Action |
- Completes challenging projects successfully despite setbacks.
| |
- Avoids "Analysis Paralysis" through action.
| |
- Motivates & supports others to gain skills
| |
- Persists in work despite obstacles encountered.
| |
- Takes on additional responsibilities outside of the job description to help the team succeed.
| |
- Ensures that the team's tasks align with its overall objectives.
| |
- Initiates projects or tasks that have a positive impact on the team.
| |
- Gets the job done.
| |
- Creates opportunities and then takes advantage of them.
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Action,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?
Feedback |
- Actively seeks feedback from others.
| |
- Open to the suggestions of others.
| |
- Shares past experiences with others as learning opportunities.
| |
- Is easy to approach with ideas and opinions.
| |
- Accepts the views of others.
| |
- Seeks feedback to enhance performance.
| |
- Asks others for their ideas and opinions.
| |
- Is visible and approachable.
| |
- Considers other's opinion and suggestions.
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Feedback,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?
Establishing Focus/Direction |
- Maintains self-control when personally criticized.
| |
- Maintains focus when handling several problems or tasks simultaneously.
| |
- Makes sure that employees understand and identify with the team's mission.
| |
- Helps guide employees with prioritizing tasks.
| |
- Functions well under stress, deadlines, and/or significant workloads.
| |
- Excellent at managing time.
| |
- Stays focused even when under pressure and stress.
| |
- Aligns the department's goals with the goals of the organization.
| |
- Makes sure that employees understand how their work relates to organizational goals.
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Establishing Focus/Direction,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?
Administrative Skill |
- Implements and uses performance measures.
| |
- Completes reports on-time.
| |
- Takes responsibility for decisions.
| |
- High attention to detail.
| |
- Enthusiastic about taking on challenging projects.
| |
- Able to develop, justify and present a budget.
| |
- Accurately implements contract provisions.
| |
- Has strong technical/computer skills.
| |
- Strong organizational skills to keep the workspace and department in order
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Administrative Skill,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?
Juggling Multiple Responsibilities |
- Plans and organizes continuously while performing all other responsibilities and activities.
| |
- Keeps track of multiple assignments and deadlines.
| |
- Switches attention to more urgent tasks when necessary.
| |
- Assigns tasks based on skills of team members.
| |
- Spends the most time and effort on critical tasks first.
| |
- Coordinates the work of a team by assigning tasks to other team members.
| |
- Avoids bottlenecks in progress by assigning multiple individuals to critical tasks.
| |
- Manages impact of increased traffic flow and freight receipt by detailed planning of controllables and by anticipating and reacting positively to uncontrollables.
| |
- Prioritizes tasks for efficiency.
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Juggling Multiple Responsibilities,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?
Safety |
- Performs work safely.
| |
- Identifies predictable hazards in the workplace.
| |
- Participates in safety training as applicable.
| |
- Supports safety programs and procedures.
| |
- Develops a culture of safety.
| |
- Is aware of OSHA safety guidelines.
| |
- Is not afraid to question a potential safety issue observed in the workplace.
| |
- Works to implement corrective safety measures.
| |
- Develops a sustainable safety culture.
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Safety,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?
Collaboration |
- Respects other group/team members.
| |
- Allows various stakeholders to contribute their expertise to the solution of a problem.
| |
- Builds an environment of trust and respect to encourage risk-taking, innovation, and sharing of ideas.
| |
- Effectively works with others to create solutions to problems.
| |
- Equip the team with the right tools and technologies to facilitate collaboration.
| |
- Respectful of others in group discussions.
| |
- Collaborates across departmental boundaries and finds common ground with a wide range of stakeholders.
| |
- Promotes a culture of collaboration rather than rivalry.
| |
- Uses effective strategies to re-engage team members and secure their commitment to the business's common good.
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Collaboration,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?
Business Acumen |
- Creates robust talent development programs through the identification of key skills gaps and future needs ensuring the company is able to meet its mission and vision.
| |
- Able to correctly assess current/estimated valuations.
| |
- Evaluates risks in terms of their business impact and likelihood of occurrence.
| |
- Creates a risk management strategy to meet the business needs of the organization.
| |
- Thoroughly understands the business needs of the customer.
| |
- Is up-to-date with regulatory guidelines and policies.
| |
- Understands how strategic decisions impact constituents within the Company.
| |
- Anticipates the consequences to the business of different potential risk events.
| |
- Understands impacts of domestic & global market events & issues.
| |
If [Participant Name] were to make improvements in Business Acumen,
what are your suggestions for how he/she can improve this?