Employee Opinion Survey Sample 5

How consistent do we operate in accordance with the following values from the strategic plan?

Strategic Plan

Very Consistent Somewhat Consistent Neither Consistent Nor Inconsistent Somewhat Inconsistent Very Inconsistent
  1. Our greatest strength is our workforce
  1. We empower our employees
  1. We encourage and reward creativity
  1. We encourage and reward teamwork
  1. We foster a culture built on trust
  1. We foster a culture built upon respect
  1. We build a team representative of America's diversity
  1. We cooperate across organizations
  1. We are open and honest with one another
  1. We are open and honest with our customers
  1. We are accountable for our performance
Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely
  1. Trust is the norm across work units
  1. Trust is the norm within work units
  1. Employees can say what is right without fear of reprimand from management
  1. I feel free to speak my mind

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
My organization is open to new ideas and best practices from:
Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely
  1. Other organizations within my installation
  1. Other installations
  1. Headquarters
  1. Other government agencies
  1. The industry our company is in
  1. Outside our industry

Listed below are potential barriers that may prevent your work unit from providing the best in customer service. For each item, indicate how much of a problem this is for your work unit in performing its job.

Customer Service

Not a problem A Minor Problem A Major Problem
  1. Lack of skilled personnel
  1. Lack of financial resources
  1. Lack of physical resources
  1. Inflexible management
  1. Inconsistent management
  1. Inconsistent managementLack of staff involvement in decision making
  1. Unreasonable customer demands
  1. Lack of day-to-day employee recognition
  1. Overly bureaucratic laws, systems, and practices
  1. Lack of information from management officials
  1. Over dependence on contractors
  1. Lack of teamwork within organizational units
  1. Lack of teamwork among organizational units
  1. Lack of control over suppliers
  1. Limited opportunities for education & training
  1. Inability to market programs and/or services
  1. Organizational instability
  1. Lack of customer satisfaction data
  1. Lack of customer service standards
  1. Lack of time

How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your current work environment?

Job Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
  1. Amount of paperwork
  1. Opportunities for advancement
  1. Job fulfillment/challenge
  1. Recognition
  1. Use of your skills on the job
  1. Amount of independence
  1. Fairness of evaluation/promotion system
  1. Feedback on your work
  1. Physical work environment
  1. Coworkers
  1. Morale
  1. Salary
  1. Benefits (e.g., health, retirement)
  1. Focus on customers
  1. Your direct supervisor
  1. Installation management
  1. Communications within work unit
  1. Communications within the Company

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

Management Team

Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely
  1. The members of my division/work unit have sufficient clarity about what is expected of them
  1. My managers actively seek innovative ideas
  1. Recognition and awards are nice, but the real reward is the work itself
  1. Employees are treated fairly and equitably
  1. Supervisors and managers take time to discuss career planning with their people
  1. I am proud to work for the Company
  1. People outside the Company have an accurate view of what the Agency is all about
  1. Management communicates a consistent and clear strategic direction
  1. The members of my division/work unit understsnd how their efforts fit into the Company's Strategic Plan

  1. Do you directly supervise other employees? Yes No

  1. Please indicate your age range.
  1. What is your highest level of education?

  1. How long have you worked for us?