervisors communicate on a daily basis with the team at the start of each shift
- I feel supervisors facilitate open communication between employees
- Our department facilitates open communication between employees
- In my department, supervisors foster an environment that supports open communication
- Supervisors communicate equally well with all employees
- My supervisor listens to the concerns of employees
- Supervisors set clear expectations for acceptable performance
- My supervisor listens to others
- Managers ask employees for their ideas and opinions
- Supervisors communicate the goals and expectations for the team
- I am informed of what tasks need to be completed on each shift
- My supervisor asks me for my ideas and opinions
- Managers are open to listening to others
- My supervisor knows the best ways to communicate effectively with different types of employees
- My manager is clear when assigning tasks to be completed
Decision Making
- Managers set the objectives to be completed for the shift
- Supervisors make decisions based on all relevant information
- The team lead is effective in deciding which team members are assigned to each job
- My supervisor decides what supplies need to be purchased
- Supervisors determine appropriate staffing levels for the job
- Supervisors determine when the job is satisfactorily completed
- Supervisors decide the best approach for addressing issues that arise on the job
- My supervisor is fair in determining which team members are to be promoted to the next higher level
- Supervisors are effective in deciding how the supplies are to be allocated on the job site
- I feel my supervisor decides the best approach to perform jobs that have some level of risk
- Supervisors effectively determine which issues need immediate attention
- Supervisors are effective in deciding the order that tasks need to be completed
- My supervisor works well with the team members
- In our department, supervisors have the confidence and trust of employees
- Supervisors are aware of the unique strengths of each employee
- In our department, supervisors encourage good working relationships between employees
- At our company, managers treats all staff equitably
- My manager is respectful toward employees
- Supervisors maintain professional interactions with peers, customers, and employees
- Supervisors value the opinions of subordinates
- Managers are sought after for advice in a variety of situations
- Supervisors in our department are respectful toward employees
- Managers facilitate conversations where each person can be heard
- I feel supervisors demonstrate empathy, respect, and openness to employees
- Managers have a high degree of multi-cultural competence to supervise individuals of various cultural backgrounds
- In our company, managers effectively resolve internal employee and/or organizational conflicts through knowledge of management techniques
- Supervisors maintain good working relationships with employees
- Managers provide clear expectations of outcomes during performance reviews
- Supervisors ensure employees know what they need to complete during the shift
- Staff are accountable for their work and job performance
- Employees are held accountable for completing work assignments on time
- Supervisors in our department set clear expectations about what employees will be held accountable for
- Supervisors make sure employees are working toward goals set by the company
- Managers in our department make sure employees are accomplishing important objectives
- Employees are held accountable for assignments
- My manager oversees employees to make sure their work is performed up to standard
- Supervisors encourage employees to take responsibility for mistakes
- My supervisor makes sure employees complete the work on time
- My supervisor fosters a culture of personal responsibility and accountability
- In our department, supervisors use disciplinary measures with the intent to guide and improve behavior, rather than to seek retribution
- My supervisor is fair and equitable in enforcement of work rules
- Supervisors in my department will intervene immediately if disciplinary action is warranted
- My department maintains a disciplinary policy and fair enforcement of work rules
- In our department, supervisors enforce workplace rules fairly
- My supervisor is consistent in administering disciplinary/corrective actions
- Supervisors emphasize constructive discipline strategies, prioritizing the development and feedback of employees over punitive measures
- My supervisor uses persuasion rather than threats of disciplinary action
- My supervisor implements disciplinary policy in accordance with the union contract
- Supervisors are diligent about properly documenting disciplinary actions
- My supervisor considers diverse perspectives during the disciplinary process
- Supervisor in the department are willing to consider a spectrum of disciplinary measures, ranging from formal warnings to unpaid leave
Performance Management
- Supervisors understand the importance of good performance management
- Managers in our department maximize the performance of employees
- The manager is consistent in disciplinary/corrective actions
- Supervisors in our department provide timely and thorough performance evaluations of employees
- Supervisors provide timely and thorough performance evaluations of employees
- Supervisors complete assessments in a timely manner
- Supervisors conduct regular performance management sessions
- Supervisors use metrics and benchmarks established by the department
- Supervisors perform thorough and timely employee performance appraisals
- Supervisors in my department are diligent about completing performance assessments on time
