Customer Focus - Performance Management Assessment Sample #5

Performance Management System:

Performance Assessments that include Customer Focus:
Assessment 1 (5-point scale; IDP Comments)
Assessment 2 (3-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 3 (Manager Assessment; 360-Feedback)
Assessment 4 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 5 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 6 (5-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 7 (Comment Boxes Only; IDP)
Assessment 8 (Comment Boxes Only)
Assessment 9 (3-point scale with Letter Grade)
Assessment 10 (360-Feedback; Bonus/Merit Pay)
Assessment 11 (Core Values & Job Competencies)
Assessment 12 (4-point scale; 6 Comment Boxes)
Limiting Feature: This assessment example features a minimum and a maximum limit on responses at the extreme ends of the scale. For this example, you are limited to selecting a response of "Exceptional" to at least 3 and no more than 6 items and a response of "Unsatisfactory" to at least 3 and no more than 6 items.

This performance appraisal program is designed to provide a standardized method to:
  1. Provide an objective evaluation of an employee's performance and to share this feedback with the employee
  2. Assist in determining the true development needs of the employee and actions that should be taken to improve their job performance.
  3. This form is intended to ensure fair and equitable salary management. Please note that this review is one of several factors considered in salary decisions.

Employee Input

Please provide brief answers to the questions below. Your feedback is vital to us. We aim to capture all your achievements during the performance review period. The details you enter will be part of your Performance Appraisal. If you need to include any additional printed sheets, please sign, date, and submit them to your Department Head. Additionally, if someone else should contribute to this review, kindly provide their name and contact details.

Part 1: Skills and Accomplishments

  1. Please provide a comprehensive list of your significant accomplishments and any special projects you contributed to during this evaluation period. Be sure to include:
    • The objectives and goals of each project.
    • Your specific role and contributions.
    • The outcomes or results achieved.
    • Any challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
    • The skills and knowledge you applied or developed.
    This information will help us recognize your efforts and understand the impact of your work.

  2. Please detail any professional development activities you have engaged in, such as
    college courses, additional training, seminars, and trade magazine readings.

  3. What do you consider your greatest strengths in your current job?

  4. Which areas of your performance at the company do you feel need improvement?

Part 2: Job Competencies

Rating Scale:

ExceptionalPerformance consistently surpasses job requirements. Both the quality of your work and the manner in which you achieve it far exceed the standards and expectations for your position. You demonstrate exceptional competence and productivity. This high level of performance is evident throughout the year and across all critical aspects of your role.
SatisfactoryThe employee consistently shows satisfactory performance and effectively completes assigned tasks. They are fully competent in their role and perform their duties adequately. However, they may require some direction or supervision.
UnsatisfactoryThe employee consistently falls short of the performance standards expected for this role in nearly all key areas. The quality and manner of their work are below company standards and deemed unacceptable. Without significant and immediate improvement, this rating should prompt the employee to reflect on the suitability of their continued employment.
Rating Limit: Please note: You must select at least 3 but no more than 6 responses of "Exceptional" and at least 3 but no more than 6 responses of "Unsatisfactory". Once you check the 6th item with that response, the remaining unchecked options will be removed.

What you need to do

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Customer Focus

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Provides training to others on how to improve customer service.
  1. Identifies the core needs of the customer.
  1. Sets an example for excellent customer relations.

Communication Skills

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Listens to others' points of view with an open mind
  1. Communicates crucial information to others.
  1. Responds in a timely manner, respecting deadlines and others' schedules.

Cultural Awareness

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Functions effectively within various cultural contexts.
  1. Seeks to reduce obstacles in communication that might arise from cultural differences.
  1. Helps other employees to become more culturally sensitive.

Establishing Focus/Direction

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Sets appropriate goals for employees.
  1. Maintains focus when handling several problems or tasks simultaneously.
  1. Functions well under stress, deadlines, and/or significant workloads.

Supervisory Skills

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Considers diverse perspectives during the disciplinary process.
  1. Uses the team to its fullest capacity.
  1. Identifies and maximizes opportunities for continuing education for employees.

Problem Solving

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Gathers information on the problem and each solution, covering costs, benefits, risks, feasibility, and business impact.
  1. Communicates goals and the present situation to ensure everyone understands the problem.
  1. Maximizes the return on investment in problem-solving efforts by using resources wisely.


Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Makes sure that I have a clear idea of our group's goals.
  1. Makes sure that team members have a clear idea of our group's goals.
  1. Achieves goals.

Juggling Multiple Responsibilities

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Coordinates the work of a team by assigning tasks to other team members.
  1. Ranks the importance of tasks to make sure critical tasks are completed first.
  1. Keeps track of multiple assignments and deadlines.

Technology Use/Management

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Maximizes the use of new technology to deliver products and services.
  1. Proficient in the use of technical systems and processes.
  1. Supports employee training and development initiatives regarding implementation of technology.


Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional
  1. Works toward achieving established goals and objectives.
  1. Organizes and schedules events, activities, and resources.
  1. Consistently provides me with timely feedback for improving my performance.

Part 3: Individual Productivity and/or SMART Goals

Employee Comments

Supervisor Comments

Part 4: Team Productivity and/or SMART Goals

Employee Comments

Supervisor Comments