Questionnaire Items Measuring Action
Accountability skills are crucial for productivity and achieving goals. The main components of Accountability skills include:
- Actions have Consequences: Understanding that accountability means accepting the consequences for actions and performance.
- Individuals are Accountable: Individuals (employees) are accountable for their performance.
- Responsible for Results: Individuals need to take responsibility for their results.
- Problem Solving: Taking ownership of problems to find the best solutions.
- Job Performance: Sets high standards and expectations.
- Response to Setbacks: Accept responsibility for errors or poor performance.
- Informing the Supervisor: Accountability means keeping the supervisor in the loop.
Accountability skills contribute to a manager's success by ensuring that the work gets done right and that all employees are working to support the goals of the department/company.
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaires Measuring Achievement:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaire Items
The Accountability competency in a 360-Degree Feedback assessment includes items measuring the ability to deal with consequences for actions, hold others accountable, set high standards for performance, work with a high degree of integrity and honesty.
Definition: An action oriented individual is someone who quickly and decisively executes assignments/tasks without delay by being proactive, ambitious, tenacious, resourceful and focused on achieving results. This individual prefers action rather than passivity, preempts potential issues, takes the initiative and goes above and beyond what is expected of them.
- Is proactive rather than reactive in work.
- Takes corrective action when necessary.
- Fixes small issues before they become critical incidents.
- Uses strategies to stay ahead of potential challenges at work.
- Prevents small issues from becoming critical incidents.
- Is proactive in addressing the needs of the department.
- Takes steps to prepare for the start of the project.
- Takes proactive steps to address potential issues before they became a problem.
- Identifies opportunities for improvement before there is a problem.
- Is proactive in developing solutions to problems.
- Regularly conducts preventative maintenance on the equipment.
- Anticipates critical incidents in the department and takes steps to mitigate their effect.
- Takes preemptive actions avoid obstacles or delays.
- Prepares equipment at the start of the shift.
- Anticipates needs and takes pre-emptive action to address the issue.
- Displays high energy and enthusiasm on consistent basis.
- Is driven to complete a high amount of work.
- Is ambitious when working on the project.
- Effectively handles multiple complex issues simultaneously.
- Initiates actions to get things done.
- Creates opportunities and then takes advantage of them.
- Stays focused and productive when there's work to be done.
- Takes action when opportunities arise.
- Seeks out opportunities to contribute beyond assigned responsibilities.
- Exhibits personal ambition and drive.
- Exhibits personal ambition and drive but not at expense of others.
- Takes charge without being asked.
- Will take action to address a problem rather than to wait to confer with others about the situation.
- Takes the initiative and does not wait for the situation to change.
- Takes the initiative to address problems sooner rather than later.
- Is the first to volunteer for assignments.
- Identifies needs and takes steps to address them.
- Takes advantage of changes to the current situation.
- Fixes problems when they occur.
- Decides to act rather than remain passive.
- Initiates projects or tasks that have a positive impact on the team.
- Completes challenging projects successfully despite setbacks.
- Successfully makes progress despite repeated failures or setbacks at work.
- Focuses on tasks without being distracted.
- Demonstrates resilience in the face of adversity.
- Adapts approach to overcome significant obstacles.
- Pursues goals with action to achieve success.
- Overcomes obstacles that may impede progress on a task.
- Completes tasks despite obstacles encountered.
- Stays committed to goals even when progress is slow.
- Persists in work despite obstacles encountered.
- Makes effective decisions, even when under pressure.
- Effectively makes decisions
- Is not afraid to take corrective action when necessary.
- Is not afraid to take action when necessary.
- Takes action when necessary.
- Is decisive when making decisions.
- Avoids "Analysis Paralysis" through action.
- Makes decisions confidently and stands by them.
Goes Above and Beyond
- Motivates & supports others to gain skills
- Looks for extra ways to help the department achieve performance goals.
- Takes on additional responsibilities outside of the job description to help the team succeed.
- Encourages and supports a culture of excellence and continuous improvement within the department.
- Seeks new opportunities for advancement.
- Gladly accepts new challenges and works on them with urgency.
- Motivates others to achieve or exceed goals
- Motivates others to achieve or exceed professional goals
- Seeks and utilizes opportunities for continuous learning and self-development.
- Drives and mobilizes others progress toward goals.
- Successfully identifies the right person for a job when distributing tasks.
- Assigns tasks to individuals who are most able to perform them.
- Determines the best person for a specific task within the team.
- Delegates tasks and assignments to subordinates as soon as a request has been made.
- Delegates decision-making authority to team members.
- Ensures that the team's tasks align with its overall objectives.
- Assigns tasks to team members based on their strengths.
- Establishes the tasks and direction for the team.
- Works with others to ensure tasks are completed.
- Creates performance measures to ensure action by the department.
- Works across organizational lines and boundaries to attain goals.
- Leverages skills and resources to exceed performance expectations.
- Converts plans into actions.
- Leverages skills and resources to exceed expectations on projects.
- Takes advantage of opportunities to move the organization forward.
- Navigates organizational structures and boundaries to achieve goals.
- Works effectively within the organizational lines and boundaries to attain goals.
- Changes course to meet the needs of a new situation.
- Takes action in critical situations.
- Rapidly adapts to changes in the situation.
- Immediately develops alternatives and solutions when presented with a problem or issue.
- Acts immediately instead of waiting for someone else to solve the issue.
- Addresses safety issues immediately.
- Takes action to respond to dissatisfied customer.
- Addresses performance issues quickly.
Results Oriented
- Gets the job done.
- Does whatever it takes (within reason) to get the job done.
- Undertakes actions to achieve specific goals.
- Takes responsibility for meeting performance standards.
- Moves forward on important projects.
- Completes tasks on time in spite of delays in the process.
- Creates innovative products and services.
- Does what it takes to get the job done.
Fast Paced
- Works quickly when faced with difficult problems.
- Avoids procrastination.
- Ensures timely completion of tasks.
- Starts immediately working on assignments.
- Works at a quick pace.
- Acts quickly to create innovative products and services.
- Works quickly to get the job done.
- Consistently stays motivated to perform at a high level and inspires the department to do the same.
- Maintains a sense of urgency in daily work routines.
- Does not procrastinate when there is a job to be done.
- Conducts critical-incident review immediately after the event.
- Approves purchase requests in a timely manner.
- Takes responsibility for actions.
- Sets high standards for themselves and others.
Employee Opinion Survey Items
Accountability skills enable employees to be more productive and contribute greater to the company's bottom line.
ype=HIDDEN Name=Act
Self-Assessment Items
- I fix small issues before they become critical incidents.
- You identify opportunities for improvement before there is a problem.
- I am proactive rather than reactive in work.
- I am proactive in addressing the needs of the department.
- I prevent small issues from becoming critical incidents.
- You take corrective action when necessary.
- I take proactive steps to address potential issues before they become a problem.
- I am proactive in developing solutions to problems.
- I take steps to prepare for the start of the project.
- I use strategies to stay ahead of potential challenges at work.
- I anticipate needs and take pre-emptive action to address the issue.
- You prepare equipment at the start of the shift.
- You anticipate critical incidents in the department and take steps to mitigate their effect.
- You regularly conduct preventative maintenance on the equipment.
- I take preemptive actions avoid obstacles or delays.
- You display high energy and enthusiasm on consistent basis.
- I stay focused and productive when there is work to be done.
- You are driven to complete a high amount of work.
- I effectively handle multiple complex issues simultaneously.
- I create opportunities and then take advantage of them.
- I seek out opportunities to contribute beyond assigned responsibilities.
- I take action when opportunities arise.
- I initiate actions to get things done.
- I am ambitious when working on the project.
- You exhibit personal ambition and drive.
- You exhibit personal ambition and drive but not at expense of others.
- I initiate projects or tasks that have a positive impact on the team.
- I take the initiative to address problems sooner rather than later.
- I identify needs and take steps to address them.
- I am the first to volunteer for assignments.
- I take charge without being asked.
- You decide to act rather than remain passive.
- I take advantage of changes to the current situation.
- You fixe problems when they occur.
- I take the initiative and do not wait for the situation to change.
- You will take action to address a problem rather than to wait to confer with others about the situation.
- I pursue goals with action to achieve success.
- I complete challenging projects successfully despite setbacks.
- You demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity.
- I persist in work despite obstacles encountered.
- You stay committed to my goals even when progress is slow.
- You adapt your approach in order to overcome significant obstacles.
- You successfully make progress despite repeated failures or setbacks at work.
- I persist in work despite obstacles encountered.
- I focus on tasks without being distracted.
- I overcome obstacles that may impede progress on a task.
- You make effective decisions, even when under pressure.
- You make effective decisions
- You are not afraid to take corrective action when necessary.
- I am decisive when making decisions.
- I avoid "Analysis Paralysis" through action.
- I take action when necessary.
- I am not afraid to take action when necessary.
- I make decisions confidently and stand by them.
Goes Above and Beyond
- You motivate & supports others to gain skills
- I take on additional responsibilities outside of my job description to help the team succeed.
- I seek new opportunities for advancement.
- I encourage and support a culture of excellence and continuous improvement within the department.
- I gladly accept new challenges and work on them with urgency.
- You look for extra ways to help the department achieve performance goals.
- You motivate others to achieve or exceed professional goals
- You seek and utilize opportunities for continuous learning and self-development.
- You motivate others to achieve or exceed goals
- You drive and mobilizes others progress toward goals.
- I determine the best person for a specific task within the team.
- I assign tasks to team members based on their strengths.
- You successfully identify the right person for a job when distributing tasks.
- You assign tasks to individuals who are most able to perform them.
- I establish the tasks and direction for the team.
- I ensure that the team's tasks align with its overall objectives.
- You delegate tasks and assignments to subordinates as soon as a request is made.
- I delegate decision-making authority to team members.
- You work with others to ensure tasks are completed.
- You work across organizational lines and boundaries to attain goals.
- I leverage skills and resources to exceed expectations on projects.
- You take advantage of opportunities to move the organization forward.
- I navigate organizational structures and boundaries to achieve goals.
- I create performance measures to ensure action by the department.
- I convert plans into actions.
- I leverage skills and resources to exceed performance expectations.
- You work effectively within the organizational lines and boundaries to attain goals.
- You address performance issues quickly.
- I immediately develop alternatives and solutions when presented with a problem or issue.
- You change course to meet the needs of a new situation.
- I take action to respond to dissatisfied customers.
- I rapidly adapt to changes in the situation.
- You address safety issues immediately.
- I take action in critical situations.
- I act immediately instead of waiting for someone else to solve the issue.
Results Oriented
- You do whatever it takes (within reason) to get the job done.
- You get the job done.
- I take responsibility for meeting performance standards.
- I create innovative products and services.
- I complete tasks on time in spite of delays in the process.
- I move forward on important projects.
- You undertake actions to achieve specific goals.
- You do what it takes to get the job done.
Fast Paced
- You work quickly when faced with difficult problems.
- I consistently stay motivated to perform at a high level and inspires the department to do the same.
- You avoid procrastinating.
- I do not procrastinate when there is a job to be done.
- You work quickly to get the job done.
- You start immediately working on assignments.
- You work at a quick pace.
- I maintain a sense of urgency in daily work routines.
- I act quickly to create innovative products and services.
- You ensure timely completion of tasks.
- I conduct critical-incident reviews immediately after the event.
- You approve purchase requests in a timely manner.
- You set high standards for yourself and others.
- I take responsibility for actions.
Job Interview Questions
- Describe how you set up regular check-ins or follow-ups to prevent issues from escalating.
- Explain how you would prevent small issues from becoming critical incidents.
- Explain how you stay informed about industry trends and how that information helps you take proactive steps.
- Describe a situation where you took proactive steps to address a potential issue before it became a problem.
- How do you prioritize tasks to address urgent needs while still planning for the future?
- Can you provide an example of how you identified an opportunity for improvement before it became a problem?
- Share examples of how you were proactive in developing solutions to problems.
- Are you proactive in addressing the needs of the department?
- How do you take steps to prepare for the start of a new project?
- Give examples from your former position of when you took corrective action when necessary.
- What strategies do you use to stay ahead of potential challenges in your work?
- How do you ensure you stay proactive rather than reactive in your work?
- Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures.
- Explain how you would prepare equipment at the start of the shift.
- Do you take preemptive actions avoid obstacles or delays?
- Do you regularly conduct preventative maintenance on the equipment? Explain.
- How do you anticipate critical incidents in the department and takes steps to mitigate their effect?
- How would you anticipate needs and take pre-emptive action to address the issue?
- Describe how you are ambitious when working on a project.
- How do you handle multiple complex issues simultaneously?
- How do you stay focused and productive when there's work to be done?
- Would others describe you as "driven to complete a high amount of work"?
- Give examples of how you would creates opportunities and then takes advantage of them.
- Give examples of when you take action when opportunities arise.
- How do you display high energy and enthusiasm on consistent basis?
- Give examples of how you exhibit personal ambition and drive.
- In your former job, how did you initiate actions to get things done?
- Describe how you seek out opportunities to contribute beyond your assigned responsibilities.
- Give examples of when you took action to address a problem rather than to wait to confer with others about the situation.
- When volunteers are needed, are you the first to volunteer for assignments?
- Provide an example of when you initiated a project or task that had a positive impact on your team or organization.
- Do you take the initiative and does not wait for the situation to change?
- Give examples of when you decided to act rather than remain passive.
- Do you take the initiative to address problems sooner rather than later?
- Explain how you handle tasks that require immediate action versus those that can wait.
- How do you identify and seize time-sensitive opportunities that arise from changes in your current situation?
- Share an instance where you identified a need and took steps to address it on your own.
- Describe a situation where you took charge without being asked.
- Provide an example of when you demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity.
- How do you focus on tasks without being distracted?
- How do you maintain motivation and perseverance when faced with difficult tasks?
- Describe a time when you had to make an unpopular decision and how you gained support for it.
- Share an instance where your determination led to a successful outcome.
- How do you overcome obstacles that may impede progress on a task?
- Describe a time when you had to adapt your approach to overcome a significant obstacle.
- Are you able to complete tasks despite obstacles encountered? Give examples.
- Can you provide an example of a challenging project you completed successfully despite setbacks?
- Give examples of when you persisted in work despite obstacles encountered.
- Describe how you would pursue goals with action to achieve success.
- Explain how you handle repeated failures or setbacks in your work.
- How do you ensure that you stay committed to your goals even when progress is slow?
- How do you effectively make decisions?
- Give examples of when you were not afraid to take action when necessary.
- As a supervisor, did you take corrective action when necessary? Give examples.
- How do you make effective decisions, even when under pressure?
- How do you weigh the pros and cons when making a difficult decision?
- Do you make decisions confidently and stand by them.
- Describe a situation where you had to make a quick decision with limited information. How did you handle it?
- Can you provide an example of when you made a controversial decision and how you managed any pushback?
- How do you avoids "Analysis Paralysis"?
- Are you decisive when making decisions?
Goes Above and Beyond
- Give an example of when you motivated others to achieve or exceed goals.
- Describe a situation in which you motivated others to achieve or exceed professional goals.
- How do you encourage and support a culture of excellence and continuous improvement within your team?
- When did you seek and utilize opportunities for continuous learning and self-development?
- Give examples of when you accepted new challenges and worked on them with urgency.
- When did you motivate and support others to gain skills?
- Can you provide an example of when you went above and beyond your regular duties?
- How do you look for extra ways to help the department achieve performance goals?
- Describe a time when you took on additional responsibilities outside of your job description to help your team succeed.
- How do you seek new opportunities for advancement?
- How do you drive and mobilize others to complete progress on goals?
- Give examples of when you worked with others to ensure tasks were completed.
- How do you delegate decision-making authority to your team members?
- Some individuals are just better at performing certain tasks. How do you assigns tasks to individuals?
- How do you ensure that the team's tasks align with its overall objectives?
- Can you describe your process for assigning tasks to team members based on their strengths?
- How do you determine the best person for a specific task within your team?
- How do you establish the tasks and direction for the team?
- Describe a time when you had to delegate a task. How did you choose the right person for it?
- Do you delegates tasks and assignments to subordinates as soon as a request has been made? Give examples.
- What steps do you take to assign tasks and provide clear direction to your team?
- How do you identify the right person for a job when distributing tasks?
- What criteria do you use to match individuals with the tasks they are most suited for?
- How do you convert plans into actions?
- Give examples of how you would take advantage of opportunities to move the organization forward.
- Explain how you would work across organizational lines and boundaries to attain goals.
- How do you navigate organizational structures and boundaries to achieve your goals?
- How would you creates performance measures to ensure action by the department?
- Provide an example of when you leveraged your skills and resources to exceed expectations on a project.
- How do you address performance issues quickly?
- Provide an example of when you had to change a decision and how you communicated it to your team.
- How would you address safety issues immediately?
- Describe instances in which you acted immediately instead of waiting for someone else to solve the issue.
- How would you take action to respond to dissatisfied customer?
- How would you take action in critical situations? Give examples.
- How would you develop alternatives and solutions when presented with a problem or issue?
- Give an example from you previous role in which you changed course to meet the needs of a new situation.
- Share examples in which you rapidly adapted procedures to address changes in a situation.
Results Oriented
- Describe how you moves forward on important projects.
- Would your coworkers describe you as someone who does whatever it takes (within reason) to get the job done?
- Do you create innovative products and services? Explain more.
- Can you provide an example of when you initiated a project that had a significant positive impact on your department?
- Do you get the job done?
- How do you ensure your decisions align with the organization's goals and values?
- Give examples of when you completed tasks on time in spite of delays in the process.
- What actions do you undertake to achieve specific goals?
- Are you someone who does what it takes to get the job done?
- Do you take responsibility for meeting performance standards?
Fast Paced
- Can you provide examples of how you manage your time effectively to meet deadlines?
- How do you ensure timely completion of tasks?
- Works quickly when faced with difficult problems.
- Works at a quick pace.
- Can you describe your approach to handling deadlines?
- Works quickly to get the job done.
- How do you stay motivated to consistently perform at a high level and inspire your team to do the same?
- Starts immediately working on assignments.
- Do you acts quickly to create innovative products and services? Tells us more about it.
- How do you maintain a sense of urgency in your daily work routine?
- Are you someone who does not procrastinate when there is a job to be done?
- What strategies do you use to avoid procrastination?
- How do you conduct critical-incident reviews?
- Do you approve purchase requests in a timely manner?
- Do you conduct critical-incident reviews immediately after the event?
- Explain how you handle making a decision that impacts multiple departments or teams.
- Describe how you set standards for yourself and others.
- Do you take responsibility for actions? Give examples.