Persuasion and Influence - Performance Management Assessment Sample #8

Performance Management System:

Performance Assessments that include Persuasion and Influence:
Assessment 1 (5-point scale; IDP Comments)
Assessment 2 (3-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 3 (Manager Assessment; 360-Feedback)
Assessment 4 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 5 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 6 (5-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 7 (Comment Boxes Only; IDP)
Assessment 8 (Comment Boxes Only)
Assessment 9 (3-point scale with Letter Grade)
Assessment 10 (360-Feedback; Bonus/Merit Pay)
Assessment 11 (Core Values & Job Competencies)
Assessment 12 (4-point scale; 6 Comment Boxes)

Enter comments in each of the boxes below. Partially completed forms can be saved by using the Save/Still Working button at the bottom of the page. You may return at a later time to complete/edit the form. Your saved responses will be shown each time you re-visit the evaluation form. When you are certain that you have completed your responses and will be not making any changes, click the Complete button.

Part 1: Skills and Accomplishments

  1. Please enter detailed information regarding the completion or current status of your goals. Be sure to cover the following points for each goal:
    1. Goal Description: Briefly describe the goal you set out to achieve. Include the objective and any specific targets or outcomes you aimed for.
    2. Completion Status: Indicate whether the goal has been fully completed, partially completed, or if it is still in progress. Specify the percentage of completion if applicable.
    3. Achievements and Outcomes: Describe any achievements or results that have come from working towards this goal. Highlight any significant milestones or successes.
    4. Challenges and Solutions: Discuss any challenges or obstacles you encountered while working towards this goal. Explain how you addressed or overcame these challenges.
    5. Learnings and Insights: Reflect on what you have learned from pursuing this goal. Share any insights or new skills you have gained through the process.
    6. Future Actions: Outline any next steps or future actions you plan to take in relation to this goal. If the goal is still in progress, provide a timeline for completion and any additional resources you might need.

  2. Please detail any professional development activities you have engaged in, such as college courses, additional training, seminars, and trade magazine readings. Include the skills or knowledge gained, how they have contributed to your role, and any future development plans or goals you have.

Part 2: Job Competencies

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Persuasion and Influence

Ensures stakeholders are involved in the decision making process. Attempts to persuade others rather than simply control them. Understanding what others need. Able to express own goals and needs.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?


Contributes to a positive and fun work environment. Treats all people fairly and with respect. Is gracious and professional in their interactions with others. Shows by their actions that they trust in the positive intentions of others.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Cultural Awareness

Understands the impact that our culture may have on interactions between individuals. Participates in cultural training sessions/classes. Treats others with dignity and respect. Shows respect in daily interactions
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Problem Solving

Has the ability to compare "best practice" performance to current situation and affect improvements. Gets buy-in from constituents before implementing solutions. Evaluates alternative courses of action. Works extra as needed to find the best solution to a problem.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?


Seizes upon chances to improve the department's prospects. Analyzes the needs of the situation and acts before being told to do so. Initiates draft documents for the director. Takes on additional tasks without being asked or told to do so.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Results Oriented

Identifies what needs to be accomplished. Determined to complete tasks regardless of obstacles that may occur. Overcomes obstacles to continue working toward goals. Quickly analyzes the situation to determine the most pressing needs.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?


Seeks to reduce ambiguity in messaging and documents. Uses appropriate grammar and tense in communications. Clarifies problems and their causes to help employees correct them. Avoids creating ambiguity or mixed messages.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Managing Risk

Reduces risk to a manageable level. Is knowledgeable of standard risk management principles. Identifies the most significant risks from business operations. Determines the amount of deviation from the plan that will be tolerated.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Co-worker Development

Gives others development opportunities through project assignments and increased job responsibilities Takes immediate action on poor performance Works to identify root causes of performance problems Adapts coaching and mentoring approach to meet the style or needs of individuals
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?


Understands the current situation of both parties. Keeps the negotiations constructive and focused on problem-solving rather than conflict. Influences others through rational argument and persuasion. Maintains good interpersonal relationships with representatives from the other party.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Part 3: Final Comments

Goals for Next Year
What are your goals for the next evaluation period?

Overall Comments
What final comments do you wish to enter for your assessment?