Juggling Multiple Responsibilities - 360 Degree Feedback Survey Sample #9

360 Feedback Survey

Surveys measuring the ability to handle multiple responsibilities:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)

Thank you for providing feedback for the recipient above. As you respond, please draw on your first-hand experience with this individual in the past 12 months. Rate each item using the scale shown. If you don't feel you have enough first-hand information to rate a certain item, please choose the Not Applicable option. Comments can be very helpful; at a minimum where you give a particularly high or low rating, please share your reasons in the comment section for that competency. Your responses will be compiled with feedback from others and presented to the recipient to help guide their ongoing development.

Sample Result Document:
Sample Results
Partially completed forms can be saved by using the Save/Still Working button at the bottom of the page. You may return at a later time to complete/edit the form. Your saved responses will be shown each time you re-visit the feedback form. When you are certain that you have completed your responses and will be not making any changes, click the Complete button.

Juggling Multiple Responsibilities

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Plans and organizes continuously while performing all other responsibilities and activities.
  1. Organizes tasks for the most efficient order of completion.
  1. Can multitask while performing all of their other responsibilities and activities.
  1. Determines which tasks are critical and which tasks are optional.
  1. Avoids bottlenecks in progress by assigning multiple individuals to critical tasks.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Creates a consistent process for prioritizing work.
  1. Encourages employees to take on greater responsibilities.
  1. Is aware of problems or issues that may affect the organization.
  1. Acts like an owner when they make decisions.
  1. Tackles issues head on and finds solutions.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Fosters an environment built upon trust.
  1. Demonstrates honesty and truthfulness at all times.
  1. Demonstrates sincerity in actions with others.
  1. Accepts responsibility for mistakes.
  1. Maintains strong relationships with others.

Cultural Awareness

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Understands what customs and etiquette are important for individuals from other cultures.
  1. Is responsive to individuals from other cultures.
  1. Recognizes individual and cultural differences.
  1. Is aware of the similarities and differences among and between cultural groups.
  1. Participates in cultural training sessions/classes.

Project Management

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Responds quickly and appropriately to unforeseen problems.
  1. Maintains costs and expenses within budget limits.
  1. Develops action items, workplans, timelines, and criteria for projects.
  1. Defines project outcomes based on customer requirements.
  1. Develops performance measures for various aspects of the project.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Entrusts subordinates with important tasks.
  1. Allows employees to decide how they wish to complete the tasks.
  1. Clearly defines duties and tasks to be completed.
  1. Sets clear and reasonable expectations for others and follows through on their progress.
  1. Defines the roles, responsibilities, required actions, and deadlines for team members.

Change Management

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Is an inspiration for others to accept the recent changes.
  1. Is a leading force driving changes.
  1. Supports the Company's efforts to implement changes.
  1. Adopts changes to set and example for others to follow.
  1. Inspires others to want to change.

Commitment To Result

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Creates a sense of urgency among the store team members to complete activities, which drive sales.
  1. Willing to do whatever it takes-not afraid to have to put in extra effort.
  1. Coordinates all department activities into a cohesive team effort.
  1. Committed to the team.
  1. Encourages commitment in others to obtain results.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Identifies predictable hazards in the workplace.
  1. Participates in safety training as applicable.
  1. Committed to safety in the workplace.
  1. Develops a culture of safety.
  1. Seeks to reduce the likelihood of accidents.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Keeps informed of various regulations and procedures.
  1. Familiar with EEOC, FLSA, OSHA and ERISA acts/standards.
  1. Follows all safety regulations and procedures.
  1. Performs regular compliance audits.
  1. Keeps track of changes in legislation affecting regulatory compliance.

Empowering Others

Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Provides support and resources needed to accomplish goals.
  1. Is confident in the abilities of employees assigned important tasks.
  1. Demonstrates confidence in the abilities of subordinates.
  1. Allows individuals to be responsible for their decisions.
  1. Recognizes the accomplishments of employees when they complete important assignments.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Changes communication styles to meet the listener's needs.
  1. Is able to decline bad ideas to avoid making poor decisions.
  1. Maintains communication channels between parties in the negotiation.
  1. Stays calm and focuses on the core issues to be discussed.
  1. Establishes clear communications to avoid misunderstandings.


Definite Strength Meets Standards Needs Development N/A
  1. Creates a positive vision of the future for the Company.
  1. Leads employees in new directions.
  1. Persuades others to follow the Company's vision.
  1. Clearly articulates a vision for his/her work and inspires others to support it
  1. Creates a common vision for others.

  1. Overall, please rate the effectiveness of [Participant Name Here].

  2. Strengths

  3. Areas for Development

  4. Please give any final comments or suggestions for [Participant Name Here]'s assessment.