Problem Solving - Employee Opinion Survey Sample #4

Questionnaires Measuring Problem Solving:
Example 1 (5-point scale; numbers; NA)
Example 2 (7-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 3 (4-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 5 (5-point scale; words)
Example 6 (Pulse Survey)
Example 7 (5-point scale; item comments)
Example 8 (3-point scale; words; N/A)
Example 9 (4-point scale; numbers)
Example 10 (Comment boxes only)
Example 11 (Single rating per dimension)
Example 12 (Slide-bar scale)
Dear Employee:

Welcome to the [Company] Employee Survey. Our objective is to understand and express the values which will ensure [Company] is an exceptional place to work. We are asking you to take time to respond to this survey to help us identify where we are doing well and where we have opportunities to do better.

We have developed this survey with questions tailored for our staff and business to provide you with an opportunity to anonymously rate many facets of the business. The survey will assess what you value most in your employment and allow you to make positive suggestions for improvement.

Please be honest, constructive and thoughtful in your responses. The results of this survey will be used to help drive our future success. If you have any questions about the process please contact [Contact Person].

Please ensure that your submission is made between . The survey will only be available during these dates.

Thank you for your participation in the survey. We look forward to seeing the analysis of your responses and we are hoping for 100% participation.

Management Team

Please complete the items below and press the submit button at the end of the survey. If you need multiple sessions to complete the survey, please click the "Submit" button at the end of each session to save your responses. Please feel free to skip any items that you do not wish to respond to. Keep in mind that your responses help us to become a better place to work. So, you are encouraged to respond to all items on the questionnaire.

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Problem Solving

  1. Our department continuously monitors performance after implementing a solution to ensure it remains effective.
  1. Supervisors are effective in making judgments based upon relevant information.
  1. The team leader is adept at conducting an exhaustive Critical Incident interview.
  1. We work to anticipate problems and develop appropriate solutions
  1. My Supervisor is comfortable using analytic techniques to solve problems
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Problem Solving, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  1. I get important and useful information from meetings
  1. Meetings start and end on time
  1. All employees are encouraged to share their input at meetings
  1. We make the best use of meetings and meetings are tailored to specific needs and purposes.
  1. The Company should offer training on how to improve meeting effectiveness
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Meetings, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?

Job Content and Design

  1. I can make positive suggestions and improve how the Company operates
  1. I am clear about the expectations of my role.
  1. My job description accurately reflects what I do on a daily basis
  1. I can adjust my job description as needed
  1. My job makes good use of my skills and abilities
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Job Content and Design, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  1. There is appropriate signage around secure areas.
  1. It is easy to create and remove access to the security system as needed.
  1. Our security system has implemented appropriate access controls.
  1. Office security is taken seriously at Company.
  1. Our department has a comprehensive emergency action plan.
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Security, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  1. Employees in my department are committed to the Company and want to remain here
  1. Employees are committed to improving quality of services
  1. I am fully committed to a long-term career with CompanyName.
  1. My co-workers are committed to the success of the Company
  1. I would recommend working at the Company to my friends
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Commitment, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  1. The supervisor works with other team members to identify bottle necks in the production process
  1. The members of our team listens to the opinions of others
  1. The supervisor shows respect for other team members
  1. My team makes effective business decisions
  1. Team members listen to each other without interrupting
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Teamwork, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  1. The Company offers benefits that exceed industry standards
  1. The premiums for benefits are reasonable
  1. The Company offers a comprehensive benefits package
  1. I understand the benefits that are available.
  1. The Company offers better benefits than other companies
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Benefits, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  1. Cultural differences are easily overcome
  1. The Company effectively recruits employees with a global perspective
  1. The Company is effective in focusing on the Global marketplace
  1. Leadership identifies key issues affecting the Company at a global level
  1. The Company is aware of market factors that affect us at a global level
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Global, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization. Type the number here: What are your suggestions for how we can improve this?

  1. On a scale of Excellent to Poor, how would you rate your overall employment with [Company] and why?

  2. Would you refer others who are seeking employment to [Company]?

    Please provide explanation:

  3. If you had an opportunity to make any change you wanted to make [Company] a better place to work, what one improvement would you make?

  4. What changes do you see [Company] making in order to raise the standards?

  5. I feel good about my continued employment with [Company].

    If no, please provide explanation:

  6. What do you like best about working for [Company]?

  7. What do you like least about working for [Company]? How could it be improved?

  8. Use the space below to enter any final comments you would like to be noted: