Creativity - Performance Management Assessment Sample #9

Performance Management System:

Performance Assessments that include Creativity:
Assessment 1 (5-point scale; IDP Comments)
Assessment 2 (3-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 3 (Manager Assessment; 360-Feedback)
Assessment 4 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 5 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 6 (5-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 7 (Comment Boxes Only; IDP)
Assessment 8 (Comment Boxes Only)
Assessment 9 (3-point scale with Letter Grade)
Assessment 10 (360-Feedback; Bonus/Merit Pay)
Assessment 11 (Core Values & Job Competencies)
Assessment 12 (4-point scale; 6 Comment Boxes)

This performance appraisal program is designed to provide a standardized method to:
  1. Provide an objective evaluation of an employee's performance and to share this feedback with the employee
  2. Assist in determining the true development needs of the employee and actions that should be taken to improve their job performance.
  3. This form is intended to ensure fair and equitable salary management. Please note that this review is one of several factors considered in salary decisions.

Employee Input

Please provide brief answers to the questions below. Your feedback is vital to us. We aim to capture all your achievements during the performance review period. The details you enter will be part of your Performance Appraisal. If you need to include any additional printed sheets, please sign, date, and submit them to your Department Head. Additionally, if someone else should contribute to this review, kindly provide their name and contact details.

Part 1: Skills and Accomplishments

  1. Please provide a comprehensive list of your significant accomplishments and any special projects you contributed to during this evaluation period. Be sure to include:
    • The objectives and goals of each project.
    • Your specific role and contributions.
    • The outcomes or results achieved.
    • Any challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
    • The skills and knowledge you applied or developed.
    This information will help us recognize your efforts and understand the impact of your work.

  2. Please detail any professional development activities you have engaged in, such as
    college courses, additional training, seminars, and trade magazine readings.

  3. What do you consider your greatest strengths in your current job?

  4. Which areas of your performance at the company do you feel need improvement?

Instructions: In this example assessment, there are 4 possible Overall Scores:
  1. Score >= 2.8 is Outstanding (O)
  2. Score >=2.5 is Exceeds Expectations (E)
  3. Score >=1.6: Meets Expectations (M)
  4. Otherwise: Did not meet expectations (D)
The actual numeric value is shown at the bottom of this assessment form. A single letter grade representing the Overall Rating is shown here at the top of the form.

Part 2: Job Competencies

Rating Scale:

Exceeds ExpectationsPerformance consistently surpasses job requirements. Both the quality of your work and the manner in which you achieve it far exceed the standards and expectations for your position. You demonstrate exceptional competence and productivity. This high level of performance is evident throughout the year and across all critical aspects of your role.
SatisfactoryThe employee consistently shows satisfactory performance and effectively completes assigned tasks. They are fully competent in their role and perform their duties adequately. However, they may require some direction or supervision.
UnsatisfactoryThe employee consistently falls short of the performance standards expected for this role in nearly all key areas. The quality and manner of their work are below company standards and deemed unacceptable. Without significant and immediate improvement, this rating should prompt the employee to reflect on the suitability of their continued employment.

Letter Grades
Score >= 2.8 is Outstanding (O)
Score >=2.5 is Exceeds Expectations (E)
Score >=1.6: Meets Expectations (M)
Otherwise: Did not meet expectations (D)

As you make ratings on the form below, the employee's overall score will be displayed in the floating box at the top of the screen.


Inspires creativity in their team. Conceives, implements and evaluates ideas. Creates a lot of new ideas. Is creative and inspirational.
Exceeds Expectations

Emotional Intelligence

Able to understand others' points of view. Is able to control their own emotions. Helps to make decisions and solve problems using knowledge about how others will react in certain situations. Is able to express themselves clearly.
Exceeds Expectations

Managing Performance

Initiates probationary actions for employees with sub-par performance. Measures performance of goals and objectives. Provides additional responsibilities for employees that exceed performance standards. Informs team members how their performance compares to stated goals.
Exceeds Expectations


Regularly assesses current methods, welcomes feedback, and is willing to implement changes to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Innovates skills and modifies behaviors to remain flexible in addressing important issues. Allows for flexibility in setting realistic performance goals. Adapts processes and procedures in response to changes in the work environment.
Exceeds Expectations


Uses appropriate techniques to solve problems. Analyzes data and information from several sources and arrives at logical conclusions. Identifies problems and issues needing resolution. Selects the appropriate techniques for analysis.
Exceeds Expectations


Goal Setting Understands & contributes to development of strategic goals. Makes sure that team members have a clear idea of our group's goals. Makes sure that I have a clear idea of our group's goals.
Exceeds Expectations

Technology Use/Management

Adopts the implementation of new technology into the workplace. Supports technical training and development of employees. Proficient in the use of technical systems and processes. Identifies gaps between actual and needed technical competencies and provides recommendations for required training.
Exceeds Expectations


Establishes goals and objectives. Assures [Company] principles are understood, employed & pursued. Consistently provides me with timely feedback for improving my performance. Works toward achieving established goals and objectives.
Exceeds Expectations

Co-worker Development

Provides ongoing feedback to co-workers on their development progress Adapts coaching and mentoring approach to meet the style or needs of individuals Gives others development opportunities through project assignments and increased job responsibilities Works to identify root causes of performance problems
Exceeds Expectations

Strategic Focus

Pursues strategic alliances with valued partners. Evaluates and reviews the implementation of the strategic plan to ensure achievement of the objectives. Looks for opportunities to enhance contributions to the bottom line. Able to identify internal strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats that impact the company.
Exceeds Expectations

Part 3: Your Individual Development Plan

Short-term Goals
What goals do you wish to accomplish in the next year?

Long-term Goals
What goals do you wish to accomplish within the next 2 to 3 years?

Skill Acquisition
What new skills do you plan to acquire within the next evaluation period?