Attitude - 360 Degree Feedback Survey Sample #8

Questionnaires Measuring Attitude:
Survey 1 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 2 (4-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 3 (5-point scale; Competency Comments)
Survey 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Survey 5 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 6 (4-point scale; words)
Survey 7 (5-point scale; competency comments; N/A)
Survey 8 (3-point scale; Agree/Disagree words; N/A)
Survey 9 (3-point scale; Strength/Development; N/A)
Survey 10 (Comment boxes only)
Survey 11 (Single rating per competency)
Survey 12 (Slide-bar scale)
Survey 13 (4-point scale; numbers; floating anchors)
Survey 14 (4-point scale; N/A)
Self-Assessment Instructions

You have been selected to complete a self-assessment questionnaire as part of a 360-degree feedback assessment. Your feedback is an important part of 's leadership development process. This tool is intended to gather broad feedback in the core competencies and role responsibilities that are important for the on-going success of our organization.

Respond to the assessment form based on your work experiences during the previous 12 months. Your responses will be merged with other people's feedback and presented to you in your on-going development. Comments from others will be shared anonymously, as written.

Sample Result Document:
Sample Results
Method of use: As part of the review process, managers will receive feedback from peers and staff. It is recognized that not all participants will be able to assess an individual's performance in all areas. The feedback received will be utilized as input to the manager's performance and on-going development plan.

You may sign out at any time by pressing the Save button at the end of the form and then closing your browser. You may return later to pick up where you left off. When you are done, press the Complete button.

When clicking your selection below, try to best fit the manager's actual behaviors to the scale provided.

If you are not sure, or unable to assess, select "Not Applicable" (N/A) option.

Please complete your response by .
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Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You visibly support and encourages diversity in style and background.
  1. You show by your actions that you trust in the positive intentions of others.
  1. You contribute to a positive and fun work environment.
  1. You are gracious and professional in your interactions with others.
  1. You build open and trusting relationships.


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You encourage flexibility in the onboarding process.
  1. I anticipate differences to the procedures that may be needed due to a changing operating environment.
  1. You identify new opportunities to achieve goals
  1. I am flexible in solving difficult problems.
  1. You respond to issues and problems with creative solutions and innovation.

Continual Learning

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You share best practices with others and learn from others.
  1. You pursue learning that will enhance job performance.
  1. You set relevant learning objectives and goals.
  1. You seek opportunities to grow in skills and knowledge.
  1. You build on your strengths while addressing your weaknesses.

Establishing Focus/Direction

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You maintain self-control when personally criticized.
  1. You stay focused even when under pressure and stress.
  1. You function well under stress, deadlines, and/or significant workloads.
  1. You maintain focus when handling several problems or tasks simultaneously.
  1. You align the department's goals with the goals of the organization.


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. I select the solution that offers the best outcome based on the analysis.
  1. I ensure financial transactions are recorded accurately and completely.
  1. You present data clearly and concisely to support strong, evidence-based arguments.
  1. You gather information from a variety of sources.
  1. You use standard data collection practices.


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You seize upon opportunities available.
  1. You anticipate what needs to be done and makes necessary preparations.
  1. You act quickly to address any issues or problems.
  1. I do things without being told.
  1. I initiate draft reports for consideration.

Results Oriented

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You make sure employees have the resources they need to achieve their results.
  1. I set challenging goals to be achieved.
  1. You complete work on time.
  1. You prioritize goals to complete those in urgent need first.
  1. I overcome obstacles to continue working toward goals.


Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You set long-term and short-term goals.
  1. You communicate goals and objectives to employees.
  1. You effectively organize resources and plans
  1. You establish goals and objectives.
  1. You assure [Company] principles are understood, employed & pursued.

Interpersonal Skills

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You assist those in the department who need help in meeting performance metrics.
  1. You are open and approachable
  1. I keep commitments made with coworkers.
  1. I embrace the differences in individuals that comprise the team.
  1. You come across as credible, knowledgeable and sincere

Client Focus

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You anticipate potential obstacles to meeting client needs.
  1. I tailor innovative products for each client.
  1. You create innovative solutions to meet client needs.
  1. You create high quality products for the clients.
  1. I promptly respond to clients.

Co-worker Development

Agree Unsure Disagree N/A
  1. You give others development opportunities through project assignments and increased job responsibilities
  1. You set and clearly communicate expectations, performance goals, and measurements to others
  1. You adapt coaching and mentoring approach to meet the style or needs of individuals
  1. You work to identify root causes of performance problems
  1. You take immediate action on poor performance

  1. Overall, please rate the effectiveness of [Participant Name Here].

  2. Strengths

  3. Areas for Development

  4. Please give any final comments or suggestions for [Participant Name Here]'s assessment.