Employee Opinion Survey Items from HR-Survey.com
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Here is a list of general items:
The Company
Employees at the Company regularly share and exchange ideas
At the Company my opinions count
Communicating with Others
I can speak freely to my supervisor on a variety of topics
I am able to communicate freely with any employee
Co-workers share information and new ideas throughout the company
Co-Workers are willing to listen to my ideas
My Supervisor
My Supervisor keeps me informed about important issues
My Supervisor is willing to listen to my ideas
There is good communication between me and my supervisor
My Supervisor listens to me
My Supervisor works to improve communications in all directions
I know what is expected of me at work
I have enough information to do my job well
My Manager
Managers communicate frequently and honestly about issues affecting employees
Managers keep me informed and up-to-date
Meetings are usually chaired by competent and articulate individuals who can effectively communicate ideas and information
My Manager is available to me when I have questions or need help
Leadership at the Company communicates frequently with employees
The company does an excellent job communicating changes or decisions that affect employees.
Values, Goals, Objectives
Goals, objectives, and strategies are clearly communicated.
I am satisfied with my own communication and interpersonal skills.
The company directors give staff a clear picture of the direction in which the Company is headed
Between Departments
There are no barriers to open and efficient communication
Communication is good between departments.
Decision Making
I am involved in important decisions that affect me
My Supervisor
My Supervisor considers the opinions of others before making important decisions
My Supervisor consults with others before making decisions
Senior Management discusses issues and ideas with employees before making major changes
I am comfortable using technology to assist in decision making
Data Driven
Effectiveness of processes and programs is based on facts and data gathered from reliable sources
Problem Solving
My Department
My Department focuses on solving problems instead of finding fault
My Department anticipates and resolves problems
My Department works toward solving problems, not assigning blame
Seeks the Root Cause
Leaders identify problems, collect information from various sources, and synthesize that information into effective solutions
We work together to solve problems
Problems are solved at the root cause, not just at the symptom level
We work to anticipate problems and develop appropriate solutions
Job Content and Design
I am clear on my job expectations and role
I know what is expected of my in my job
My Supervisor
I know what My Supervisor expects of me
My Supervisor adjusts my responsibilities to meet the needs of the organization more effectively
My Supervisor knows my job and what I do for the Company
My Department
In My Department, the workload is evenly distributed
My Job
My Job makes effective use of my skills and abilities
My job description accurately reflects what I do on a daily basis
My Job is important to the Company
Job Satisfaction
The Company
I enjoy working at the Company
I am proud to tell others I work for the Company
I feel satisfied at the Company
I can see how I contribute to the Company bottom line
I am made to feel that I am an important part of the Company
Personal Satisfaction
I receive personal satisfaction from doing a good job
My job is rewarding
I get a sense of personal accomplishment from my work
I like my job
I enjoy coming to work
Friends and Co-Workers
I have good working relationships with my co-workers
My Department
I feel good about working in My Department
The Survey
I feel that this Employee Opinion survey will help the Company measure satisfaction of employees
The Company
The Company always acts in an ethical manner
My Supervisor
My Supervisor demonstrates a high level of professionalism and integrity
My Supervisor would never ask me to do anything unethical
My Department
Employees in My Department demonstrate professionalism through technical knowledge and skills
My Department carries out its roles in a professional manner
Customer Service
Customers are treated with courtesy and respect
The Company
The Company is willing to accept change
What I can do
I am able to take on new tasks
I can step in for co-workers when needed
Managers encourage employees to adjust to changing situations through innovation and creativity
Management is able to adjust rapidly to new situations
My Department
My Department is effective in adjusting to changes
My Department is open to doing things a new way
Business Focus
The Company
The Company continues to grow and expand its services
The Company engages in various initiatives to focus on its business strategy
The Leadership
The Leadership understands the different business climates in which the Company operates
My co-workers
My Co-Workers understand their job roles and functions and how they contribute to the success of the company
Setbacks are seen as challenges and opportunities to grow
The Company
The Company promotes teamwork
We work as a team at the Company
The Company implements procedures that help us work as a team
The organizational culture at the Company enhances teamwork
I feel I am part of the team
I feel confident in my team members
We work well together
Resolving Conflicts
Conflicts within the team are handled appropriately
Employees work together to share ideas and resolve issues
Team members are committed to the success of the Company
Team members take pride in their work
Our team is committed to successful completion of goals
My Department
My Department has a "team" spirit
In my Department, we work as a team
My Department works well together
My Manager
Leaders promote teamwork
Leaders encourage others to work as a team
Working Toward Goals and Objectives
Team members are working toward a common goal
Diversity and Individual Differences
Other team members will help me if I need help
Our team recognizes individual contributions
I am involved in decisions that affect my work
Information is freely shared among all team members
The Company
The Company leadership is able to achieve goals through effective planning and organization
The Company leadership knows what they are doing
The Company is effective in developing goals and integrating them into strategies for action
Openess and Communication
Leaders listen to and use feedback
The Leadership seeks input from others
Employee Engagement
The Leadership promotes team morale and builds organizational commitment
The Leadership makes me proud to be an employee of the Company
Leaders promote teamwork
Leaders encourage others to work as a team
Problem Solving and Decision Making
The Leadership is able to balance organizational, customer, and employee needs
Leadership exercises good judgment in setting the structure for the organization
Vision and Business Objectives
The Leadership sets priorities and goals
The Leadership sets the direction for the Company
The Leadership is committed to fostering a shared vision
The Leadership is focused on process improvement
Flexibility and Change
Leaders view mistakes as opportunities to learn
The Leadership is willing to change to meet new objectives
Managers establish responsibility and accountability among employees
Managers are held accountable for achieving results
Employee Empowerment
The managers involve us in decisions affecting our work
Managers empower employees to make effective decisions
Creating a Positive Work Environment
The management at the Company cares about employees
Esprit de Corps
Managers are able to motivate their staff
Managers create a sense of teamwork and company spirit
Managing Employees
The management at the Company has a good understand of my work environment and processes
Managers understand what motivates employees
Managers encourage initiative
Managers are effective in putting the right people in the right places
Managers pay attention to workplace safety
Ethics and Integrity
Management does what is right and ethical
Competent and Skilled
Managers know what they are doing
Managers are skilled and trained in the various systems to help employees when needed
Managers continually monitor the workforce to ensure ongoing employee development and process improvement
Management is able to adjust rapidly to new situations
Models Values
Management values are consistent with organizational values
Managers have a clear understanding of the Company strategic objectives and vision
The managers keep us informed about issues at the Company
I feel managers value honest and candid feedback
Managers help create a dialog with employees
Level of Supervision
I am given clear instructions and objectives.
I do not feel micro-managed.
My Supervisor
I am treated fairly by My Supervisor.
My Supervisor communicates the actions necessary for me to take to achieve organizational objectives
I receive constructive feedback from My Supervisor
I trust the feedback I receive from My Supervisor
My Supervisor is willing to listen to my ideas
My Supervisor keeps me informed about important issues
Gives Feedback
My Supervisor gives me constructive feedback
My Supervisor is honest and fair in my performance review
My Supervisor praises me for a job well done
Interpersonal Skills
My Supervisor is fair and honest
My Supervisor demonstrates a high level of professionalism and integrity
My Supervisor treats others with fairness
My Supervisor is open to suggestions
My Supervisor tries to learn new things
Achieves Objectives
My Supervisor is able to manage time effectively
My Supervisor helps me to stay focused on the job
My Supervisor has helped in my career development
My Supervisor has a positive attitude when new changes are implemented
Career Development
There is opportunity for me to advance at the Company
My Supervisor
My Supervisor has given me good feedback on how I can advance my career at the Company
My Supervisor has taken an interest in my career development
Leaders are developed from within the Company
Opportunities for Promotion
I can advance at the Company
Career Paths
I have career opportunities available to me
Training and Development
The Company offers an excellent leadership development program
I am continuously learning and trying to improve myself.
Skills and Responsibilities
I am more efficient in my job now compared to when I started
I have been given more responsibilities since when I started
Merit and Fairness
There is equal opportunity for advancement at the Company
Job promotions are awarded fairly and without bias
Employee Development
Opportunities for Development
I have many opportunities to learn new things
I am continuously learning and trying to improve myself
The Company uses a systematic process for identifying employee development needs and implementing solutions
Support for Development
Employees are continually developed through training, education, and opportunities for promotion
Employees are encouraged to seek professional development
Employee Development is seen as a key to success rather than a cost to the Company
My Supervisor coaches me to help me develop professionally
Senior managers mentor junior employees
Development of Managers
Managers receive appropriate training to enhance their effectiveness
Managers support training opportunities for employees
Managers support professional development of employees
Career and Succession Planning
Future leaders are developed from within the Company
Continuity of leadership is achieved through effective succession planning
The Company
The Company offers me the training I need to help me on my job
The Company provides a variety of training opportunities for employees
The Company invests in employees through training and development
The Company supports efforts by employees to obtain training on new skills
My Supervisor
My Supervisor supports my efforts to seek relevant job training
My manager assists me to identify my training and development needs
My Skills
I have the skills I need to do my job
I am allowed to take initiative to assess my skills and seek appropriate training
The training I receive reinforces customer focus
Meets My Needs
The training I receive is relevant to my job
I have received good training to do my job
The on-the-job training I received has prepared me for this job
I would prefer classes to be offered during work
I would prefer classes to be offered after work
Training is offered at times convenient to me
The Company
The Company is pro-active in implementing changes to address challenges and opportunities
Comfortable with Change
I feel I have a positive attitude toward change and am looking forward to doing new things
My Supervisor
My Supervisor motivates others to follow new processes
My Supervisor has a positive attitude when new changes are implemented
My Supervisor remains calm during organizational changes
My Department
My Department tries to find new and better ways to do things
My Department is effective in adjusting to changes
Management is able to implement a vision and mission
Managers are effective in addressing resistance to change
The Leadership
The Leadership involves employees when making significant changes
The Leadership at the Company is effective in developing strategies to meet new business challenges and opportunities
The Company
The Company takes the initiative to lead by example
My Empowerment
I am allowed to take initiative to assess my skills and seek appropriate training
I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things
My Supervisor
My Supervisor encourages me to take initiative in my job
Leadership at the Company encourages initiative and risk taking
My Department
My Department is able to develop unique solutions to problems and issues
The Company
The Company accepts and is open to change and ambiguity
My Job
I am willing to try new jobs within the Company
I would be willing to work in a different location if needed
Employees are willing to move to other positions within the Company
My Supervisor
My Supervisor is open to suggestions
The Leadership is willing to change to meet new objectives
The Leadership is flexible and learns rapidly about changing markets
My Supervisor
I am given clear instructions and objectives.
I am treated fairly by my supervisor
I receive mentoring and coaching from my superior
Giving Feedback
I am comfortable giving feedback to others
Seeking Feedback
I receive adequate feedback and guidance
The Company
The Company encourages employees to work to the best of their abilities
The Company is able to maximize employee potential
My Job
My job enables me to make use of my skills and abilities
I get a sense of personal accomplishment from my work
I know how the Company measures its performance
Teams are rewarded for high performance
Effective use of Resources
My Supervisor is able to manage time effectively
My Department
My Department is able to meet its deadlines
My Department has specific performance measures
I am held accountable for achieving specific results
Non-performing employees are held accountable
Annual Reviews
Performance measures are evaluated on an annual basis
Performance Appraisal/Management
I understand how my performance is evaluated
I understand the link between my performance and my pay
My Review
I receive regular performance reviews
I trust the feedback I receive from my Supervisor
My Supervisor
My Supervisor is honest and fair in my performance review
My Supervisor gives me constructive feedback
My Supervisor helps me to understand how I am doing
My Recent Assessment
The evaluation process should be more often than once a year
The Performance Appraisal system is effective in promoting quality work
Fair and Unbiased
Performance Appraisals are fair and unbiased
The Company
Safety is a primary concern at the Company
The Company emphasizes workplace safety
My Work
I feel safe at my work area
I know what to do in an emergency situation
I know what to do in case of an emergency
My Supervisor
My Supervisor would not ask me to perform an unsafe procedure
Managers pay attention to workplace safety
Managers regularly meet with employees to discuss safety issues
Is Safe
Work stops immediately if a safety issue arises
We are able to maintain a high level of production while maintaining safety
The Company
The Company maintains a competitive pay and benefits package
The pay offered by the Company is very competitive
The Company pay policy helps attract and retain high performing employees
My Pay
I am satisfied with the level of pay I receive
My pay matches my job performance
I feel I am adequately paid compared to my colleagues at other companies
My pay is fair for my position
I am paid fairly
My Supervisor
My Supervisor is always trying to make sure I am fairly compensated
Benefits Offered
I think the benefits offered by the Company meet my needs
The Company offers a comprehensive benefits package
The Company offers better benefits than other companies
I recognize my benefits are part of an employee total compensation program
The benefits offered provide security for me and my family
The premiums for benefits are reasonable
The benefits statement I received was clear and easy to understand.
