Communication - 360 Degree Feedback Survey Sample #9

360 Feedback Survey

Questionnaires Measuring Communication:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)

Thank you for providing feedback for the recipient above. As you respond, please draw on your first-hand experience with this individual in the past 12 months. Rate each item using the scale shown. If you don't feel you have enough first-hand information to rate a certain item, please choose the Not Applicable option. Comments can be very helpful; at a minimum where you give a particularly high or low rating, please share your reasons in the comment section for that competency. Your responses will be compiled with feedback from others and presented to the recipient to help guide their ongoing development.

Sample Result Document:
Sample Results
Partially completed forms can be saved by using the Save/Still Working button at the bottom of the page. You may return at a later time to complete/edit the form. Your saved responses will be shown each time you re-visit the feedback form. When you are certain that you have completed your responses and will be not making any changes, click the Complete button.

Communication Skills

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Able to demonstrate persuasiveness in pursuit of objectives.
  1. Able to deliver presentations.
  1. Delivers influential presentations.
  1. Listens to others' points of view with an open mind
  1. Presents issues, ideas, and strategy concisely and clearly.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Adapts to new organizational structures, policies, or procedures.
  1. Identifies new opportunities to achieve goals
  1. Can handle changes without complaining.
  1. Effective in incorporating new ideas.
  1. Willing to try new ideas.

Bias for Action

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Identifies ways to simplify work processes and reduce cycle times
  1. Completes work on time
  1. Seeks and utilizes opportunities for continuous learning and self-development.
  1. Coach others to foster an environment which can adapt quickly and willingly to rapid change.
  1. Displays high energy and enthusiasm on consistent basis.

Emotional Intelligence

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Able to understand others' points of view.
  1. Is able to control their own emotions.
  1. Helps employees to resolve conflicts, communicate clearly, and work together to solve problems.
  1. Helps to make decisions and solve problems using knowledge about how others will react in certain situations.
  1. Accurately perceives the emotional reactions of others.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Delegate tasks effectively
  1. Makes you feel enthusiastic about your work
  1. Takes responsibility for things that go wrong
  1. Is ready to offer help
  1. Sets an example for others to follow

Problem Solving

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Ability to develop innovative solutions to problems.
  1. Able to balance the needs of different people in a solution to a problem.
  1. Implements effective solutions to critical problems.
  1. Makes judgments based upon relevant information.
  1. Actively seeks the root cause of a problem.

Change Management

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Is a leading force driving changes.
  1. Adopts changes to set and example for others to follow.
  1. Develops plans for following through on the changes.
  1. Able to get department employees to accept new changes.
  1. Works cooperatively with others to implement changes.

Commitment To Result

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Committed to the team.
  1. Maintains persistence and dedication to achieving results.
  1. Able to focus on a task even when working alone.
  1. Coordinates all department activities into a cohesive team effort.
  1. Conveys strong sense of own pride in Company to associates by creating a shared vision around sales and customer service.

Technology Use/Management

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Maximizes the use of new technology to deliver products and services.
  1. Supports technical training and development of employees.
  1. Adopts the implementation of new technology into the workplace.
  1. Proficient in the use of technical systems and processes.
  1. Supports employee training and development initiatives regarding implementation of technology.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Acts as a resource without removing individual responsibility.
  1. Works in a way that makes others want to work with her/him.
  1. Responsible for setting the vision of the department.
  1. Completes assigned work tasks.
  1. Sets a good example.

Organizational Fluency

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Adept at navigating within the culture of the department.
  1. Able to use corporate politics to advance department objectives.
  1. Understands departmental policies and procedures.
  1. Able to explain departmental policies and procedures to others.
  1. Is aware of other organizational cultures to compare/contrast with the current organizational culture.

  1. Overall, please rate the effectiveness of [Participant Name Here].

  2. Strengths

  3. Areas for Development

  4. Please give any final comments or suggestions for [Participant Name Here]'s assessment.