Employee Opinion Survey Sample 13

Working conditions Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate the availability of tools and equipment (including computers) in your immediate work area?
Overall, how would you evaluate the physical conditions at the [Company] location where you work? (this includes such things as heat, space, safety, etc.)

Job Content and Satisfaction Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your satisfaction with the opportunity to use your skills and abilities in your job?
How would you rate your sense of accomplishment in your job?
How would you rate the variety of tasks in your job?
How would you rate your overall job satisfaction in your present position?
How would you rate the morale on your team?
How would you rate your own morale?

Pay Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your understanding of how your pay is determined?
Overall, for the work you do, how would you rate your level of pay?
In comparison to other people doing the same work, how would you rate the appropriateness of your pay?

Benefits Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate communications about your benefits plans ( amount, clarity, usefulness)?
How would you rate your satisfaction with the benefit service?
How would you rate the value of your overall benefit plan?

Work Groups Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate the interaction between yourself and other employees outside your team?
How would you rate your satisfaction with employees inside your team?
How would you rate your team's customer focus?

Empowerment Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your authority to satisfy your internal customer's requirements?
How would you rate your authority to satisfy your external customer's requirements?
How would you rate your authority to maintain quality of products in my work area?
How would you rate your authority to maintain quality service in my work area?
How would you rate your authority to perform your work in the most efficient way (including trying out new ways of doing things)?
How would you rate your authority to make work/business-related decisions?

Team Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your team's knowledge of the team goals?
How would you rate your team members search for your opinions and suggestions?
How would you rate your team member's willingness to provide you with ongoing recommendations for improvement regarding your contribution to the team objective?

Leadership Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate the treament of [Company] employees?
How would you rate your Business Manager/Process Owner's treament of [Company] employees?
How would you rate your Process Owner / Business Manager providing you the coaching necessary to help you contribute at a higher level?

Job Performance/Performance Appraisal Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your understanding of the measures used to evaluate your job contribution?
How would you rate your performance feedback to help improve your job performance?
How would you rate the praise/recognition you receive for a job well-done?
How would you rate the development opportunities in your organization?

Development & Training Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your job beyond the technical expertise?
How would you rate the organization for providing the training/skill building you need to improve your job performance?
How would you rate your opportunity to participate in training that will improveyour contribution to the team objective?
How would you rate your preparation for the next career opportunity?

Committment Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your commitment to [Company] as more than "just a place to work"?
How would you rate your knowledge of your team's business objectives?

Communication Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate the organization's communications tools in providing you with an effective means of communication?
How would you rate your understanding of your division's goals and objectives?
How would you rate your understanding of the division's business performance?
How would you rate the output of the operational, cross functional, problems solving, improvement teams, and staff meetings for meeting your needs for communication?

Customer Focus and Quality Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How do you rate the quality of work you receive from your internal suppliers (others in your company/division)?
How would you rate your division for quality in products?
How would you rate your division for quality in service?
How would you rate your division managment for clearly communicating the quality goals/objectives?
How would you rate the division management for clearly communicating the measures of quality?
How would you rate the opportunities for training in quality improvement methods?
How would you rate your division's customer focus?

Health,Safety & Environment Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
How would you rate your feeling of safety in your work environment?
How would you rate your ability to react in case of an emergency such as personal injury, fire, tornado, and chemical spills?
How would you rate the information you receive regarding safety issues?