Communication |
- Selects the appropriate communication (e.g., email, voice mail, memo, project document) to convey important messages
- Communicates corporate goals and objectives in a meaningful way to employees.
- Explains complex information in a manner easily understood by others.
- Encourages open and honest discussion of ideas.
- Clarifies what other people say to ensure understanding.
Change Management |
- Effectively manages organizational changes.
- Addresses resistance to changes in processes and procedures.
- Assists others with the development and implementation of new processes and procedures.
- Challenges the status quo, appropriately recognizing the need for a new or modified approach.
- Uses knowledge and persuasion to get employees to accept changes.
Leading People |
- Articulates a vision for the future and inspires others to achieve it.
- Makes sure employees understand how their work relates to the organizations mission and vision.
- Demonstrates leadership and courage when needed the most.
- Behaves in a way that is consistent with the organization’s values and code of conduct.
- Distributes rewards and recognition to individual employees to effectively motivate them.
Strategic Decision Making |
- Anticipates future resource needs and proactively takes steps to meet those needs.
- Critically analyzes department/corporate strengths and weaknesses in light of changing environmental conditions.
- Accurately interprets and integrates available information to develop long-term strategies and the action plans to achieve them.
- Identifies and addresses the root cause, rather than visible symptoms of problems.
Identifying and Building Talent |
- Collaborates with employees in the department to establish individual development plans (IDPs).
- Provides constructive and SMART feedback to others (e.g., Specific, Motivating, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely).
- Sets performance goals and objectives for direct reports and encourages their professional development.
- Identifies and hires talented employees.
Delegating/Managing Resources |
- Matches the competencies and skills of the employee to the task when delegating assignments.
- Encourages and empowers direct reports to use initiative in achieving goals and objectives.
- Delegates authority and responsibility to direct reports and holds them accountable for their actions.
- Effectively gathers necessary resources from various teams and departments as needed.
- Supports employees in their work.
Developing Strategic Relationships |
- Develops partnerships with other teams and departments.
- Ensures information is shared freely within the organization.
- Uses public channels of communication to share important information.
- Identifies and fosters relationships with key stakeholders at a broad range of functions and levels.
The Execution of Work |
- Able to conceptualize, organize, staff, and manage a project to achieve desired results.
- Establishes and prioritizes clear and actionable objectives.
- Establishes realistic timeframes for completing tasks and meets deadlines.
- Implements quality control policies and procedures.
- Consistently exceeds performance expectations.
Performance Management |
- Resolves employee relations problems fairly and effectively.
- Establishes high performance standards and coaches direct reports to achieve them.
- Holds direct reports accountable for achieving performance standards that are clear, measurable, and attainable.
- Makes the necessary resources (e.g., time, people, training) available to employees to raise performance to acceptable levels.
Effective Team Management |
- Addresses issues to foster positive interpersonal relationships among team members.
- Removes barriers to the execution of important team goals (e.g., lack of resources, training, effort, organizational support, etc.), to facilitate their achievement.
- Builds the team’s bench strength by actively developing members’ core competencies.
- Fosters team commitment by creating a sense of shared ownership of and dedication to specific performance goals.
- Allows team members to voice their concerns and participate in important team decisions.
Job Specific Knowledge, Skills and Abilities |
- Willingly shares information and expertise; sought after resource by others.
- Demonstrates mastery of the technical competencies required to perform his or her job.
- Actively acquires and transfers new information and skills to the job.
- Proactively manages his or her own career by continually updating technical and managerial skills through training, special projects, etc.