HR-Survey >
Competency Model300 Questionnaire Items Measuring Initiative
Definition: Initiative is the ability to take appropriate actions and work proactively, often independently, and motivated by a desire to perform above expectations without being prompted by others to do so. Someone with initiative is a self-starter who independently takes advantage of opportunities and is motivated with a tenacious work ethic to be impactful.
Initiative in the workplace is a key driver for success and involves several components that enable individuals to act proactively and make significant contributions. Here are some examples of initiative at work:
- Self-Starter Doing work without being told to do so. Does not wait to be told to do something.
- Proactive Works quickly to prevent problems from occurring.
- Forward-Thinking Anticipates needs and prepares for unexpected events.
- Motivated Takes immediate action to implement changes or solve problems.
- Opportunistic Seizes and capitalizes on opportunities when they become available.
- Works Independently Is able to work on their own without close supervision.
- Above Expectations Works above expected performance levels. Volunteers for assignments and may put in extra hours.
- Rises to the Occasion Acts with urgency when time is limited. Takes charge in a crisis.
A person with initiative is one who is proactive and willing/eager to take on responsibilities contribute to the success and continuous improvement of the department/organization.
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaires Measuring Initiative:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaire Items
The Initiative competency in a 360-Degree Feedback assessment includes items measuring the ability to do work without being told to do so, to be proactive in addressing problems, to seize opportunities when they arise, to work independently and above expectations.
- Takes the initiative to change the direction or course of events.
- Looks to start work on new projects without waiting for direction from the manager.
- Initiates the development of new products.
- Independently seeks out new learning opportunities to improve their skills.
- When working on a problem in a team, they are often the first to suggest possible solutions.
- Is a self-starter. Does not wait to be told to do something.
- Able to initiate work on projects independently without direct supervision.
- Analyzes the needs of the situation and acts before being told to do so.
- Inclined to initiate action rather than react.
- Acts quickly when a small problem arises to keep it from becoming a major issue.
- Acts quickly to address any issues or problems.
- Is proactive when preparing for potential problems or critical events.
- Addresses small problems before they become big ones.
- Takes action to establish clear and concise deadlines for tasks to be completed.
- Actively works on resolving the issue instead of procrastinating or hoping it will resolve itself.
- Is proactive and gets things done.
- Begins immediate action on projects.
- Seeks and utilizes opportunities for continuous learning and self-development.
- Seizes upon opportunities available.
- Takes advantage of opportunities when they become available.
- Seizes upon chances to improve the department's prospects.
- Acts quickly when an opportunity becomes available.
- Looks for opportunities to move projects forward.
- Capitalizes on opportunities as they become available.
Working Independently
- Takes action without being asked.
- Does the right thing without being told.
- Confronts problems immediately without supervisor instructions.
- Acts independently to solve pressing needs.
- Acts on own initiative to improve the department outcomes.
- Completes tasks without having to be told to do so.
- Does things without being told.
- Prepares for unexpected contingencies.
- Anticipates problems and initiates plans to address them.
- Anticipates what needs to be done and makes necessary preparations.
- Immediately works to complete goals well before their deadline.
- Takes action to implement new changes in the policies and procedures.
- Updates the documentation as soon as the situation changes.
- Gladly seeks additional responsibilities.
- Cleans the workspace without being told.
- Creates solutions to problems as soon as an incident occurs.
- Initiates new projects for the department.
- Takes decisive action to address problems, following up with relevant team members and coaching them on how to improve.
- Helps the department take the initiative to create new solutions.
- Initiates projects that have an impact on the department.
- Encourages others on the team to suggest process improvements.
- Initiates actions that impact the department/company.
Above Expectations
- Goes above and beyond the stated goals.
- Expands the offerings of the department by working evenings and weekends.
- Is an inspiration for others to perform above expectations.
- Inspires others to perform above expectations.
- Takes on extra projects after required work is completed.
- Takes on additional tasks without being asked or told to do so.
- Volunteers time and effort toward the completion of important goals.
- Guides strategic initiatives to advance the department/organization.
- Aims to achieve more than what is expected or required.
Persistent or Tenacious
- Initiates draft reports for consideration.
- Will continue to work on a problem even in the face of obstacles.
- Takes the initiative to complete tasks ahead of schedule.
- Bends rules when necessary to accomplish tasks.
- Bends rules when necessary to achieve goals.
Rises to the Occasion
- Takes charge when there is a crisis.
- Acts with urgency when time is of the essence.
- Takes corrective action to rectify issues.
- Acts with urgency when time is limited.
- Takes the initiative to solve pressing issues.
- Immediately works on solving problems.