- Supervisors will schedule follow up meetings if employee's performance is below average
- Managers measure job performance fairly using established criteria
- In our department, supervisors maximize the performance of employees
- Supervisors review performance against established measures
- I trust the feedback I receive from My Supervisor
- I receive feedback quickly if my performance is below expectations
- Supervisors provide useful and constructive feedback to employees
- Supervisors give employees feedback on a regular basis
- Supervisors provide constructive and ongoing feedback
- My manager responds positively to innovative ideas and suggestions from subordinates
- In our department, supervisors give feedback that includes both a recognition of the employee's strengths and areas where the employee could do better
- Managers conduct regular progress meetings to ensure adherence to the schedule
- Managers provide detailed feedback to employees
- At the company, supervisors offer constructive feedback to facilitate performance improvement
- Managers respond positively to innovative ideas and suggestions from subordinates
- Supervisors meet with employees at the end of the job to debrief them
- Managers provide feedback referencing specific instances or examples of behaviors
- Managers regularly complete performance assessments in a timely manner
- My supervisor provides feedback that is aligned with performance expectations
- I receive constructive feedback from My Supervisor
Rewards and Recognition
- Managers effectively use rewards to help motivate employees
- Managers recognize those who have exceeded expectations
- Supervisors in our department offer non-monetary rewards as incentives for employees
- Supervisors appropriately recognize and reward employees
- Supervisors recognize when employees have completed major milestones
- Managers recognize and reward excellent employees
Conflict Resolution
- Managers resolve personnel problems quickly and effectively
- Supervisors resolve disputes in a way that quickly reaches mutual agreement
- I feel supervisors are effective in resolving conflicts to mutual satisfaction of the parties
- I feel supervisors are successful in resolving personnel conflicts
- My manager speaks to all employees involved to get a complete picture of the situation
- My supervisor spends time to actively listen to the grievance
- Supervisors in my department successfully mediate conflicts between employees
- I feel supervisors here are a calming force during stressful periods
- Managers at the Company are able to control their emotions during difficult times
- Supervisors maintain a calm demeanor when addressing stressful issues in the workplace
- My manager adopts a measured approach to resolving workplace issues, ensuring that actions are not taken hastily
- Supervisors in our department remain calm in tense situations
- My supervisor always remains calm and professional even in stressful situations
- Managers maintain an even temper in stressful situations
- Supervisors support team members who are working on difficult projects
- I feel supervisors in our department enhance teamwork through good supervision
- Managers facilitate team members working well together
- Team leaders use the team to its fullest capacity
- Managers in our department encourage teamwork
- Supervisors motivate and inspire high performance by team members
- Supervisors provides good supervision for the team
- Supervisors promote teamwork and cooperation within the department
Leads by Example
- Managers set a good example for others to follow
- Supervisor here have a high degree of enthusiasm for their work
- Supervisors in my department exemplify professionalism in the workplace
- Managers show consistency between what they say and do
- Supervisors lead others through their commitment to the department
- Managers have a strong work ethic that inspires others
- I feel that managers here exemplify professionalism at work
My Supervisor
- I am treated fairly by My Supervisor.
- My Supervisor communicates the actions necessary for me to take to achieve organizational objectives
- I have a good relationship with my supervisor.
- My Supervisor trains subordinates to act independently in a variety of situations
- My immediate supervisor seeks out my ideas and opinions.
My Supervisor Items
- My supervisor is approachable and easy to talk with
- My Supervisor asks employees for their ideas and opinions
- My Supervisor listens to me
- My Supervisor fosters an environment that supports open communication
- My Supervisor facilitates open communication between employees
- My Supervisor communicates effectively with employees
- My supervisor understands me
- My Supervisor keeps me informed about important issues
- My Supervisor is willing to listen to my ideas
- My Supervisor helps me to understand how I am doing
- My immediate supervisor is available to me when I have questions or need help.
Gives Feedback
- My Supervisor responds positively to innovative ideas and suggestions from subordinates
- My Supervisor provides useful and constructive feedback to employees
- My Supervisor provides constructive and ongoing feedback
- My Supervisor conducts regular progress meetings to ensure adherence to the schedule
- My Supervisor gives employees feedback on a regular basis
- My Supervisor provides detailed feedback to employees
- My Supervisor completes performance assessments in a timely manner
- My Supervisor praises me for a job well done
- My Supervisor gives me constructive feedback
- My Supervisor is honest and fair in my performance review
Interpersonal Skills
- My immediate supervisor sets a good example.
