Questionnaire Items Measuring Interpersonal Skills
Definition: Interpersonal Skills are the wide range of abilities that facilitate interactions with others through communication, empathy, honesty. These skills help you to build, develop and maintain strong/effective relationships with others and to relate to people of diverse backgrounds. To engage and inspire others. Individuals with high interpersonal skills treat others with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect.
Interpersonal Skills in the workplace are a key driver for enabling employees to work together and collaborate productively. Here are some components of interpersonal skills at work:
- Communication Working with others requires communication skills to coordinate your work.
- Empathy Being able to see another person's point of view enables you to better coordinate your actions.
- Honest
- Relationships
- Coaching
- Leadership
- Openness
A person with initiative is one who is proactive and willing/eager to take on responsibilities contribute to the success and continuous improvement of the department/organization.
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaires Measuring Interpersonal Skills:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)
360-Degree Feedback Questionnaire Items
The Interpersonal Skills competency in a 360-Degree Feedback assessment includes items measuring the ability to communicate, have empathy, be honest, have strong relationships.
- Applies appropriate communication techniques to the situation.
- Demonstrates good communication with colleagues and customers.
- A good listener who is attentive to others.
- Communicates initiatives in a clear and actionable manner to employees.
- Maintains open and regular communication with others.
- Communicates well at all levels of the organization.
- Understands the core issues of conversations.
- Easily approachable.
- Attends to both the content and the context of what was being said.
- Anticipates the concerns of other employees.
- Uses tact, compassion, and sensitivity in interactions with others.
- Considers the other individual's point of view.
- Pays close attention to what is being communicated verbally and nonverbally.
- Demonstrates compassion and understanding of others.
- Has empathy for coworkers.
- Demonstrates an understanding of other points of view.
- Demonstrates awareness of how specific actions, or inaction, could affect others
- Listens to and interacts with customers and team members in an effective, tactful, and pleasant way
- Comes across as credible, knowledgeable and sincere
- Honesty and integrity are core tenets of interpersonal relationships.
- Honest about owning up to mistakes made.
- Is honest about making mistakes and willing to fix them.
- Is transparent and honest in communications, intentions, and actions.
- Maintains a high degree of honesty and integrity.
- Gives honest feedback and suggestions for improvement.
- Gives honest opinions when asked.
- Is honest and trustworthy.
- Demonstrates willingness to work with others.
- Able to work with individuals at all levels of the Company.
- Builds a strong rapport with co-workers.
- Builds strong relationships with team members.
- Willing to communicate in person instead of through a mobile device.
- Establishes good rapport with employees and customers.
- Works cooperatively with others in the department.
- Helpful, considerate, and cooperative towards others.
- Able to work closely others who are considered to be difficult to work with.
- Coaches others how to communicate with influence and persuasion.
- Coaches employees on how their style influences the outcomes of situations.
- Coaches team on how to offer alternative solutions in order to help customers achieve desired results
- Encourages team and team members to seek and respond to constructive criticism
- Coaches others whenever possible.
- Provides learning activities to help team members better relate to one another and create a collaborative environment
- Provides resources to enable individuals to develop themselves.
- Adapts management style to meet the needs of the individual or situation.
- Uses knowledge and charisma rather than position, power, or coercion to influence others
- Influences others on his/her team to reach goals, improve performance, and try new things
- Positively impacts his/her team's morale, sense of belonging, and participation
- Expresses ideas in an appropriate manner to overcome resistance, complaints, and frustration from others
- Holds team members accountable to commitments made.
- Secures cooperation from and/or persuades others to support his/her solutions and decisions
- Is recognized for his/her influencing skills
- Secures commitment from subordinates, supervisors, and members of other departments when working to gain support for ideas or decisions
- Recognizes and rewards behavior that produces excellent performance.
- Uses appropriate persuasive techniques when talking with people of varying backgrounds and resistance levels
- Inspires a sense of area pride and culture; co-workers are aware of what makes their area unique.
- Creates an atmosphere that supports the open expression of ideas
- Is open and approachable
- Values the opinions of others.
