Training Needs Assessment Demo 4

This is an on-line demo of a Training Needs Assessment survey to be used to assess the effectives of on-boarding training (new hire training). In this example questionnaire the employee is asked to indicate the effectiveness of the new hire training based on statements that describe different experiences of the new hires.

New Employee Form

  1. How accurate has your employee experience been compared
    to the expectations given to you by your recruiter?

  2. How well are changes communicated to you by your manager?

  3. What would you change or improve at [CompanyName] to make it a better place to work?

  4. Rate the communication between you and your manager?

  5. Rate the communication between you and your peers?

  6. Describe your best day at [CompanyName].

  7. Describe your most frustrating day at [CompanyName].

  8. How would you rate the support you have received from management?

  9. Would you recommend a professional colleague to [CompanyName]?

  10. Do you fully understand the benefits you have through [CompanyName]?

  11. Rate the level of connection you have with your team?

  12. Rate the physical environment as it relates to the ability to perform your job?

  13. To what degree does [CompanyName] support your quality of life?

  14. What additional support would you like to see from the corporate office?
    Specifically which department?

  15. Strongly
    Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
    1. My training experience was exceptional.
      I am very satisfied with the training I received.
    1. Because of the training experience, I was
      completely prepared for the on-the-job experience.

  16. What would you ADD to make the training more effective/relevant?

  17. What would you REMOVE to make the training more effective/relevant?

  18. What did you need more information on to make the job easier?

  19. What did you learn that you have NOT used?
  20. Strongly
    Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
    1. I feel completely supported; I have the tools and
      resources for my ongoing learning needs.

  21. What additional training would you like to receive and in what timeframe?

  22. Strongly
    Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
    1. My training experience was exceptional.
      I am very satisfied with the training I received.