Entrepreneurship - Performance Management Assessment Sample #10

Performance Assessments that include Entrepreneurship:
Assessment 1 (5-point scale; IDP Comments)
Assessment 2 (3-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 3 (Manager Assessment; 360-Feedback)
Assessment 4 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 5 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 6 (5-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 7 (Comment Boxes Only; IDP)
Assessment 8 (Comment Boxes Only)
Assessment 9 (3-point scale with Letter Grade)
Assessment 10 (360-Feedback; Bonus/Merit Pay)
Assessment 11 (Core Values & Job Competencies)
Assessment 12 (4-point scale; 6 Comment Boxes)

Performance Management System
Supervisor: [Supervisor Name]

Signature: ___________________

Date: _____________
Employee: [Employee Name]

Signature: ___________________

Date: ___________
Job Title: Mid-Level Manager in X Department Hire Date:
This performance appraisal program is designed to provide a standardized method to:
  1. Provide an objective evaluation of an employee's performance and to share this feedback with the employee
  2. Assist in determining the true development needs of the employee and actions that should be taken to improve their job performance.
  3. This form is intended to ensure fair and equitable salary management. Please note that this review is one of several factors considered in salary decisions.

Employee Input

Please provide brief answers to the questions below. Your feedback is vital to us. We aim to capture all your achievements during the performance review period. The details you enter will be part of your Performance Appraisal. If you need to include any additional printed sheets, please sign, date, and submit them to your Department Head. Additionally, if someone else should contribute to this review, kindly provide their name and contact details.

Part 1: Status Recommendation

If currently on Probational Status:

If on Regular Employment Status:

Justification for the above Status Recommendation:

Part 2: Results of 360-Degree Feedback

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  1. Entrepreneurship: Devotes a certain amount of time and effort to developing new business opportunities. Balances risks and rewards when making decisions. Seeks and utilizes mentors to help guide professional development. Maintains a high level of energy to respond to demands of the job.
  1. Problem Solving: Is a versatile problem-solver with a wide range of tools and techniques at their disposal to apply them appropriately to different situations. Optimizes resource utilization, reducing waste and maximizing efficacy of the solutions implemented. Recognizes the challenges that have emerged or are about to emerge. Maximizes the return on investment in problem-solving efforts by using resources wisely.
  1. Change Management: Is a leading force driving changes. Supports the Company's efforts to implement changes. Inspires others to accept changes. Adopts changes to set and example for others to follow.
  1. Technology Use/Management: Maximizes the use of new technology to deliver products and services. Proficient in the use of technical systems and processes. Supports employee training and development initiatives regarding implementation of technology. Identifies gaps between actual and needed technical competencies and provides recommendations for required training.
  1. Co-worker Development: Takes immediate action on poor performance Works to identify root causes of performance problems Provides ongoing feedback to co-workers on their development progress Gives others development opportunities through project assignments and increased job responsibilities

Part 3: Summary of 360-Degree Feedback

Part 4: Bonus Pay

The supervisor now must consider which of the following adjustments to make to compensation.
Changes made here are reflected in the Salary Recommendations section at the beginning of this form.
Midpoint of Scale Status

Consider eligibility for Movement to Midpoint:
Yes: If Yes, continue with this section below
No, If no continue to next section

Depending on your responses, the computer may show (or hide) certain elements of the form.
Merit Pay Section
When this form was initially loaded, the employee was eligible for Merit Pay.
However, if the scores on Job Performance Criteria were too low, then the eligibility would change.

Consider eligibility for Merit Pay:
Yes: If Yes, continue with this section below
No, If no continue to next section
Change the scores on Job Performance Criteria to see how it affects this section.
Experience Pay Section

Eligible for Experience Pay:
Yes: If Yes, continue with this section below
No, If no continue to next section

Part 5: Individual Productivity and/or SMART Goals

Employee Comments

Supervisor Comments

Part 6: Team Productivity and/or SMART Goals

Employee Comments

Supervisor Comments