Staffing - Employee Opinion Survey Sample #10

Surveys Measuring Staffing:
Example 1 (5-point scale; numbers; NA)
Example 2 (7-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 3 (4-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 4 (5-point scale; radio buttons)
Example 5 (5-point scale; words)
Example 6 (Pulse Survey)
Example 7 (5-point scale; item comments)
Example 8 (3-point scale; words; N/A)
Example 9 (4-point scale; numbers)
Example 10 (Comment boxes only)
Example 11 (Single rating per dimension)
Example 12 (Slide-bar scale)
Dear Employee:

Welcome to the Employee Satisfaction Survey. We are on a journey to create a workplace that encourages success! A critical component of creating this culture is building a business you recognize as being a great place to work and one that provides you with challenge and recognition. We want to build a thriving and successful business that provides motivation and satisfaction. In order to do so we need to assess how we are doing and understand your thoughts, views and feelings.

We have developed this survey with questions tailored for our staff and business to provide you with an opportunity to anonymously rate many facets of the business. The survey will assess what you value most in your employment and allow you to make positive suggestions for improvement.

The survey is web-based, quick and simple to complete which allows fast reporting and analysis. To ensure your anonymity, the survey is being hosted by an external organization. You will not be required to identify yourself. We want to be very clear that we will not be able to attribute this data to any specific individual and it is not our intention to do so.

We encourage everyone to complete the survey. Please be honest, constructive and thoughtful in your input. The survey is designed to help us understand more about your thoughts and needs to make this a great company.

The results of this survey will be used to help drive our future success. We will report back to you about what you have said and what we plan to do about it. If you have any questions about the process please contact [Contact Person].

Please ensure that your submission is made between . The survey will only be available during these dates.

Thank you for your participation in the survey. We look forward to seeing the analysis of your responses and we are hoping for 100% participation.

Management Team

Please complete the items below and press the submit button at the end of the survey. If you need multiple sessions to complete the survey, please click the "Submit" button at the end of each session to save your responses. Please feel free to skip any items that you do not wish to respond to. Keep in mind that your responses help us to become a better place to work. So, you are encouraged to respond to all items on the questionnaire.


  • My Supervisor is good at determining staffing needs
  • CompanyName has the right people in the right places.
  • The Company has a good supply of emerging leaders
  • The Company has adequate help during peak work loads
  • My Department has the right people in the right places
If the Company were to make improvements in Staffing, what are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  • Managers are skilled and trained in the various systems to help employees when needed
  • Continuity of leadership is achieved through effective succession planning
  • Training is implemented as a coordinated part of an overall system of employee development
  • The Company uses a systematic process for identifying employee development needs and implementing solutions
  • The Company has an excellent employee hiring and selection system
If the Company were to make improvements in Systems, what are your suggestions for how we can improve this?

Information Technology/IT

  • There is adequate communication between Information Technology and our department.
  • Information Technology responds to my questions and inquiries in a timely manner.
  • The IT Department knows how to repair the equipment in our department.
  • IT Department staff usually have the answers when I need help.
  • Information Technology staff at this Company are easy to approach with a work related problem.
If the Company were to make improvements in Information Technology/IT, what are your suggestions for how we can improve this?

Business Focus

  • My Co-Workers understand their job roles and functions and how they contribute to the success of the company
  • Strategic planning helps develop new business opportunities
  • The Company seeks to take advantage of opportunities
  • The Leadership understands the different business climates in which the Company operates
  • The Leadership is effective in allocating financial resources
If the Company were to make improvements in Business Focus, what are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  • Employees are rewarded for sharing their ideas and suggestions.
  • The Company supports innovative processes developed by employees
  • My Supervisor looks for new and better ways of doing things
  • My ideas and suggestions are accepted and considered
  • My Supervisor supports me in developing new products
If the Company were to make improvements in Innovation, what are your suggestions for how we can improve this?


  • I understand the Company reward philosophy and processes
  • I am made to feel that I am an important part of the Company
  • I am recognized whenever I do a good job
  • My Supervisor praises me for a job well done
  • My supervisor values and appreciates my contributions.
If the Company were to make improvements in Rewards/Recognition, what are your suggestions for how we can improve this?