- My Supervisor has excellent interpersonal skills
- My Supervisor demonstrates a high level of professionalism and integrity
- The relationship between me and my direct supervisor is excellent.
- My Supervisor is effective in dealing with pressure and remaining calm under adverse conditions
- My Supervisor is fair and honest
- My Supervisor treats others with fairness
- My immediate supervisor is effective in building and maintaining working relationships with his/her team.
Supports Innovation and Iniative
- My Supervisor encourages me to take initiative in my job
- My Supervisor supports me in developing new products
- My Supervisor encourages innovative ideas
- My Supervisor motivates others to follow new processes
- My Supervisor establishes responsibility and accountability in their subordinates
- My Supervisor assigns tasks appropriately
- My Supervisor assigns the right work to the right employees
- My Supervisor is effective in delegating assignments
- My Supervisor delegates tasks to employees according to their skills (skill level)
- My Supervisor follows the company standard procedures for allocating assignments
- My immediate supervisor is effective in involving his/her employees in solving the problems we face as a unit.
- My immediate supervisor delegates work effectively.
- My Supervisor involves me in important decisions
- My Supervisor is open to suggestions
- My Supervisor tries to learn new things
- My Supervisor capitalizes on opportunities to grow and develop
- My Supervisor supports my efforts to seek relevant job training
- My Supervisor views mistakes as opportunities to learn
Rewards and Recognition
- My Supervisor recognizes and rewards excellent employees
- My Supervisor recognizes those who have exceeded expectations
- My Supervisor recognizes when employees have completed major milestones
- My Supervisor effectively uses rewards to help motivate employees
- My Supervisor appropriately recognizes and rewards employees
- My Supervisor offers non-monetary rewards as incentives for employees
Staffing and Hiring
- My Supervisor is good at building a staff of creative and innovative individuals
- My Supervisor can assess the unique talents and training of their employees
- My Supervisor is effective in maximizing the potential of employees
- My Supervisor is good at determining staffing needs
Achieves Objectives
- My Supervisor has high technical skills
- My Supervisor is able to manage time effectively
- My Supervisor uses information and technical resources to achieve objectives
- My Supervisor is aware of the quality standards used
- My Supervisor is comfortable using analytic techniques to solve problems
- My Supervisor is a skilled negotiator
- My Supervisor understands the geo-political business environment
- My Supervisor continually seeks new and innovative ways of doing things
- My Supervisor helps me to stay focused on the job
- My Supervisor has helped in my career development
- My Supervisor provides direction and coaching to employees
- My Supervisor demonstrates empathy, respect, and openness to employees
- My Supervisor encourages employees to achieve their full potential
- My Supervisor identifies and maximizes opportunities for continuing education for employees
- My Supervisor coaches and mentors others to achieve higher performance levels
- My Supervisor determines the training and development needs of employees and staff
- My Supervisor seeks to provide effective training and development opportunities for employees
- My Supervisor seeks to enhance the performance of employees under their supervision
- My Supervisor remains calm during organizational changes
- My Supervisor has a positive attitude when new changes are implemented
- My Supervisor provides clear expectations of outcomes during performance reviews
- My Supervisor holds employees accountable for work assignments
- My Supervisor is consistent in disciplinary/corrective actions
- My Supervisor holds staff accountable for their work and job performance
- My Supervisor holds staff accountable for completing tasks on time
Performance Management
- My Supervisor conducts regular performance management sessions
- My Supervisor performs thorough and timely employee performance appraisals
- My Supervisor provides timely and thorough performance evaluations of employees
- My Supervisor understands the importance of good performance management
- My Supervisor schedules follow up meetings if employee's performance is below average
- My Supervisor maximizes the performance of employees
- My Supervisor is not afraid to take disciplinary action when needed
- My Supervisor maintains good working relationships with employees
- My Supervisor values the opinions of subordinates
- My Supervisor maintains the confidence and trust of employees
- My Supervisor encourages good working relationships between employees
- My Supervisor has a high degree of multi-cultural competence to supervise individuals of various cultural backgrounds
- My Supervisor treats all staff equitably
- My Supervisor is respectful toward employees
- My Supervisor is aware of the unique strengths of each employee
- My Supervisor facilitates conversations where each person can be heard
- My Supervisor is sought after for advice in a variety of situations
- My Supervisor effectively resolves internal employee and/or organizational conflicts through knowledge of management techniques
- My Supervisor enhances teamwork through good supervision
