Security - Employee Engagement Survey Sample #3

Surveys Measuring Security:
Example 1 (5-point scale; numbers; NA)
Example 2 (7-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 3 (4-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 5 (5-point scale; words)
Example 6 (Pulse Survey)
Example 7 (5-point scale; item comments)
Example 8 (3-point scale; words; N/A)
Example 9 (4-point scale; numbers)
Example 10 (Comment boxes only)
Example 11 (Single rating per dimension)
Example 12 (Slide-bar scale)
Dear Employee:

Welcome to the Employee Engagement Survey. We are on a journey to create a workplace that encourages success! A critical component of creating this culture is building a business you recognize as being a great place to work and one that provides you with challenge and recognition. We want to build a thriving and successful business that provides motivation and satisfaction. In order to do so we need to assess how we are doing and understand your thoughts, views and feelings.

We have developed this survey with questions tailored for our staff and business to provide you with an opportunity to anonymously rate many facets of the business. The survey will assess what you value most in your employment and allow you to make positive suggestions for improvement.

This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. We valued your feedback last year and once again, we encourage you to be honest and constructive in your responses. Should you need to leave your survey before it is complete, you can access it again simply by clicking on the link provided in the introductory email you received. Please do not forward your survey link to any other email address.

Please ensure that your submission is made between . The survey will only be available during these dates.

Thank you for your participation in the survey. We look forward to seeing the analysis of your responses and we are hoping for 100% participation.

Management Team


  1. I feel free to express my opinions without worrying about negative actions/responses.
  1. Office security is taken seriously at Company.
  1. The administrative software for our security system is easy to use.
  1. Safety and security are adequately addressed at the Company.
  1. Our company has a written health, safety and environmental affairs (HS&E) policy statement.

Job Satisfaction

  1. I enjoy working at the Company
  1. I receive a lot of satisfaction from my job
  1. I feel satisfied at the Company
  1. My job is rewarding
  1. I am proud to tell others I work for the Company


  1. The Company helps employees find an ideal balance between work and life responsibilities
  1. I am able to balance work and my personal life.
  1. The Company offers me the flexibility I want in allowing me to work at home or change my hours, when required
  1. I can adjust my work schedule if needed
  1. I can take time off to handle personal commitments.

Human Resources

  1. The Human Resources staff is accessible and responsive when I need assistance.
  1. Human Resources treats all employees with courtesy and respect.
  1. CompanyName has adequate HR staff and resources to meet the company's needs.
  1. I have confidence in the HR department to resolve payroll and benefit issues.
  1. Information from Human Resources is informative, relevant/timely and consistent.

Decision Making

  1. As a team, we make decisions together
  1. I am involved in important decisions that affect me
  1. Senior Management discusses issues and ideas with employees before making major changes
  1. Employee opinions are valued
  1. My team makes decisions based on data


  1. I would be willing to move to a different location if needed.
  1. I think management will function better now that we have reorganized.
  1. I am happy with my new job assignments.
  1. I understand why the company recently underwent a reorganization.
  1. The reorganization has increased productivity

Employee Assistance Program

  1. The EAP used by the company provides a broad range of counseling services.
  1. Representatives from the EAP provide good documentation and guidance.
  1. The EAP allows for early intervention to help employees.
  1. The Employee Assistance Program provides services that I need.
  1. The Company EAP is confidential

  1. What changes would you like to see in your benefit plans? Please note that some of these may increase premium rates. Please check all that apply.
    Add a higher deductible plan ($1,000 - $2,500)
    Increase vision care
    Increase dental care
    Add wellness program (weight loss, nutrition, smoking cessation programs, etc.)
    Add a Medical Spending Account (MSA) (allows employees to enroll in a high deductible health plan,
    spacer and then [Company] and the employee contribute on a pre-tax basis to an account used for eligible medical expenses)

  2. What changes would you be willing to accept in order to help hold down premium increases? Please check all that apply.
    Higher annual deductibles (the amount you pay out-of-pocket before benefits begin)
    Higher office visit co pays (the dollar amount you pay for office visits)
    Higher prescription drug co pays (the dollar amount you pay for prescription drugs)
    More network restrictions (smaller group of doctors and specialists to choose from)
    No dental coverage
    Other, please specify

  3. How often would you like to participate in after hours company event?

  4. How would you rate your satisfaction with the communication between you and [Company]?

  5. What would you change about your current job or position?

  6. Please identify factors that would improve your job performance in the coming year.

  7. When your performance was discussed with you in the past,
    how often did you receive practical suggestions for improving your work?

  8. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the company in the past year?

  9. Please give any comments or suggestions on how the company can be improved in the coming year: