At HR-Survey, our services fall under 4 main categories

Employee Opinion/Climate Surveys

Sample Surveys
Dozens of examples.
Create Your Own
Create your own survey here with a preview of the result document.
Item Bank
Browse thousands of items.

360 Degree Feedback

Sample Surveys
Over a dozen example questionnaires for each competency.
Create Your Own
Create your own survey here with a preview of the result document.
Quick Survey
Create a quick draft of the survey here.
Item Bank
Browse thousands of items.
Competency Model
View dozens of competencies
Foreign Languages
We can work with you to develop questionnaires in any language.
Request an Account
Signup here to get started with your next survey project.
Use our Artificial Intelligence tool to find or build your next 360-Degree Feedback survey.

Performance Management Systems

Request an Account
We can work with you to create your Performance Management System

Training Needs Assessments

Sample Surveys
Dozens of examples