- My Supervisor motivates and inspires high performance by team members
- My Supervisor promotes teamwork and cooperation within the department
- My Supervisor supports team members who are working on difficult projects
- My Supervisor facilitates team members working well together
- My Supervisor encourages teamwork
- My Supervisor provides good supervision for the team
- My Supervisor uses the team to its fullest capacity
Conflict Resolution
- My Supervisor effectively resolves employee problems and labor issues
- My Supervisor is effective in resolving conflicts to mutual satisfaction of the parties
- My Supervisor resolves personnel problems quickly and effectively
- My Supervisor resolves disputes in a way that quickly reaches mutual agreement
- My Supervisor is successful in resolving personnel conflicts
- My Supervisor maintains self-control in stressful situations
- My Supervisor maintains a calm demeanor when addressing stressful issues in the workplace
- My Supervisor is able to remain calm in tense situations
- My Supervisor is able to maintain an even temper in stressful situations
- My Supervisor is a calming force during stressful periods
- My Supervisor is able to manage emotions during difficult times
Leads by Example
- My Supervisor leads others through their commitment to the department
- My Supervisor has a strong work ethic that inspires others
- My Supervisor exemplifies professionalism in the workplace
- My Supervisor shows consistency between what they say and do
- Others emulate my supervisor's enthusiasm for work
- My Supervisor sets a good example for others to follow
Self-Assessment Items
Delegation and Empowerment
- You delegate effectively.
- I empower employees to perform the assigned tasks.
- I delegate assignments to employees according to seniority.
- I follow the company standard procedures for allocating assignments.
- I empower employees to make their own decisions in the field.
- You give employees the ability to complete their tasks as they see fit.
- I oversee the work of a group of employees.
- You are able to motivate others through persuasion rather than coercion.
- I assign tasks appropriately.
- I allow employees to make their own decisions.
- You are effective in delegating assignments.
- You assign the right work to the right employees.
- You delegate tasks to employees according to their skills (skill level).
Coaching and Development
- You encourage employees to achieve your full potential.
- I instruct employees on the safest way to perform tasks.
- You determine the training and development needs of employees and staff.
- You identify and maximize opportunities for continuing education for employees.
- I introduce targeted training and development initiatives to address and elevate subpar performance.
- I seek to enhance the performance of employees under my supervision.
- I provide guidance and support to help employees achieve their goals.
- I offer instructions and guidance to subordinates.
- You provide direction and coaching to employees.
- I provide training on equipment as needed.
- I coach subordinates in how to make good decisions.
- I instruct employees on the proper way to perform tasks.
- I coach and mentor others to achieve higher performance levels.
- You seek to provide effective training and development opportunities for employees.
- You communicate effectively to avoid issues, conflicts and errors on the job.
- I listen to the concerns of employees.
- I am clear when assigning tasks to be completed.
- I ask employees for their input in decisions that directly affects the team.
- I inform employees of what tasks need to be completed on each shift.
- I know the best ways to communicate effectively with different types of employees.
- I communicate effectively with employees.
- You set clear expectations for acceptable performance.
- I communicate the goals and expectations for the team.
- You facilitate open communication between employees.
- I ask employees for their ideas and opinions.
- You foster an environment that supports open communication.
- I convey instructions, directives and guidelines to the employees.
- I listen to others.
- I communicate equally well with all employees.
- You communicate on a daily basis with the team at the start of each shift.
Decision Making
- You make decisions based on all relevant information.
- You effectively determines which issues need immediate attention.
- You decide the best approach for addressing issues that arise on the job.
- I decide the order that tasks need to be completed.
- You decide which team members are assigned to each job.
- I decide what supplies need to be purchased.
- I determine which team members are to be promoted to the next higher level.
- You set the objectives to be completed for the shift.
- You determine appropriate staffing levels for the job.
- I determine when the job is satisfactorily completed.
- I decide how the supplies are to be allocated on the job site.
- You decide the best approach to perform jobs that have some level of risk.
- You are aware of the unique strengths of each employee.
- You maintain good working relationships with employees.
- You treat all staff equitably.
- I have a high degree of multi-cultural competence to supervise individuals of various cultural backgrounds.
- You encourage good working relationships between employees.
- I facilitate conversations where each person can be heard.
- I demonstrate empathy, respect, and openness to employees.
- I value the opinions of subordinates.