The Benefits department provides accurate and helpful information.
The Company
The Company values my work
The Company offers rewards based on performance
My Recognition
I receive recognition when I do a good job
I receive recognition when I perform above expectations
I am rewarded for exceeding my goals
Employees are recognized for good work performance
My Supervisor
My Supervisor praises me for a job well done
Performance Incentives
Performance incentives are clearly linked to standards and goals
The performance incentives are meaningful
Employee Relations
Process and Procedure
The grievance process used at the Company is fair and equitable
The grievance process used at the Company is efficient and does not waste time or resources
Support for Employees
I can go to My Supervisor if I have a problem
My Supervisor
My Supervisor effectively resolves employee problems and labor issues
My Supervisor is not afraid to take disciplinary action when needed
Managers show fairness and respect in their interactions with employees
Managers have a mutual trust and respect for employees
Managers work to obtain win-win resolutions
Conflicts are resolved in a positive and constructive manner
Workplace issues are resolved fairly and quickly
My questions are answered by the Human Resources department
Employees may be disciplined if necessary
The Company
The organizational culture enhances employee commitment
Personally Engaged
I would recommend the Company as a great place to work
I would recommend working at the Company to my friends
Other Employees are Engaged
Employees are held accountable for their work
Employees are committed to improving quality of services
All employees are committed to the success of the company
Employees are committed to serving the Company
My co-workers
My co-workers are committed to the success of our department
My Department
My Department is committed to customer service
Labor and Management are committed to working together
Customer Service
The Company
The Company focuses on providing excellent customer service
The corporate culture emphasizes customer service
I receive the support I need to provide excellent customer service
I am aware of what the customers want
I receive good feedback from customers
Customer Experience
Customers are treated with courtesy and respect
Service is responsive and meets the needs of customers
We strive for customers to obtain a positive and memorable experience
Managers are focused on improving customer service
My Department
My Department is committed to customer service
Training is offered to improve customer relations
The training I receive reinforces customer focus
Corporate Culture
The Company
The Company is a good community neighbor
The Company is a good steward of the environment and protects natural resources
The Company measures success of culture change initiatives through the Employee Opinion survey
The Company culture promotes employees to stay within the organization.
The Company supports honest two-way communication between Managers and Employees
I have a sense of security in my job
The Company new employee orientation includes information about our culture
Employees at the Company regularly share and exchange ideas
Open and honest communication is an important part of the culture at the Company
Employees Are
Employees are valued as an asset to the Company
Employees are free to express their concerns and complaints
Employees are generally friendly and willing to help you if needed
Employees work hard to accomplish goals and objectives
Management at the Company is competent and ethical
Managers foster an organizational culture that promotes learning and creativity
Valuing Employees
The Company respects my dignity and recognizes my contributions
Others treat me with respect at work
The Company fosters an environment where diverse individuals can work together effectively
The organizational culture at the Company enhances teamwork
Our culture encourages high performance and process improvement
Work/Life Balance
Our culture promotes a balance between work and family life
Understanding Expectations
I know what is expected of me
I am clear on my job expectations and role
My Work Experience
I have a relaxed and positive outlook
I participate in decisions that affect me
I can change how I work if I want to
I am able to meet the deadlines I have for my work
Job Security
I have a sense of security in my job
I sometimes fear loosing my job
I feel safe in my job
Work Environment
My work environment is pleasant and calm
My work schedule is flexible enough to meet my needs
Work/Life Balance
I am able to balance my family and work life
The Company
The Company helps employees find an ideal balance between work and life responsibilities
The Company is a family-friendly place to work
The Company offers adequate telecommuting, scheduling flexibility, and childcare opportunities
Autonomy and Flexibility
I have enough time to do my work
My work schedule is flexible enough to meet my needs
I can adjust my work schedule if needed
I am able to balance work and my personal life.
I can take time off to handle personal commitments.
My Supervisor
My Supervisor would let me leave work early if I needed to.