- Is open to innovative ideas and suggestions from others
- Is open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives
- Maintains an open and accepting manner.
- Open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives.
- Encourages others to share ideas to develop team cohesion.
- Listens to others, withholding judgment, and comes across as open to all viewpoints
- Will listen to suggestions and advice from others
- Actively listens to others.
- Seeks input from key people who should be involved in, or will be affected by, decisions.
- Recognizes the contributions of others.
- Takes time to recognize the efforts of others.
- Gives credit where credit is due.
- Expresses appreciation of other's work.
- Shows appreciation for other's work.
- Offers praise to colleagues who have successfully completed major projects.
- Appreciates the extra efforts made by coworkers.
- Recognizes when others do a good job.
- Appreciates the work of direct reports and subordinates.
- Encourages others to recognize the work of outstanding employees.
- Effectively manages conflicts by dealing with them directly and immediately
- Strives for win/win solutions
- Successfully resolves conflicts and grievances to a win-win solution.
- Successfully mediates conflicts and disagreements.
- Facilitates the resolution of conflicts and grievances.
- Resolves conflicts in a positive way.
- Defuses hostile/angry individuals in group settings to prevent disruption of work.
- Resolves conflicts and disagreements constructively.
- Remains poised and rational in debates, seeking an understanding of all sides
- Able to work through disagreements with co-workers.
- Seeks common ground and collaborative solutions in negotiations with others
- Provides constructive feedback in a way that fosters acceptance and development.
- Gives good advice and suggestions to coworkers.
- Is thoughtful and honest about the feedback they give others.
- Gives constructive feedback on performance reviews.
- Offers constructive criticism to have a positive impact on performance.
- Receives feedback (both positive and negative) in a constructive manner.
Diversity and Inclusion
- Willing to overlook personal differences and focus on completing the task at hand.
- Embraces the differences in individuals that comprise the team.
- Promotes acceptance of diverse viewpoints from team members.
- Sees values in the diversity of individuals on the team.
- Creates diverse teams of individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and abilities.
- Accepting of individuals with different cultural backgrounds.
- Fosters a diverse workforce free from discrimination and harassment.
- Values the input from coworkers.
- Is a highly respected individual in the company.
- Is well respected in the department.
- Respects other members of the team/department.
- Respectful of the opinions and ideas of others.
- Treats others with respect.
- Is a committed and reliable partner.
- Keeps commitments made with coworkers.
- Is trusted by peers and co-workers; others are willing to confide in him/her
- Is someone you can trust.
- Keeps and maintains confidentiality and trust.
- Is a reliable and dependable worker; will do what they say they are going to do.
- Is willing to lend a hand to those in the department who need help.
- Assists employees that need help.
- Responds quickly to inquiries from potential customers.
- Assists those in the department who need help in meeting performance metrics.
- Addresses critical customer issues in a timely manner.
- Follows up on inquiries in a timely manner.
- Works diligently to assist customers in finding the right products.
Role Model
- Is a role model for others demonstrating the importance of interpersonal skills.
- Strives to lead by example to demonstrate the value of interpersonal relationships.
- Demonstrates positive behaviors for others to follow.
- Demonstrates a high degree of ethics and integrity in the workplace.
- Displays positive interactions.
- Understands that stress is part of work and does not let it affect them personally.
Employee Opinion Survey Items
Individuals with high Interpersonal Skills are able to work closely with others through communication, empathy, honesty and openness.
- My colleagues are easily approachable if I need help with something
- I know how to apply appropriate communication techniques to meet the needs of the situation
- I demonstrate good interpersonal skills through excellent communication with colleagues and customers
- My coworkers have good interpersonal skills and attend to both the content and the context of what was being said
- I feel that I communicate well at all levels of the organization
- My manager communicates initiatives in a clear and actionable manner to the employees
- I have no trouble understanding the core issues of conversations
- My coworkers maintain open and regular communication with each other
- My supervisor is a good listener who is attentive to others
- My coworkers demonstrate a compassion and understanding of others
- I have empathy toward coworkers
- I am aware of how awareness of how specific actions, or inaction, could affect others
- My manager is willing to consider understanding the other points of view
- People in my department will listen to and interact with customers and team members in an effective, tactful, and pleasant way
- I use tact, compassion, and sensitivity in my interactions with others
- Members of my team pay close attention to what is being communicated verbally and nonverbally
- My team members are willing to consider the other individual's point of view
- My coworkers anticipates the concerns of other employees
- I feel that the leadership here is honest and trustworthy
- My supervisor comes across as a credible, knowledgeable and sincere person
- I feel my coworkers would give honest opinions when asked
- My co-workers are honest about owning up to mistakes that occur
- People working at the Company maintain a high degree of honesty and integrity
- Our department is transparent and honest in communications, intentions, and actions
- I feel that honesty and integrity are core tenets of interpersonal relationships here at the [Company]
- People in my department are honest about owning up to mistakes made and willing to put in the effort to fix them
- I give honest feedback and suggestions for improvement when asked
- People in my department are willing to communicate in person instead of through a mobile device
- I feel that I am able to work closely others who may be considered to be difficult to work with
- I feel that I am helpful, considerate, and cooperative towards others
- My manager is able to work with individuals at all levels of the Company
- People in my department demonstrate a willingness to work with others
- I have built a strong rapport with my co-workers
- I feel we work cooperatively with each other in this department
- The current team leader is able to build strong relationships with team members
- My manager establishes good rapport with employees and customers
- My manager coaches others whenever possible
- The supervisor encourages team members to seek and respond to constructive criticism
- The team leader coaches others how to better communicate with influence and persuasion
- My director coaches us on how to offer alternative solutions in order to help customers achieve desired results
- The department provides learning activities to help associates better relate to one another and create a collaborative environment
- The Company provides resources to enable individuals to develop themselves
- My supervisor gives advice and coaches employees on how their style influences the outcomes of situations
- The team leader uses knowledge and charisma rather than position, power, or coercion to influence the direction of the team
- My supervisor expresses ideas in an appropriate manner to overcome resistance, complaints, and frustration from others
- The team leader positively impacts the team's morale, sense of belonging, and participation
- The department head inspires a sense of area pride and culture; co-workers are aware of what makes their area unique
- I am able to adapt my management style to meet the needs of the individual or situation
- The company leadership recognizes and rewards behavior that produces excellent performance
- The team leader holds team members accountable to commitments made
- My manager is effective in securing cooperation from and/or persuading others to support his/her solutions and decisions
- My manager uses appropriate persuasive techniques when talking with people of varying backgrounds and resistance levels
- Leaders at the Company are able to secure commitment from employees, supervisors, and departments when working to gain support for ideas or decisions
- My manager influences others on the team to reach goals, improve performance, and try new things
- I maintain an open and accepting manner in my interactions with others
- Leadership seeks input from key people who should be involved in, or will be affected by, decisions
- My manager creates an atmosphere that supports the open expression of ideas
- People in our department actively listens to each other
- I feel employees in my department are open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives
- My manager listens to others, withholding judgment, and comes across as open to all viewpoints
- My team leader encourages others to share ideas to develop team cohesion
- My manager values the opinions of others
- My supervisor will listen to suggestions and advice from others
- The team is open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives
- Our department manager is open to innovative ideas and suggestions from others
- The supervisor is open and approachable
- My manager offers praise to colleagues who have successfully completed major projects
- Leadership shows appreciation for our work
- My supervisor appreciates the work of direct reports and subordinates
- The manager appreciates the extra efforts made by coworkers
- People in my department often express appreciation of other's work
- Our department encourages others to recognize the work of outstanding employees
- In our department we give credit where credit is due
- My supervisor recognizes the contributions of others
- Our team leader takes time to recognize the efforts of others
- Leadership recognizes when we do a good job
- In our department we are able to work through disagreements with co-workers
- My manager remains calm, poised and rational in debates, seeking an understanding of all sides
- The HR department is able to resolve conflicts and disagreements constructively
- I strive for win/win solutions
- Leadership at the company resolves conflicts in a positive way
- My supervisor seeks common ground and collaborative solutions in negotiations with others
- I know how to successfully mediate conflicts and disagreements
- The team leader facilitates the resolution of conflicts and grievances
- My manager is able to defuse hostile/angry individuals in group settings to prevent disruption of work
- Our supervisor effectively manages conflicts by dealing with them directly and immediately
- My manager successfully resolves conflicts and grievances to a win-win solution
- My supervisor provides constructive feedback in a way that fosters acceptance and development
- My manager gives good advice and suggestions to coworkers
- I gives constructive feedback on performance reviews
- My manager is thoughtful and honest about the feedback they give others
- I receive feedback (both positive and negative) in a constructive manner
- I always offer constructive criticism to have a positive impact on performance
Diversity and Inclusion
- My manager promotes acceptance of diverse viewpoints from team members
- My coworkers see values in the diversity of individuals on the team
- Our department fosters a diverse workforce free from discrimination and harassment
- Employees in our department embraces the differences in individuals that comprise the team
- People at the company are willing to overlook personal differences and focus on completing the task at hand
- My manager creates diverse teams of individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and abilities
- Coworkers in my department are accepting of individuals with different cultural backgrounds
- My manager is a highly respected individual in the company
- My manager treats others with respect
- I have respect for the other members of the team/department
- I see the value of input from coworkers
- Employees in the department are respectful of the opinions and ideas of others
- My supervisor is well respected in the department
- Leaders keep their commitments made with the employees
- The leadership in my department is able to keep and maintain confidentiality and trust
- The team leader is trusted by peers and co-workers; others are willing to confide in him/her
- My coworkers are committed and reliable partners
- People in my department are reliable and dependable; they will do what they say they are going to do
- My supervisor is someone you can trust
- Our department addresses critical customer issues in a timely manner
- Coworkers are willing to lend a hand to those in the department who need help
- People in my department will follow up on inquiries in a timely manner
- People in our department are willing to assist employees that need help
- I am able to respond quickly to inquiries from potential customers
- Coworkers in the department are willing to assist those who need help in meeting performance metrics
- I work diligently to assist customers in finding the right products
Role Model
- My manager is a role model for others demonstrating the importance of interpersonal skills
- My coworkers display positive interactions
- I strive to lead by example to demonstrate the value of interpersonal relationships
- My manager demonstrates a high degree of ethics and integrity in the workplace
- Employees in the department demonstrate positive behaviors for others to follow
Self-Assessment Items
- You apply appropriate communication techniques to the situation.
- You demonstrate good communication with colleagues and customers.
- You are easily approachable.
- You communicate well at all levels of the organization.
- You maintain open and regular communication with others.
- You attend to both the content and the context of what was being said.
- You communicate initiatives in a clear and actionable manner to employees.
- You understand the core issues of conversations.
- You a good listener who is attentive to others. I am a good listener who is attentive to others.
- You anticipate the concerns of other employees.
- You use tact, compassion, and sensitivity in interactions with others.
- I pay close attention to what is being communicated verbally and nonverbally.
- I consider the other individual's point of view.
- You demonstrate compassion and understanding of others.
- You have empathy for coworkers.
- You demonstrate an understanding of other points of view.
- You demonstrate awareness of how specific actions, or inaction, could affect others
- You listen to and interacts with customers and team members in an effective, tactful, and pleasant way
- You come across as credible, knowledgeable and sincere
- I maintain a high degree of honesty and integrity.
- I am transparent and honest in communications, intentions, and actions.
- You are honest about owning up to mistakes made.
- I am honest about making mistakes and willing to fix them.
- You believe honesty and integrity are core tenets of interpersonal relationships.
- You give honest feedback and suggestions for improvement.
- You give honest opinions when asked.
- You are honest and trustworthy.
- You are able to work with individuals at all levels of the company.
- You demonstrate willingness to work with others.
- You build a strong rapport with co-workers.
- I build strong relationships with team members.
- You are willing to communicate in person instead of through a mobile device.
- You establish good rapport with employees and customers.
- You work cooperatively with others in the department.
- You are helpful, considerate, and cooperative towards others.