- You are respectful toward employees.
- I work well with the team members.
- I am sought after for advice in a variety of situations.
- I maintain the confidence and trust of employees.
- I maintain professional interactions with peers, customers, and employees.
- You effectively resolve internal employee and/or organizational conflicts through knowledge of management techniques.
- I am clear about the expectations that employees will be held accountable for.
- I provide clear expectations of outcomes during performance reviews.
- You encourage employees to take responsibility for their mistakes.
- I hold employees accountable for work assignments.
- I oversee employees to make sure their work is performed up to standard.
- I make sure employees are working toward goals set by the company.
- I make sure employees complete the work on time.
- I foster a culture of personal responsibility and accountability.
- You ensure employees know what they need to complete during the shift.
- I make sure employees are accomplishing important objectives.
- You hold others accountable for completing tasks on time.
- You hold others accountable for your work and job performance.
- I consider diverse perspectives during the disciplinary process.
- I emphasize constructive discipline strategies, prioritizing the development and feedback of employees over punitive measures.
- I maintain disciplinary policies and fair enforcement of work rules
- I am willing to consider a spectrum of disciplinary measures, ranging from formal warnings to unpaid leave.
- You intervene immediately if disciplinary action is warranted.
- I use disciplinary measures with the intent to guide and improve behavior, rather than to seek retribution.
- You use persuasion rather than threats of disciplinary action.
- I am diligent about properly documenting disciplinary actions.
- I am fair and equitable in enforcement of work rules.
- I implement disciplinary policy in accordance with the union contract
- You enforce workplace rules fairly.
- You are consistent in disciplinary/corrective actions.
Performance Management
- I understand the importance of good performance management.
- I conduct regular performance management sessions.
- You review performance against established measures.
- I am diligent about completing performance assessments on time.
- You complete assessments in a timely manner.
- I measure job performance fairly using established criteria.
- I schedule follow up meetings if employee's performance is below average.
- I use metrics and benchmarks established by the department.
- You provide timely and thorough performance evaluations of employees.
- You maximize the performance of employees.
- You perform thorough and timely employee performance appraisals.
- You provide constructive, ongoing feedback.
- You provide useful and constructive feedback to employees.
- I meet with employees at the end of the job to debrief them.
- I give feedback that includes both a recognition of the employee's strengths and areas where the employee could do better.
- I provide feedback that is aligned with performance expectations.
- I provide detailed feedback to employees.
- I provide feedback referencing specific instances or examples of behaviors.
- I conduct regular progress meetings to ensure adherence to the schedule.
- You offer constructive feedback to facilitate performance improvement.
- You respond positively to innovative ideas and suggestions from subordinates.
- You give employees feedback on a regular basis.
Rewards and Recognition
- You appropriately recognize and reward employees.
- I am effective in using rewards to help motivate employees.
- I recognize when employees have completed major milestones.
- I recognize those who have exceeded expectations.
- I offer non-monetary rewards as incentives for employees.
- You recognize and reward excellent employees.
Conflict Resolution
- You resolve personnel problems quickly and effectively.
- I spend time to actively listen to the grievance.
- I successfully mediate conflicts between employees.
- I speak to all employees involved to get a complete picture of the situation.
- I am successful in resolving personnel conflicts.
- I resolve disputes in a way that quickly reaches mutual agreement.
- I am effective in resolving conflicts to mutual satisfaction of the parties.
- I maintain a calm demeanor when addressing stressful issues in the workplace.
- I am a calming force during stressful periods.
- I am able to remain calm in tense situations.
- You are able to manage emotions during difficult times.
- I adopt a measured approach to resolving workplace issues, ensuring that actions are not taken hastily.
- You maintain an even temper in stressful situations.
- I always remain calm and professional even in stressful situations.
- You promote teamwork and cooperation within the department.
- You facilitate team members working well together.
- You motivate and inspires high performance by team members.
- I use the team to its fullest capacity.
- I enhance teamwork through good supervision.
- I encourage teamwork.
- I support team members who are working on difficult projects.
- I provide good supervision for the team.
Leads by Example
- I set a good example for others to follow.
- I have a strong work ethic that inspires others.
- Others emulate my enthusiasm for work.
- I show consistency between what I say and do.
- I exemplify professionalism in the workplace.
- I lead others through my commitment to the department.
- You foster a positive work environment in the department.
- You demonstrate exemplary work performance that others should follow.
