360 Appraisal Example 5

ABC Global 360-Degree Appraisal

Rater: [Your Name]
You are providing feedback to: [Participant Name]


This questionnaire format allows you to collect comments on each item.
You have been selected to provide feedback for the manager listed above. Your feedback is an important part of our company's leadership development process. This tool is intended to gather broad feedback in the core competencies and role responsibilities that are important for the on-going success of our organization.

Please provide feedback using the form below. If you are not able to respond to an item, leave it blank and go on to the next item. When you have finished, press the SAVE or COMPLETED button at the bottom of the form.

Note: When you enter text comments into the boxes below, please focus your comments on work behaviors and styles. The comments that you type will be viewed by the individual receiving the feedback. Do not enter personal information about yourself unless you want this individual to know you are the author of these comments.

To what extent does [Participant Name] exhibit the following ...


Highly effective supervisor. Gives inspiring presentations or discussions. Clearly explains performance expectations and goals to be reached at the beginning of a project, then let's others decide how to achieve the goal. Able to align manpower, design work, an allocate tasks to achieve goals. Motivates and challenges employees to attain a shared vision.
Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answer.

Continual Learning

Views setbacks as opportunities to learn from. Sets relevant learning objectives and goals. Grasps new ideas, concepts, technical, or business knowledge. Takes the initiative to learn new skills. Takes charge of their training and skills enhancement.
Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answer.

Empowering Others

Recognizes and rewards employees who make important decisions and take action when necessary. Considers ideas from employees that may challenge traditional ways of doing the job. Listens to the ideas employees have for solving issues. Allows employees the opportunity to take time off when needed. Sets goals to allow the employee to have more autonomy over their work.
Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answer.

Problem Solving

Develops and implements clear guidelines and protocols for handling tasks. Implements the ongoing tracking of key metrics and indicators to ensure the solution continues to perform as expected. Gathers information on the problem and each solution, covering costs, benefits, risks, feasibility, and business impact. Stays positive and driven despite obstacles. Brings together individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and viewpoints, brainstorming harnesses a wide range of insights.
Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answer.

Interpersonal Skills

Gives good advice and suggestions to coworkers. Applies appropriate communication techniques to the situation. Assists those in the department who need help in meeting performance metrics. Follows up on inquiries in a timely manner. Is transparent and honest in communications, intentions, and actions.
Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answer.

Decision Making

Open to the suggestions from subordinates. Is able to make decisions quickly. Willing to change their strategy if new information arises. Weighs the pros and cons of decisions. Decides which short- and long-term goals should be created.
Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answer.


Effective in bringing up new ideas. Seeks innovative ways to change, grow, and improve the department. Helps to identify and create value from innovation. Facilitates acceptance of new ideas. Sets company-wide innovation performance targets and goals.
Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answer.

Recognize that your comments will be listed along with the comments from all other sources and provided to this employee. We will delete any information that will identify you as the source, unless you state that you want this employee to know that you provided these comments. Consider the following questions as you think about responses.

The following Starter Questions are provided to help in trigger your feedback comments...

  1. In what ways has the colleague contributed to your business responsibilities, MBOs or personal goals? Is there anything that stands out in particular or specific examples worth mentioning?
  2. What were your disappointments relative to "misses" if any this year? Specific examples?
  3. What competencies were demonstrated at a higher than expected level? Examples?
  4. What competencies represent developmental opportunities? Examples?
  5. Any other thoughts?

Greatest Strengths

Areas for Development

Additional comments, if any: