Training and Development Employee Survey
- Identify the three most important strengths that the [Company] offers to its employees?
- Please complete the following sentence. To become the "Employer of Choice", we must ...
- What are your three most important training needs?
- Rate the following strategic issues in Training and Development
from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important):1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Improved information on what training courses are available More comprehensive employee orientation Customer service effectiveness A [Company] vision pertaining to Training & Development Centralized Training & Development Middle Management Development - Enhancing your opportunities Preventing harassment in the workplace Health & Safety Higher [Company] investment in Training and Development Others (be specific):
- If you have had performance reviews, do you recall whether you discussed training needs
and/or Career development with your supervisor?
- What should an orientation program for new employees include?
- Should departments exercise autonomy and independent decision-making for their operational training needs?
- What do you see as your Department's most important training need?
- What other three key training needs should the [Company] work towards improving over the next 2-3 years?
- What can HR Training and Development do to address your training need(s)?
- The Subsidized Education and Development Plan is made available to
full-time employees up to a maximum of $500 each fiscal year.
Is this amount realistic?
- To help us understand your continuing training/education needs,
what topics listed below would you like to see training on?
Rank the following training/education needs from 1 (most
important) to 7 (least important):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supervisory Skills Sexual Harassment Health & Safety Workplace Violence Food & Beverage Mgt course Stress Management Presentation Skills Computer Skills Workplace Ethics Customer Service Skills Communication Business Letter & Memo writing Writing Performance Appraisals Others (be specific):
Career Development
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Business Administration Certification Programs Financial Administration Certification Programs Management Certification Programs HR Certification Strategic Planning/Org Skills Business Planning Leadership Others (be specific):
- Have you taken an employer paid training course away
from your workplace in the last year? If yes, which
- Have you paid for your own training/career development
courses away from workplace in the last year? If yes, which
- Would a centralized Training and Development Center with a structured, progressive
and sequential approach to employee development and training for entry-level through executive
management positions be a need at CFPSA?
- Are conferences, seminars, workshops or other types of training or career development
being recorded for your employees?
- Please rate the method of training you feel would be most effective
to achieve your learning goals:Not Very
EffectiveClassroom Video Online Workshops Computer Base Training Web Conferencing