Change Management - Performance Management Assessment Sample #7

Performance Management System:

Performance Assessments that include Change Management:
Assessment 1 (5-point scale; IDP Comments)
Assessment 2 (3-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 3 (Manager Assessment; 360-Feedback)
Assessment 4 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 5 (3-point scale; Rating Limits)
Assessment 6 (5-point scale with Comments)
Assessment 7 (Comment Boxes Only; IDP)
Assessment 8 (Comment Boxes Only)
Assessment 9 (3-point scale with Letter Grade)
Assessment 10 (360-Feedback; Bonus/Merit Pay)
Assessment 11 (Core Values & Job Competencies)
Assessment 12 (4-point scale; 6 Comment Boxes)

Enter comments in each of the boxes below. Partially completed forms can be saved by using the Save/Still Working button at the bottom of the page. You may return at a later time to complete/edit the form. Your saved responses will be shown each time you re-visit the evaluation form. When you are certain that you have completed your responses and will be not making any changes, click the Complete button.

Part 1: Skills and Accomplishments

  1. Please enter detailed information regarding the completion or current status of your goals. Be sure to enter a goal description, completion status, achievements and outcomes, challenges and solutions, and any future actions you may want to take.

  2. Please detail any professional development activities you have engaged in, such as college courses, additional training, seminars, and trade magazine readings. Include the skills or knowledge gained, how they have contributed to your role, and any future development plans or goals you have.

Part 2: Job Competencies

Change Management

Inspires others to want to change. Addresses organizational and departmental resistance to changes. Is an inspiration for others to accept the recent changes. Develops plans for following through on the changes.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?


Achieves established goals. Achieves goals. Makes sure that I have a clear idea of our group's goals. Sets high expectations and goals; encourages others to support the organization.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?


Demonstrates mastery of the technical competencies required in his/her work. Knows how to produce high quality products/work. Is naturally sought out by people outside his/her particular area for advice and opinion on a broad range of matters - not necessarily solely legal advice. Is knowledgeable of procedures or systems necessary for the job.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Developing Others

Tries to ensure employees are ready to move to the next level. Develops employees by offering and encouraging them to take on new or additional responsibilities. Provides constructive feedback to others. Assigns tasks and responsibilities to develop skills of others.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Strategic Insight

Creates a mission statement describing the purpose for the organization. Anticipates business cycles and trends and makes adjustments in a timely manner. Inspires employees to adopt the strategic plan. Understands the Company's strengths and weaknesses and uses this information to create optimal solutions to problems.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?


Able to adapt the department to changing business demands and climate. Seeks and utilizes mentors to help guide professional development. Balances risks and rewards when making decisions. Can work effectively in an environment of uncertainty.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Global Perspective

Creates an environment where individual differences are valued and supported. Forms strong client relationships with international partners. Understands global systems such as the global economy. Demonstrates a curiosity about diverse individuals and cultures.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Supervisory Skills

Empowers employees to make their own decisions in the field. Contributes to a productive work environment for the team. Listens to the concerns of employees. Listens to others.
How have you performed this competency and what are your plans for improvement in this area?

Part 3: Final Comments

Team Goals
What are your "team" goals for next year?

Professional Development Plans
What are your professional development plans for next year?

Overall Comments
What final comments do you wish to enter for your assessment?