Survey Questions: Department
Questionnaires measuring the Department:
- Employees work well with each other in the department.
- Employees in my department work together to solve problems.
- In our department, we work together to do get the job done.
- Collaboration is encouraged in our department.
- Our department has reasonable goals that are achievable.
- My department is well managed.
- Conditions in my work area allow me to be highly productive.
- I feel my department is very productive.
- The employees in my department are productive.
- My coworkers are productive and produce quality work.
- My department contributes significantly to the overall production of the organization.
- Conditions in my department allow me to perform to a high standard.
- Our department is successful in achieving key goals and objectives.
- I am aware of the specific goals our department has for completion this year.
- Employees in the department are aware of the goals that need to be achieved.
- Our department uses performance measures to assess progress towards important goals.
- Our department is successful in meeting key benchmarks.
- The ____ department is successful.
- The department manager keeps us informed of the goals for the department.
- Communication is good between departments.
- Team members communicate well in the ____ department.
- Communication in the ____ department is good.
- Employees communicate freely within our department.
- Communication is excellent in our department.
Processes and Procedures
- My work group looks for ways to change processes to improve productivity.
- My team looks for ways to change processes to improve performance.
- I think the end-of-year bonus for our department helps to ensure a high level of productivity.
- Our department generates required quarterly and annual reports on-time.
- Our department uses an efficient data management system to maintain, update, and easily access important data.
Problem Solving
- My team focuses on fixing the problem rather than finding someone to blame.
- People in my department encourage new ideas to solve problems.
- Employees in my department work well together to solve problems.
Customer Service
- Employees in our department try to help customers.
- Our department treats customers with respect.
- Our department offers services that meet the needs of customers.
- Our department does what it takes to ensure customer issues are resolved.
- Customer service is important to employees in my department.
- Employees in my department treat me with respect and dignity.
- Employees in the ____ department treat each other with respect.
- The department respects who I am.
- My department respects individuals and values their differences.
- My department supports diversity initiatives.
- Our department manager supports diversity initiatives.
- Our department addresses issues related to diversity.
Vision and Alignment
- Our department conducts regular meetings to keep everyone on the same page.
- Employees in the ____ department have a shared vision for the future.
- Our department is aligned with the overall goals of the organization.
Resources and Equipment
- The department has adequate resources available to meet our needs.
- The department conducts a regular inventory of equipment.
- Our department has all of the equipment needed.