- You are able to work closely others who are considered to be difficult to work with.
- You coach others how to communicate with influence and persuasion.
- You coach team on how to offer alternative solutions in order to help customers achieve desired results
- You coach employees on how your style influences the outcomes of situations.
- You provide resources to enable individuals to develop yourself.
- You provide learning activities to help team members better relate to one another and create a collaborative environment
- You coach others whenever possible.
- You encourage team and team members to seek and respond to constructive criticism
- You adapt management style to meet the needs of the individual or situation.
- You use knowledge and charisma rather than position, power, or coercion to influence others
- You positively impacts your team's morale, sense of belonging, and participation
- You influence others on your team to reach goals, improve performance, and try new things
- You hold team members accountable to commitments made.
- You secure cooperation from and/or persuades others to support your solutions and decisions
- You express ideas in an appropriate manner to overcome resistance, complaints, and frustration from others
- You use appropriate persuasive techniques when talking with people of varying backgrounds and resistance levels
- You secure commitment from subordinates, supervisors, and members of other departments when working to gain support for ideas or decisions
- You recognize and reward behavior that produces excellent performance.
- You inspire a sense of area pride and culture; co-workers are aware of what makes your area unique.
- You are recognized for your influencing skills
- You create an atmosphere that supports the open expression of ideas
- You are open and approachable
- You value the opinions of others.
- You are open to innovative ideas and suggestions from others
- You are open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives
- You maintain an open and accepting manner.
- You are open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives.
- You encourage others to share ideas to develop team cohesion.
- You will listen to suggestions and advice from others
- You actively listen to others.
- You listen to others, withholding judgment, and comes across as open to all viewpoints
- You seek input from key people who should be involved in, or will be affected by, decisions.
- I give credit where credit is due.
- I recognize when others do a good job.
- You express appreciation of other's work.
- I offer praise to colleagues who have successfully completed major projects.
- I take time to recognize the efforts of others.
- I show appreciation for other's work.
- I appreciate the extra efforts made by coworkers.
- You recognize the contributions of others.
- You appreciate the work of direct reports and subordinates.
- You encourage others to recognize the work of outstanding employees.
- You effectively manage conflicts by dealing with them directly and immediately
- You strive for win/win solutions
- You successfully resolve conflicts and grievances to a win-win solution.
- You successfully mediate conflicts and disagreements.
- You defuse hostile/angry individuals in group settings to prevent disruption of work.
- You facilitate the resolution of conflicts and grievances.
- You resolve conflicts and disagreements constructively.
- You resolve conflicts in a positive way.
- You seek common ground and collaborative solutions in negotiations with others
- You are able to work through disagreements with co-workers.
- You remain poised and rational in debates, seeking an understanding of all sides
- You provide constructive feedback in a way that fosters acceptance and development.
- I am thoughtful and honest about the feedback I give others.
- I offer constructive criticism to have a positive impact on performance.
- I give constructive feedback on performance reviews.
- You give good advice and suggestions to coworkers.
- You receive feedback (both positive and negative) in a constructive manner.
Diversity and Inclusion
- I am willing to overlook personal differences and focus on completing the task at hand.
- I embrace the differences in individuals that comprise the team.
- I create diverse teams of individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and abilities.
- You see value in the diversity of individuals on the team.
- I promote acceptance of diverse viewpoints from team members.
- You accepting of individuals with different cultural backgrounds.
- You foster a diverse workforce free from discrimination and harassment.
- I value the input from coworkers.
- You are respectful of the opinions and ideas of others.
- I respect other members of the team/department.
- I am a highly respected individual in the company.
- I am well respected in the department.
- You treat others with respect.
- I am a committed and reliable partner.
- I keep commitments made with coworkers.
- You are trusted by peers and co-workers; others are willing to confide in him/her
- I am someone you can trust.
- You keep and maintain confidentiality and trust.
- You are a reliable and dependable worker; you will do what you say you would do.
- You address critical customer issues in a timely manner.
- I work diligently to assist customers in finding the right products.
- You assist those in the department who need help in meeting performance metrics.
