Employee Opinion Survey Sample 9

Dear Employee:

Welcome to the Employee Satisfaction Survey. We are on a journey to create a workplace that encourages success! A critical component of creating this culture is building a business you recognize as being a great place to work and one that provides you with challenges and recognition. We want to build a thriving and successful business that provides motivation and satisfaction. In order to do so we need to assess how we are doing and understand your thoughts, views and feelings.

We have developed this survey with questions tailored for our staff and business to provide you with an opportunity to anonymously rate many facets of the business. The survey will assess what you value most in your employment and allow you to make positive suggestions for improvement.

The survey is web-based, quick and simple to complete which allows fast reporting and analysis. To ensure your anonymity, the survey is being hosted by an external organization. You will not be required to identify yourself. We will ask for some demographic data to ensure we make the best possible interpretation of the results and allow us to focus our actions on the areas of most need. We want to be very clear that we will not be able to attribute this data to any specific individual and it is not our intention to do so.

We encourage everyone to complete the survey. Please be honest, constructive and thoughtful in your input. The survey is designed to help us understand more about your thoughts and needs to make a great place to work.

The results of this survey will be used to help drive our future success and measure against the baseline established during the previous year. We will continue to report back to you the changes in the baseline in both improvements and possible new focus areas. If you have any questions about the process please e-mail HR-Survey ( or call 412-371-9395.

Please ensure that your submission is made as soon as possible. The survey will only be available for a two week period of time.

Thank you for your participation in the survey. We look forward to seeing the analysis of your responses and we are hoping for 100% participation.

[Contact Name],
Director of HR

Please complete the items below and press the submit button at the end of the survey. If you need multiple sessions to complete the survey, please click the submit button at the end of each session to save your responses. Please feel free to skip any items that you do not wish to respond to. Keep in mind that your responses help us to become a better place to work. So, you are encouraged to respond to all items on the questionnaire.

Customer Service

Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
  1. I am aware of what the customers want
  1. My Department is committed to customer service
  1. The corporate culture emphasizes customer service
  1. The customer comment card is an effective way of getting feedback from customers
  1. The training I receive reinforces customer focus
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?

Employee Development

Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
  1. Employee Development is seen as a key to success rather than a cost to
  1. Future leaders are developed from within
  1. I have many opportunities to learn new things
  1. Managers receive appropriate training to enhance their effectiveness
  1. uses a systematic process for identifying employee development needs and implementing solutions
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?

Career Development

Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
  1. I have career opportunities available to me
  1. Job promotions are awarded based on merit
  1. My Supervisor has given me good feedback on how I can advance my career at the Company
  1. offers an excellent leadership development program
  1. There is equal opportunity for advancement at
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
  1. I feel I have a positive attitude toward change and am looking forward to doing new things
  1. My Department tries to find new and better ways to do things
  1. My Department understands how changes affect business processes
  1. The Leadership involves employees when making significant changes
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
  1. I am able to contact Senior Management as needed
  1. I am satisfied with the information I receive from Management on what�s going on in
  1. I believe will use this survey�s feedback to make improvements
  1. Management is able to communicate a shared vision of to all employees
  1. Managers are effective in addressing resistance to change
  1. Managers empower employees to make effective decisions
  1. Managers foster an organizational culture that promotes learning and creativity
  1. Senior Management visits my department frequently
  1. The management at the Company has a good understanding of my work environment and processes
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
  1. I feel confident in the Company leadership
  1. I feel the organization is going in the �right� direction
  1. Leaders listen to and use feedback
  1. The Leadership is focused on process improvement
  1. The Leadership is willing to change to meet new objectives
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
  1. Conflicts within the team are handled appropriately
  1. Employees work together to share ideas and resolve issues
  1. I feel I am part of the team
  1. In my Department, we work as a team
  1. Leaders encourage others to work as a team
  1. We cooperate and work together to effectively achieve organizational objectives
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?

  1. On a scale of Excellent to Poor, how would you rate your overall employment
    with and why?

  2. Would you refer others who are seeking employment to ? Yes No
    If no, please provide explanation:

  3. If you had an opportunity to make any change you wanted to make
    a better place to work, what one improvement would you make?

  4. I feel good about my continued employment with . Yes No
    If no, please provide explanation:

  5. What changes do you see making in order to raise the standards?

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    Would you like your comments to be included in the communication of the results to the organization?
    If no, your comments will only be shared with the Executive Team.