- Takes corrective action to address performance deficiencies/issues.
Initiative in Relationships
- Coach others to foster an environment which can adapt quickly and willingly to rapid change.
- Immediately informs the HR Department of any personnel complaints or issues.
- Quickly comes to the aid of those who may need help.
- Informs the manager of any important changes in the equipment operation.
- Builds strong interpersonal relationships upon first meeting.
- Engages with new customers immediately.
- Initiates draft documents for the director.
- Initiates important conversation topics at meetings.
- Immediately informs the supervisor of any critical incidents.
Employee Opinion Survey Items
Individuals with high Initiative are catalysts for positive change in the organization, driving a business forward through their actions and mindset. Being a proactive and opportunistic self-starter enables you to achieve higher levels of performance.
- Employees in our department are willing to take action without waiting to be told to do so.
The Company
- The Company seeks to take advantage of opportunities
- The Company takes the initiative to lead by example
My Empowerment
- I am allowed to take initiative to assess my skills and seek appropriate training
- I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things
Empowering Others
- Employee initiatives to develop the Company are encouraged
My Supervisor
- My Supervisor capitalizes on opportunities to grow the business
- My supervisor encourages initiative.
- My manager encourages initiative.
- My Supervisor encourages me to take initiative in my job
- Leadership at the Company encourages initiative and risk taking
- Senior Management at Company encourages initiative.
My Department
- My Department is able to develop unique solutions to problems and issues
Self-Assessment Items
- You take the initiative to change the direction or course of events.
- When working on a problem in a team, I often am the first to suggest possible solutions.
- I look to start work on new projects without waiting for direction from the manager.
- I am able to initiate work on projects independently without direct supervision.
- I analyze the needs of the situation and act before being told to do so.
- I initiate the development of new products.
- You independently seek out new learning opportunities to improve your skills.
- You are a self-starter. You do not wait to be told to do something.
- You are inclined to initiate action rather than react.
- I begin immediate action on projects.
- You act quickly to address any issues or problems.
- You take action to establish clear and concise deadlines for tasks to be completed.
- I address small problems before they become big ones.
- I act quickly when a small problem arises to keep it from becoming a major issue.
- I am proactive and get things done.
- You actively work on resolving the issue instead of procrastinating or hoping it will resolve itself.
- You are proactive when preparing for potential problems or critical events.
- You seek and utilize opportunities for continuous learning and self-development.
- You seize upon opportunities available.
- I capitalize on opportunities as they become available.
- I take advantage of opportunities when they become available.
- You act quickly when an opportunity becomes available.
- I look for opportunities to move projects forward.
- I seize upon chances to improve the department's prospects.
Working Independently
- You take action without being asked.
- I act independently to solve pressing needs.
- You confront problems immediately without supervisor instructions.
- You complete tasks without having to be told to do so.
- You act on own initiative to improve the department outcomes.
- You do the right thing without being told.
- I do things without being told.
- You prepare for unexpected contingencies.
- You anticipate what needs to be done and makes necessary preparations.
- I anticipate problems and initiate plans to address them.
- You immediately work to complete goals well before your deadline.
- I create solutions to problems as soon as an incident occurs.
- I clean the workspace without being told.
- I update the documentation as soon as the situation changes.
- I take action to implement new changes in the policies and procedures.
- I gladly seek additional responsibilities.
- You initiate new projects for the department.
- You take decisive action to address problems, following up with relevant team members and coaching them on how to improve.
- You help the department take the initiative to create new solutions.
- I encourage others on the team to suggest process improvements.
- I initiate projects that have an impact on the department.
- You initiate actions that impact the department/company.
Above Expectations
- You go above and beyond the stated goals.
- You are an inspiration for others to perform above expectations.
- I expand the offerings of the department by working evenings and weekends.
- I inspire others to perform above expectations.
- You take on extra projects after required work is completed.
- I take on additional tasks without being asked or told to do so.
- You volunteer your time and effort toward the completion of important goals.
- You guide strategic initiatives to advance the department/organization.
- You aim to achieve more than what is expected or required.
Persistent or Tenacious
- I initiate draft reports for consideration.
- You take the initiative to complete tasks ahead of schedule.
- I will continue to work on a problem even in the face of obstacles.
- You bend rules when necessary to achieve goals.
- You bend rules when necessary to accomplish tasks.
Rises to the Occasion
- I act with urgency when time is of the essence.
- You take corrective action to address performance deficiencies/issues.
- I take corrective action to rectify issues.
- I take the initiative to solve pressing issues.
- I take charge when there is a crisis.
- I immediately work on solving problems.
- You act with urgency when time is limited.
Initiative in Relationships
- You coach others to foster an environment which can adapt quickly and willingly to rapid change.
- I inform the manager of any important changes in the equipment operation.
- You immediately inform the HR Department of any personnel complaints or issues.
- You quickly come to the aid of those who may need help.
- I build strong interpersonal relationships upon first meeting.
- I initiate important conversation topics at meetings.
- You engage with new customers immediately.
- You immediately inform the supervisor of any critical incidents.
- You initiate draft documents for the director.
Job Application
- What is the most stimulating thing you are looking for in a job?
- Tell me what initiatives have you undertaken recently?
- What initiatives have you undertake recently?
- What was the most/least challenging part of the job?
- What are some examples of important recommendations or decisions you've made recently?
- Do you have initiative?
- What are the five biggest accomplishments of your life?
- What were your most memorable accomplishments with your last employer?
- What was the job's biggest challenge?
- What difficult challenges have you solved?
- What challenging accomplishments have you had?
- What is your most significant accomplishment?
- What is your greatest accomplishment?
- What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
- What have been the most memorable accomplishments of your career?
- Tell me about a time when you went beyond the call of duty.
- What is the most challenging thing you have ever done?
- What has been your greatest accomplishment? Your greatest disappointment?
- Have you ever accomplished something difficult?
- Do you have accomplishments you are proud of?
- How have you shown initiative?
- What is your proudest accomplishment?
- What do you consider to be your most important accomplishment and why?
- What have been your greatest accomplishments?
- What have been your biggest accomplishments?
- Have you ever accomplished something you did not think you could?
- How have you shown willingness to work?
- What was your greatest disappointment?
- What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
- What difficult problems have you worked through?
- What are your major accomplishments? Your failures? Your disappointments?
- What are some of your recent accomplishments in your current job?
- What was your greatest accomplishment?
- What was your most significant accomplishment in your last position?
- What is the most important accomplishment in your life?
- What challenging experiences have you had?
- What have been your greatest disappointments?
- Do you enjoy working on difficult projects?
- What is the most difficult task you have undertaken?
- Tell me about accomplishments of which you are the most proud.
- Describe a significant risk you took to accomplish a task.
- Are you willing to take risks?
- What risks have you undertaken recently?
- What kinds of risks do you face when implementing a new initiative?
- What risks did you take at your previous job?
- Describe how you can take risks to accomplish tasks.
- What motivates you to put forth your best effort?
- Do you enjoy challenges at work? If so, what kinds of challenges have you recently faced.
- Are you a self starter?
- Do you work to achieve your objectives? If so, describe how hard.
- Would you describe yourself as motivated more by your goals or by money?
- What challenges are you looking for in a job?
- How important is recognition to you?
- Describe when you felt motivated to do your very best work and did.
- What do you get out of completing difficult tasks?
- Are you a competitive person?
- What motivates you in accomplishing difficult tasks?
- What motivates you to be successful in your job?
- What have you done which shows initiative and willingness to work?
- What makes you put forth your greatest effort?
- What motivates you in a job and in your personal life?
- How important is responsibility to you?
- Does competition increase your desire to succeed?
- What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
- How important are promotions and advancement to you?
- How important is challenge to you?
- When do you put forth your greatest effort?
- Is recognition important to you?
- What has your last employer done that motivated you to work harder?
- Do you feel motivated to work harder?
- What kinds of responsibilities are important to you in your work?
- Were there any special difficulties you overcame in achieving these accomplishments?
- Do you feel motivated in your current job?
- What are your motivations?
- What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
- What motivates you?
- Have you received any recognition for significant accomplishments at work?
- Describe two things that motivate you at work?
Sense of Self
- Are you successful in completing projects at work?
- What does 'success' mean to you?
- Describe situations in which you are most successful.
- How do you define 'success?'
- How do you determine if you are successful?
- Do you generally think of yourself as a risk-taker or someone who plays it safe?
- How would you describe your standards of performance?
- Would you rate yourself as an overachiever?
- What does 'failure' mean to you?
- How have your successes benefited your previous employer?
- What are some of the reasons for your success?
- What is your definition of success.
- To what do you attribute your success?
- Why are you successful?
- What projects have you recently completed successfully?
- Why are you better than your co-workers?
- What do you think has contributed most to your success so far?
- Would you define yourself as a self-starter?
- Tell me about your recent successes.
- How would you evaluate success?
- Describe what success means to you.
- Do you feel you have been successful in your job?
- What weaknesses have you overcome when accomplishing difficult tasks?
- How could you have improved your progress?
- Do you achieve all of the goals you set? If not, why not?