- I assist employees that need help.
- I am willing to lend a hand to those in the department who need help.
- I respond quickly to inquiries from potential customers.
- I follow up on inquiries in a timely manner.
Role Model
- You are a role model for others demonstrating the importance of interpersonal skills.
- You strive to lead by example to demonstrate the value of interpersonal relationships.
- I demonstrate a high degree of ethics and integrity in the workplace.
- I demonstrate positive behaviors for others to follow.
- You display positive interactions.
- You understand that stress is part of work and does not let it affect them personally.
Job Application
- Give an example of how you understood the core issues of a conversation?
- Would others say that you communicate well at all levels of the organization?
- How do you maintain open and regular communication with others?
- Are you a good listener who is attentive to others?
- Have you communicated initiatives in a clear and actionable manner to employees? Explain.
- How do you apply the appropriate communication techniques to different situations?
- Do you attend to both the content and the context of what was being said? Can you give an example?
- Give examples of how you demonstrated good communication with colleagues and customers.
- Would others say that you are easily approachable?
- How do you demonstrate a compassion and understanding of others?
- Do you have empathy for coworkers? Can you give an example?
- Give an example of when you demonstrated an understanding of other points of view.
- When do you consider the other individual's point of view?
- Describe a situation in which you demonstrated an awareness of how specific actions, or inaction, could affect others.
- Do you listen to and interact with customers and team members in an effective, tactful, and pleasant way? Explain.
- Do you anticipate the concerns of other employees? Example?
- Do you always pay close attention to what is being communicated verbally and nonverbally?
- Would others describe you as someone who uses tact, compassion, and sensitivity in interactions with them?
- When completing assessments of others, do you give honest feedback and suggestions for improvement?
- Would others describe you as honest and trustworthy? Can you describe interactions that support this view?
- Do you maintain a high degree of honesty and integrity?
- Are you transparent and honest in communications, intentions, and actions?
- Are you honest about owning up to mistakes made? Can you give an example?
- Do your colleagues view you as credible, knowledgeable and sincere? Give examples of interactions which support this.
- Do you always give honest opinions when asked?
- Are honesty and integrity your core tenets of interpersonal relationships? Explain.
- Are you honest about making mistakes and willing to fix them?
- How do you establish a good rapport with employees and customers?
- Have you worked cooperatively with others in the department?
- A you helpful, considerate, and cooperative towards others? Give examples.
- Describe how you build strong relationships with team members.
- How do you demonstrate a willingness to work with others?
- Do you feel you are more willing to communicate in person instead of through a mobile device?
- Do you consider yourself able to work closely others who are difficult to work with? Explain.
- Do you build a strong rapport with co-workers? Elaborate.
- Are you able to work with individuals at all levels of the Company?
- Do you coach others on how to communicate with influence and persuasion?
- Do you encourage team and team members to seek and respond to constructive criticism?
- Explain how you would coach a team on how to offer alternative solutions in order to help customers achieve desired results.
- Have you provided resources to enable individuals to develop themselves?
- Do you provide learning activities to help team members better relate to one another and create a collaborative environment?
- Have you coached employees on how their style influences the outcomes of situations?
- Describe how you coach others whenever possible.
- Do you inspire a sense of area pride and culture? Are co-workers aware of what makes their area unique?
- Have you ever had to use knowledge and charisma rather than position, power, or coercion to influence others?
- Do you adapt your management style to meet the needs of the individual or situation? Explain.
- Explain how you would use persuasive techniques when talking with people of varying backgrounds and resistance levels.
- Give examples of how you expressed ideas in an appropriate manner to overcome resistance, complaints, and frustration from others.
- Give examples of how you recognized and rewarded behavior that produced excellent performance.
- How do you secure commitment from subordinates, supervisors, and members of other departments when working to gain support for ideas or decisions?
- Are you recognized for your influencing skills?
- Describe how you would hold team members accountable to commitments made.
- Describe how you would secure cooperation from and/or persuade others to support your solutions and decisions.
- Do you positively impact your team's morale, sense of belonging, and participation?
