Employee Opinion Survey Sample 14

Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) { var date = new Date(this.valueOf()); date.setDate(date.getDate() + days); return date; } var date = new Date(); duedate = (dt_current_day.addDays(15)); Employee Survey

Welcome to the [Company] Employee Survey.

I have spoken to most of our people, either one on one, in small groups or at our quarterly meetings about my desire to create an environment within [Company] that encourages success. A critical component of creating this environment is building a business where you, our people, recognize our company as being a great place to work and one that provides you with challenge and recognition.

[Company] has clearly undertaken a significant amount of change over the last few years, much of this change affecting the roles of our people, our processes, and our means of communication. [Company] understands that to build and maintain a thriving and successful business, and one which provides this motivation and satisfaction to our people, we need to assess how we are doing and understand your current thoughts, views and feelings on a regular basis.

We fully understand that it is very difficult for people to be truly honest about their most critical thoughts on the company, and that not everyone will feel comfortable sharing their views openly with management in meetings or discussion forums.

To find an alternate way of accessing your views we have built an employee survey, with questions tailored to our businesses and people. You will be asked to anonymously rate many facets of the business, assess what you value most in your employment here, but also to make positive suggestions for improvement. Personally, I would like to know what you think about your company, its direction, its management and your job.

The survey is web-based to make it quick and simple for all of us to complete, and for fast reporting and analysis. To ensure we have maximum anonymity, the survey is being hosted by an external organization and you will not be required to identify yourself when completing your input. We will ask from some demographic data however to ensure we can make the best possible interpretation of the results and focus our actions on the areas of most need. We will also ask you some questions about your immediate manager and management in general. We need to be very clear that we will not be able to attribute this data to any specific individual and it is not our intention to do so.

I encourage every employee to complete the survey, to be very honest but also constructive and thoughtful in their input, and most of all to understand that the goal of the survey is to help [Company] understand more about the key areas it needs to work on to make it an Employer of Choice.

Immediately following this note is the employee satisfaction survey input form. It should take approximately 20 - 25 minutes to complete.

The results of this survey will be used to help drive our future success and as such it is critical that we are transparent in our report back to you about what you have said, but also what we plan to do about it. That said, please remember that we are still changing and developing many facets of our company, and the process of creating the right culture and employment offering cannot be built overnight.

Clearly I will look for your involvement in the action plans which come out of this work and I already looking ahead to the next survey where we will be able to track our success and improvements!

If you have any concerns about the process, confidentiality, or any other issue please talk to your local HR manager.


Thank you for your participation in the survey. I look forward to seeing the analysis of your responses and I am hoping for close to 100% participation.

_______ _________
Chief Executive Officer


  1. Please be honest and constructive in your answers
  2. Try to answer the survey completely in one setting, you cannot return to your input and edit your answers after you have submitted and you are unable to save part completed answers
  3. Do not try to submit more than one response and please complete from your own computer. The system will detect your IP address and will identify multiple entries
  4. Do not submit a false response, this will only damage our ability to get valuable results from the survey which will lead to decisive actions for improvement
  5. Please complete all questions and contribute to the open questions will as many thoughts as possible, though please try to be succinct in your input
  6. If you have difficulties accessing the site please inform your local HR Team immediately and send an email to who will provide technical support to [Company] through this process

Communication Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I read most of the [Company]'s newsletters that I receive.
  1. [Company] policies and procedures for employees make no sense to me.
  1. I usually know in plenty of time when important things happen.
  1. I usually hear about important changes through rumors rather than management communication.
  1. I generally feel informed about changes that affect me.
  1. It is easy to get answers to questions about personnel policies.
  1. The [Company]\'s communications are never up-to-date.
  1. It is safe to say what I think at my job.
  1. Computers are a good way for the [Company] to get information to me.

Resources Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I know where to go to get the information that I need to do my job.
  1. I have adequate technology to do my job.
  1. I feel unprepared to do my job.
  1. I have the opportunity to learn skills that will improve my chances for promotion.
  1. I need more equipment to do my job well.

Training Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. Employees have equal access to job related training opportunities.
  1. I get the training I need to do my job well.
  1. My agency needs to offer more training opportunities.

Career Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I am aware of promotion opportunities.
  1. I have the opportunity to advance within my agency.
  1. I have the opportunity to progress within the [Company] system.
  1. You have to know the right people to get ahead in the [Company] system.
  1. I think the [Company]'s Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline saves the [Company] money.
  1. It takes too long to hire someone when a position becomes vacant.
  1. My job description matches my job duties.

Procedures Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. Personnel procedures make it difficult to get rid of poorly performing employees.
  1. Procedures necessary to do my job often involve unnecessary steps.
  1. The [Company] Employee Suggestion Program saves the [Company] money.
  1. The [Company] should be more flexible in personnel matters.
  1. The grievance process available to me is a fair way to resolve disputes between employees and management.
  1. There is too much paperwork involved in doing my job.

Management Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I am confident in the leadership at my agency.
  1. I sometimes doubt the truth about what management tells me.
  1. My supervisor takes a personal interest in helping me to get ahead at my job.
  1. The relationship between management and employees is good.

Teamwork Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. The meetings that I have with my co-workers and supervisors help me to get my job done.
  1. There are people to whom I can go for help when I have work-related problems.

Job Security Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I frequently feel stress in my job.
  1. I worry about losing my job.

Work Life Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I can leave work to take care of personal matters if I need to.
  1. I understand the services offered by the [Company]'s Employee Assistance Program.
  1. My agency offers flex time or alternative schedules.
  1. The [Company] provides a way for me to get confidential help when I have personal problems that affect my work.

Satisfaction Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I am proud to be a [Company] employee.
  1. I get a feeling of personal satisfaction from my work.
  1. I would recommend my agency as a good place to work.
  1. I would recommend the [Company] as a good place to work.
  1. It is important to me to feel appreciated at work.
  1. My job is boring.
  1. My work-related concerns are generally handled to my satisfaction.

Respect Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. Employees are usually respected as individuals at my agency.
  1. I am usually treated with respect at my workplace.
  1. I feel I am valued at work.
  1. My agency has a genuine concern for safety.

Recognition Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. Hard work is seldom rewarded at my agency.
  1. I am told if I have done a particularly good job.
  1. I receive enough recognition for work that I do.
  1. If I do a good job I have a better chance of getting ahead.
  1. People are not appreciated where I work.

Equality Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. Employees are usually promoted based on performance.
  1. I believe that rewards are given fairly where I work.
  1. I know people in my agency that don't do their share of work.
  1. My agency is a place where individuals with disabilities can work comfortably.
  1. Policies and procedures are usually applied equally to all employees.
  1. There is generally no discrimination shown at my agency.
  1. When discussing problems or complaints, I feel that I am ignored.

Compensation Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. I am paid adequately for my responsibilities.
  1. I am paid appropriately for the work-related experience that I have.
  1. I am paid at an appropriate level for my qualifications.
  1. Even if I do a good job, I think rarely get more money.

Benefits Strongly
Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
  1. The current pay system has a positive effect on employee productivity.
  1. Fear of losing benefits has kept me from looking for another job.
  1. I am satisfied with my health insurance plan.
  1. I am satisfied with my retirement plan.
  1. I know where to go for information related to benefits.
  1. I like my benefits package.
  1. I think of my benefits as part of my earnings.
  1. I understand how my retirement benefits are calculated.
  1. I would like more flexibility in my benefit options.
  1. The benefits package that I receive is not as good as most available in the private sector.
  1. The information that I have received about employee benefits is easy to understand.

    1. In what areas would you like to see investments made to improve the business?

    2. Any other general suggestions you would like to make to leadership?

  1. Please rank the following facets of our business that you feel we need to focus on improving most (1 High - 8 Low):
    Investment Performance
    New Products
    Client Service
    New Business (Sales)
    Geographic Presence/Expertise
    IT Infrastructure
    Marketing & Brand

  2. How do we increase the sense of being the "Best" place to work?

  1. Please rank the following facets of your employment package in terms of importance to you (1 High - 7 Low):
    Guaranteed Salary
    Annual Bonus
    Stock Participation (if offered)
    Health Insurance
    Fringe Benefits

  1. Please rank the following facets of your employment offering in terms of importance to you (1 High - 5 Low):
    Cash Income
    Career Development
    Working Environment/Conditions
    Job Security
    Good relationship with your immediate manager

  2. In which areas would you most like to see [Company] improve?

  3. How would you rate your overall feelings about the company as a place to work
    Very Good
    Quite Poor

  4. In what areas would you like to see investments made to improve the business?

  5. Any other general suggestions you would like to make to leadership?

  6. Your Base Location:
    Hong Kong

  7. Your Division:
    Distribution Partners
    Finance & Strategy
    Management/Local CEOs

  8. Time Employed by [Company]: