360 Degree Feedback Tool

What is a 360 Feedback Assessment?

360 Degree Feedback assessments provide feedback from multiple perspectives around the employee: Self, Supervisor, Peers, Direct Reports, Others. These assessments provide a more comprehensive assessment than just a manager's assessment. 360 Degree Assessments can be part of employee development programs, leadership training programs, and performance appraisal.

Factors to Consider when Implementing 360 Feedback

Need to Design a 360 Feedback Survey?

Designing a 360 Feedback Survey is easy with our on-line assessment tool to create an assessment that collects responses from different perspectives including self, supervisor (manager), peers (colleagues), direct reports (subordinates), and others. The information is combined into a report showing strengths and weaknesses of the individual being assessed.

One of the first steps in designing a 360 Feedback system is the specification of what competencies should be included on the questionnaire. We have organized our competencies into different skill sets. You can focus your questionnaire on one, or more, skill sets by selecting from the competencies below.

360 Degree Feedback survey information including sample questionnaires, forms, and items. This website includes tools to help you with your next survey project.


Show the Items

After selecting the competencies you wish to include on your questionnaire you can then review a list of items matching those competencies.

Item Bank

Access an item bank containing over 1,600 items.

Item Bank