- Give examples of when you influenced others on your team to reach goals, improve performance, and try new things.
- Do you encourage others to share ideas to develop team cohesion?
- Give examples of how you listed to suggestions and advice from others.
- Do you value the opinions of others?
- How do you maintain an open and accepting manner?
- Describe how you would seek input from key people who should be involved in, or will be affected by, decisions.
- Have you created an atmosphere that supported the open expression of ideas? When and how?
- Would others describe you as open to innovative ideas and suggestions?
- Do you regularly listen to others, withholding judgment, so that you come across as open to all viewpoints?
- Are you open and approachable?
- Are you open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives?
- Are you open to input on alternative ways to accomplish objectives?
- Do you actively listens to others?
- Describe how you would recognize when others do a good job?
- Describe how you regularly appreciate the work of direct reports and subordinates.
- Do you give credit where credit is due?
- When have you shown appreciation for other's work?
- How do you express appreciation of other's work?
- How do you recognize the contributions of others?
- Do you take the time to recognize the efforts of others?
- Give an example of how you offered praise to colleagues who have successfully completed major projects.
- How do you appreciate the extra efforts made by coworkers?
- Give an example of when you encouraged others to recognize the work of outstanding employees.
- How do you facilitate the resolution of conflicts and grievances?
- Explain how you would strive for win/win solutions?
- How do you resolve conflicts in a positive way?
- Describe how you would successfully mediate conflicts and disagreements?
- Give an example of when you remained poised and rational in a debate, seeking an understanding of all sides?
- How do you defuse hostile/angry individuals in group settings to prevent disruption of work?
- Do you often seek common ground and collaborative solutions in negotiations with others?
- Are you able to work through disagreements with co-workers?
- Have you ever successfully resolved conflicts and grievances to a win-win solution? Explain.
- How do you resolve conflicts and disagreements constructively?
- How do you effectively manage conflicts? By dealing with them directly and immediately? Give an example.
- Are you thoughtful and honest about the feedback you give others? Explain.
- Do you offer constructive criticism to have a positive impact on performance?
- Have you provided constructive feedback in a way that fostered acceptance and development?
- Have you receives feedback (both positive and negative) in a constructive manner?
- Do you give constructive feedback on performance reviews?
- Describe examples of when you gave good advice and suggestions to coworkers.
Diversity and Inclusion
- Describe how you embrace the differences in individuals that comprise the team.
- Are you accepting of individuals with different cultural backgrounds?
- Are you willing to overlook personal differences and focus on completing the task at hand?
- Explain how you see value in the diversity of individuals on the team.
- How do you create diverse teams of individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and abilities?
- How do you foster a diverse workforce free from discrimination and harassment?
- What would you do to promote acceptance of diverse viewpoints from team members?
- Are you respectful of the opinions and ideas of others?
- Describe how you treat others with respect?
- Do you value the input from coworkers?
- Are you well respected in the department?
- Are you viewed as a highly respected individual in the company? Can you elaborate?
- Give examples of how you respected other members of the team/department?
- Are you trusted by peers and co-workers? Are others willing to confide in you? Give examples.
- Are you a reliable and dependable worker? Will you do what you say you are going to do?
- Are you a committed and reliable partner?
- Would others say that you are someone who can be trusted?
- Do you keep commitments made with coworkers? Give examples.
- Do you keep and maintain confidentiality and trust?
- Do you regularly respond quickly to inquiries from potential customers?
- Are you willing to lend a hand to those in the department who need help? Elaborate.
- Do you address critical customer issues in a timely manner?
- Give examples of when you assisted employees that needed your help.
- Do you follow up on inquiries in a timely manner? Describe when this happened.
- How would you assist those in the department who may need help in meeting performance metrics? Any examples?
- Explain how you would work diligently to assist customers in finding the right products.
Role Model
- How do you lead by example to demonstrate the value of interpersonal relationships?
- How do you display positive interactions?
- Do you demonstrate positive behaviors for others to follow?
- Explain how you demonstrate a high degree of ethics and integrity in the workplace?
- Are you a role model for others demonstrating the importance of interpersonal skills?