- I contribute to a productive work environment for the team.
Job Application
Delegation and Empowerment
- Explain how you give employees the ability to complete their tasks as they see fit.
- Have you delegated assignments to employees according to seniority?
- How do you delegate assignments?
- Do you delegate tasks to employees according to their skills (skill level)?
- How are you able to motivate others through persuasion rather than coercion?
- How do you assign tasks appropriately?
- How do you assign the right work to the right employees?
- Describe how and when you allow employees to make their own decisions.
- Describe how you oversee the work of a group of employees.
- Explain how you empower employees to make their own decisions in the field.
- Do you empower employees to perform the assigned tasks?
- Do you follow the company standard procedures for allocating assignments?
Coaching and Development
- Explain how you provide guidance and support to help employees achieve their goals.
- Have you provided direction and coaching to employees?
- How would you instruct employees on the proper way to perform tasks?
- Are you able to provide training on equipment as needed?
- Describe how you would instruct employees on the safest way to perform tasks.
- Describe how you would seek to enhance the performance of employees under your supervision.
- How would you introduce targeted training and development initiatives to address and elevate subpar performance?
- Explain how you would encourage employees to achieve their full potential.
- How do you determine the training and development needs of employees and staff?
- Do you feel you have been able to provide effective training and development opportunities for employees? Explain.
- Describe how you would coach subordinates on how to make good decisions.
- Did you offer instructions and guidance to subordinates?
- How do you identify and maximize opportunities for continuing education for employees?
- Explain how you coach and mentor others to achieve higher performance levels.
- Explain how you listen to the concerns of employees.
- Do you communicate equally well with all employees? Explain.
- Describe how you would communicate the goals and expectations for the team.
- How do you set clear expectations for acceptable performance?
- How do you ask employees for their ideas and opinions?
- How would you convey instructions, directives and guidelines to the employees?
- What steps do you take to make sure you are clear when assigning tasks to be completed?
- Did you inform employees of what tasks needed to be completed on each shift?
- Do you communicate on a daily basis with the team at the start of each shift?
- How do you facilitate open communication between employees?
- Explain how you communicate effectively to avoid issues, conflicts and errors on the job.
- Describe how you would foster an environment that supports open communication.
- Do you ask employees for their input in decisions that may directly affect the team?
- Do you always listen to others?
- Describe the best ways to communicate effectively with different types of employees?
- Do you feel you communicate effectively with employees?
Decision Making
- What is the best approach to perform jobs that have some level of risk?
- How do you ensure you make decisions based on all relevant information?
- How would you set the objectives to be completed for the shift?
- Describe how you would determine which team members are to be promoted to the next higher level?
- How do you decide what supplies need to be purchased?
- How do you decide the order that tasks need to be completed?
- Explain how you decide the best approach for addressing issues that arise on the job.
- Explain how you would decide which team members are assigned to each job.
- How do you know when a job is satisfactorily completed?
- How do you effectively determine which issues need immediate attention?
- How do you decide what supplies are to be allocated on the job site?
- What factors determine the appropriate staffing levels for the job?
- Do you have a high degree of multi-cultural competence to supervise individuals of various cultural backgrounds? Explain.
- How do you demonstrate empathy, respect, and openness to employees?
- What do you do to maintain the confidence and trust of employees?
- How do you become aware of the unique strengths of each employee?
- Do you value the opinions of subordinates? Explain.
- How do you maintain professional interactions with peers, customers, and employees?
- Explain how you would facilitate conversations where each person can be heard?
- Describe how you would resolve internal employee and/or organizational conflicts through knowledge of management techniques.
- Explain how you treat all staff equitably?
- Have you worked well with your team members? Explain.
- Have you maintained good working relationships with employees? Explain.
- Do others seek you for advice in a variety of situations? Give examples.
- Describe how you ensure that you are respectful toward employees.
- How would you encourage good working relationships between employees?
- How do you encourage employees to take responsibility for mistakes?
- Explain how you would oversee employees to make sure their work is performed up to standard.
- How would you provide clear expectations of outcomes during performance reviews?
- How do you foster a culture of personal responsibility and accountability?
- Describe how you would hold employees accountable for work assignments.
- Give examples of how you hold others accountable for their work and job performance.
- How do you make sure employees complete the work on time?
- How do you make sure employees are accomplishing important objectives?
- Describe how you are clear about the expectations that employees will be held accountable for.
