Decision Making - Employee Survey Sample #8

Questionnaires Measuring Decision Making:
Example 1 (5-point scale; numbers; NA)
Example 2 (7-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 3 (4-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 5 (5-point scale; words)
Example 6 (Pulse Survey)
Example 7 (5-point scale; item comments)
Example 8 (3-point scale; words; N/A)
Example 9 (4-point scale; numbers)
Example 10 (Comment boxes only)
Example 11 (Single rating per dimension)
Example 12 (Slide-bar scale)
Dear Employee:

Welcome to the [Company] Employee Survey. Our objective is to understand and express the values which will ensure [Company] is an exceptional place to work. We are asking you to take time to respond to this survey to help us identify where we are doing well and where we have opportunities to do better.

We have developed this survey with questions tailored for our staff and business to provide you with an opportunity to anonymously rate many facets of the business. The survey will assess what you value most in your employment and allow you to make positive suggestions for improvement.

Please be honest, constructive and thoughtful in your responses. The results of this survey will be used to help drive our future success. If you have any questions about the process please contact [Contact Person].

Please ensure that your submission is made between . The survey will only be available during these dates.

Thank you for your participation in the survey. We look forward to seeing the analysis of your responses and we are hoping for 100% participation.

Management Team

Please complete the items below and press the submit button at the end of the survey. If you need multiple sessions to complete the survey, please click the "Submit" button at the end of each session to save your responses. Please feel free to skip any items that you do not wish to respond to. Keep in mind that your responses help us to become a better place to work. So, you are encouraged to respond to all items on the questionnaire.

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Decision Making

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. I takes into account the impact decisions will have on others
  1. People in my department evaluate relevant information before making decisions
  1. I weigh the pros and cons of decisions and the impacts those decisions may have on others
  1. My supervisor asks for additional information when making critical decisions
  1. Our department makes decisions that are based on available facts, existing constraints, and probable outcomes


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. I subscribe to industry magazines and newsletters to stay aware of the latest innovations in our industry
  1. Departments that are innovative are rewarded for their efforts
  1. Employees in my department are encouraged to be innovative
  1. I am able to experiment and take risks to try new things
  1. My ideas and suggestions are given adequate consideration.


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. Methods are in place to identify production problems
  1. Management places importance on quality work.
  1. Managers try to prevent production problems before they occur
  1. The people in my team are committed to doing quality work
  1. The Company's image is that of a high quality Employer.


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. Management is able to implement a vision and mission
  1. Managers are effective in addressing resistance to change
  1. The Leadership keeps a focus on where the Company needs to go
  1. The Leadership involves employees when making significant changes
  1. My Department is able to adjust rapidly to a new way of operating

Respect for Others

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. Co-workers treat each other with respect
  1. I am treated with respect by others with whom I work.
  1. Disrespectful behavior is not tolerated.
  1. I feel respected by management in this organization.
  1. Co-workers respect each others' opinions


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. My manager is clear when assigning tasks to be completed
  1. Supervisor in the department are willing to consider a spectrum of disciplinary measures, ranging from formal warnings to unpaid leave
  1. In our department, supervisors use disciplinary measures with the intent to guide and improve behavior, rather than to seek retribution
  1. My supervisor provides direction and coaching to employees
  1. Supervisors in my department successfully mediate conflicts between employees

Corporate Culture

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. The organizational culture enhances employee commitment
  1. CompanyName has an image of a high quality company.
  1. The Company culture promotes employees to stay within the organization.
  1. Employees are generally friendly and willing to help you if needed
  1. People enjoy working for the Company


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. The Company is successful in recruiting to fill both long-term and short-term positions
  1. The hiring process is fair and unbiased
  1. Managers follow the hiring procedures
  1. My department has adequate levels of staffing.
  1. The Company employs highly professional people


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. The pay offered by the Company is very competitive
  1. I am satisfied with the level of pay I receive
  1. I feel I am adequately paid compared to my colleagues at other companies
  1. My Supervisor is always trying to make sure I am fairly compensated
  1. I have a clear understanding of the Company pay policy


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. My supervisor values and appreciates my contributions.
  1. I understand the Company reward philosophy and processes
  1. I am made to feel that I am an important part of the Company
  1. Everyone has a chance to be recognized.
  1. My rewards package is representative of my job performance

General Open Ended Questions

  1. What are the top three challenges you face in your job?

  2. Would you refer others who are seeking employment to [Company]?

    If not, please explain:

  3. Are there any changes to an existing workflow, process or procedure you believe could improve your ability to perform your job more effectively or efficiently?

    If so, please describe:

  4. In your opinion, what are positive aspects of [Company]?

  5. What is the most important thing you would like to see [Company] do to improve as a place to work?

  6. On a scale of Excellent to Poor, how would you rate your overall employment experience
    with [Company] and why?

  7. Please enter any final comments you would like to share.


Questions below are optional, however, providing this information
will help us make accurate conclusions for specific work groups.
None of this information will be used to identify individual respondents.
  1. Your department:

  2. Years of Service:

  3. Your location:

  4. Your shift: