Leadership - 360 Degree Feedback Survey Sample #13

Questionnaires Measuring Leadership:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)
Survey 13 (4-point scale; numbers; floating anchors)
Survey 14 (4-point scale; N/A)

You are being requested to provide valuable feedback on the manager listed above. Your insights and observations are a crucial element in our continuous efforts to enhance our performance through this leadership development program. This feedback tool has been carefully designed to gather detailed and comprehensive input on the core competencies and role responsibilities that are integral to the ongoing success and growth of our organization.

We believe that your unique perspective, based on your interactions and experiences with this manager, will contribute significantly to identifying strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for professional growth. Your feedback will help us foster a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement within our leadership team.

As you complete the assessment form, please reflect on your interactions with this individual over the past six to twelve months. Your responses will be combined with feedback from others and presented to the manager to aid in their ongoing development. Rest assured, your comments will be shared anonymously, exactly as you write them.

Sample Result Document:
Sample Results
Method of use: As part of the review process, managers will receive feedback from peers and staff. It is recognized that not all participants will be able to assess an individual's performance in all areas. The feedback received will be utilized as input to the manager's performance and on-going development plan.

You may sign out at any time by pressing the Save button at the end of the form and then closing your browser. You may return later to pick up where you left off. When you are done, press the Complete button.

When clicking your selection below, try to best fit the manager's actual behaviors to the scale provided.

If you are not sure, or unable to assess, select "Not Applicable" (N/A) option.

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Disagree Agree Strongly
  1. Able to organize the work of others.
  1. Holds others accountable for their actions.
  1. Leads team to set goals, solve problems, and accomplish tasks.
  1. Effectively leads others.
  1. Motivates others to reach and exceed organizational goals and objectives.
  1. Motivates and challenges employees to attain a shared vision.
  1. Clearly explains performance expectations and goals to be reached at the beginning of a project, then let's others decide how to achieve the goal.
  1. Provides resources to enable individuals to develop professionally.
  1. Guides decision-making by coaching, counseling and rewarding.

Managing Performance

Disagree Agree Strongly
  1. Ensures Job Descriptions are up to date and accurate.
  1. Recognizes employees with a long and distinguished career of service.
  1. Measures performance using standard production quotas.
  1. Monitors performance on a regular basis.
  1. Administers the performance rewards program in a fair and equitable manner.


Disagree Agree Strongly
  1. Is naturally sought out by people outside his/her particular area for advice and opinion on a broad range of matters - not necessarily solely legal advice.
  1. Keeps current with technical advances within his/her professional discipline; embraces and applies new techniques and practices
  1. Willingly shares information and expertise; sought out as resource by others
  1. Knows how to produce high quality products/work.
  1. Seeks information from others as needed.


Disagree Agree Strongly
  1. Reviews documentation, processes and practices.
  1. Submits complete applications for necessary certifications.
  1. Performs audits regularly, or without notice, to ensure proper compliance with regulations.
  1. Appoints a supervisory committee to ensure effective oversight of the organization.
  1. Prepares and presents annual reports as required.


Disagree Agree Strongly
  1. Integrates digital tools to streamline the collaborative processes of Research and Development.
  1. Defines shared goals with the committee members.
  1. Works with other experts to solve problems.
  1. Listens and attends to the ideas from others.
  1. Shares insights, innovations, and resources to enhance efficiency.


Disagree Agree Strongly
  1. Sustains existing partnerships guided by contracts and agreements.
  1. Finds common ground with a wide range of stakeholders.
  1. Shares resources, technology, facilities, or intellectual property to benefit both partners.
  1. Attends industry conferences and seminars to meet new contacts and learn from industry leaders.
  1. Collaborates with other departments to streamline and improve workflow efficiency.

Strategic Insight

Disagree Agree Strongly
  1. Converses with customers and clients to get a better insight into their personal needs.
  1. Develops a strategic vision for the future.
  1. Understands the Company's strengths and weaknesses and uses this information to create optimal solutions to problems.
  1. Meets with customers to gain insight into their core needs and how best to serve them.
  1. Creates a vision for the organization based on insights gathered from other companies in the industry.

  1. Describe the greatest strengths of this person with regard to his/her overall effectiveness in performing his/her current responsibilities.

  2. Describe the most important things this person could improve upon in order to increase his/her overall effectiveness in performing his/her current responsibilities.

  3. Overall, please rate the effectiveness of [Participant Name Here].

  4. Please give any final comments or suggestions for [Participant Name Here]'s assessment.