- Describe how you would make sure that employees are working toward goals set by the company.
- Explain how you ensure employees know what they need to complete during the shift.
- Do you hold others accountable for completing tasks on time?
- How would you emphasize constructive discipline strategies, prioritizing the development and feedback of employees over punitive measures?
- Describe how and when you are willing to consider a spectrum of disciplinary measures, ranging from formal warnings to unpaid leave?
- Explain how you would use persuasion rather than threats of disciplinary action.
- How would you implement disciplinary policy in accordance with the union contract?
- Explain what steps you take to make sure you are consistent in disciplinary/corrective actions.
- Would you intervene immediately if disciplinary action is warranted?
- Are you diligent about properly documenting disciplinary actions? Explain.
- Are you fair and equitable in enforcement of work rules? Explain.
- How would you consider the diverse perspectives of individuals during the disciplinary process?
- How do you maintain disciplinary policy and fair enforcement of work rules?
- Describe how you enforce workplace rules.
- Describe how you would use disciplinary measures with the intent to guide and improve behavior, rather than to seek retribution.
Performance Management
- Do you provide timely and thorough performance evaluations of employees?
- What is the importance of good performance management?
- Have you had to schedule follow up meetings if employee's performance was below average? Explain.
- Are you diligent about completing performance assessments on time?
- Describe how you perform thorough and timely employee performance appraisals.
- How do you maximize the performance of employees?
- Explain how you would measure job performance fairly using established criteria.
- Do you conduct regular performance management sessions?
- What metrics and benchmarks were established by the department?
- Do you review performance against established measures?
- Have you completed performance assessments in a timely manner?
- Describe how and when you conduct regular progress meetings to ensure adherence to the schedule.
- Explain how you would offer constructive feedback to facilitate performance improvement.
- How do you provide feedback that is aligned with performance expectations?
- Explain how you would provides useful and constructive feedback to employees.
- Have you provided detailed feedback to employees? Explain.
- Describe how you would provide feedback. Reference specific instances or examples.
- Do you meet with employees at the end of the job to debrief them?
- Do you give feedback that includes both a recognition of the employee's strengths and areas where the employee could do better?
- Describe how you provide constructive, ongoing feedback.
- Do you give employees feedback on a regular basis? Elaborate.
- Have you responded positively to innovative ideas and suggestions from subordinates? Explain.
Rewards and Recognition
- Explain how you would recognize those who have exceeded expectations.
- Do you recognize and reward excellent employees? If so, how and when?
- Describe how you would recognize when employees have completed major milestones.
- Have you effectively used rewards to help motivate employees?
- How and when do you recognize and reward employees?
- Have you offered non-monetary rewards as incentives for employees?
Conflict Resolution
- Have you successfully mediated conflicts between employees? Explain.
- Do you resolve disputes in a way that quickly reaches mutual agreement?
- How would you resolve personnel problems quickly and effectively?
- Are you effective in resolving conflicts to mutual satisfaction of the parties?
- How do you get a complete picture of the situation? Who do you talk to?
- Have you been successful in resolving personnel conflicts? Explain.
- Describe how you would spend time to actively listen to the grievance.
- Describe how you would maintain a calm demeanor when addressing stressful issues in the workplace.
- Would others describe you as a calming force during stressful periods?
- Do you always remains calm and professional even in stressful situations?
- Explain how you maintain an even temper in stressful situations.
- Do you feel you are able to remain calm in tense situations? Give an example of when this happened.
- How do you take a measured approach to resolving workplace issues, ensuring that actions are not taken hastily?
- Explain how you are able to manage emotions during difficult times.
- Describe how you would facilitate team members working well together.
- Explain how you would enhance teamwork through good supervision.
- How do you support team members who are working on difficult projects?
- Explain how you use the team to its fullest capacity.
- What promotes teamwork and cooperation within the department?
- How do you provides good supervision for the team?
- What motivates and inspires high performance by team members?
- How do you encourage teamwork?
Leads by Example
- Do you have a strong work ethic that inspires others? Can you give examples?
- Do others emulate your enthusiasm for work?
- What exemplifies professionalism in the workplace?
- How do you lead others through your commitment to the department?
- Do you set a good example for others to follow? Explain.
- Give examples of how you are able to show consistency between what you say and do?
- Do you foster a positive work environment in the department?
- How do you demonstrate exemplary work performance that others should follow?
- How do you contribute to a productive work environment for the team?