Training Needs Assessment Demo 10

Training and Development Employee Survey

  1. Identify the three most important strengths that the [Company] offers to its employees?

  2. Please complete the following sentence. To become the "Employer of Choice", we must ...

  3. What are your three most important training needs?

  4. Rate the following strategic issues in Training and Development
    from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important):
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Improved information on what training courses are available
    More comprehensive employee orientation
    Customer service effectiveness
    A [Company] vision pertaining to Training & Development
    Centralized Training & Development
    Middle Management Development - Enhancing your opportunities
    Preventing harassment in the workplace
    Health & Safety
    Higher [Company] investment in Training and Development
    Others (be specific):

  5. If you have had performance reviews, do you recall whether you discussed training needs
    and/or Career development with your supervisor?

  6. What should an orientation program for new employees include?

  7. Should departments exercise autonomy and independent decision-making for their operational training needs?

  8. What do you see as your Department's most important training need?

  9. What other three key training needs should the [Company] work towards improving over the next 2-3 years?

  10. What can HR Training and Development do to address your training need(s)?

  11. The Subsidized Education and Development Plan is made available to
    full-time employees up to a maximum of $500 each fiscal year.
      Is this amount realistic?

  12. To help us understand your continuing training/education needs,
    what topics listed below would you like to see training on?
    Rank the following training/education needs from 1 (most
    important) to 7 (least important):


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Supervisory Skills
    Sexual Harassment
    Health & Safety
    Workplace Violence
    Food & Beverage Mgt course
    Stress Management
    Presentation Skills
    Computer Skills
    Workplace Ethics
    Customer Service Skills
    Business Letter & Memo writing
    Writing Performance Appraisals
    Others (be specific):

    Career Development

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Business Administration Certification Programs
    Financial Administration Certification Programs
    Management Certification Programs
    HR Certification
    Strategic Planning/Org Skills
    Business Planning
    Others (be specific):

  13. Have you taken an employer paid training course away
    from your workplace in the last year? If yes, which

  14. Have you paid for your own training/career development
    courses away from workplace in the last year? If yes, which

  15. Would a centralized Training and Development Center with a structured, progressive
    and sequential approach to employee development and training for entry-level through executive
    management positions be a need at CFPSA?

  16. Are conferences, seminars, workshops or other types of training or career development
    being recorded for your employees?

  17. Please rate the method of training you feel would be most effective
    to achieve your learning goals:
    Not Very
    Computer Base Training
    Web Conferencing