Questionnaires that dynamically gather follow-up information when needed: Survey Example


This survey utilizes follow-up questions that may appear depending on your responses to certain items on the survey. The responses that will generate a follow-up query from the computer are identified by the red plus symbol [+].

Training Opportunities

The following questions address the current training opportunities available to employees. Please select the response that most closely represents your opinion of the programs and your participation in them within the last 12 months.

Materials Safety Training

Materials Safety Training is designed to provide staff at all levels an opportunity to understand more about the hazardous materials you use on the job every day. The program has three tracks: weekly in-class sessions in the Northern and Central locations; monthly "web chat" sessions for staff outside of the metropolitan area; and monthly site visits by a Safety Officer to regional offices.

  1. Are you aware of this program?

  2. How often have you attended?
    I have attended more than 5 sessions
    I have attended at least one, but less than 5 sessions
    I have not attended any sessions [+]
Follow-up questions can be shown as needed. Try it. Select responses that have the [+] next to them.

Professional Development Web Site

The Professional Development web site is an intranet site developed exclusively for the employee community.

The site features three distinct categories of information:
Weekly News (center section),
Staff Recognition (left column),
and Useful Links (right column).

  1. How often do you visit the site?
    I visit the site daily
    I visit the site at least once a week
    I visit the site at least once a month [+]
    I rarely or never visit the site [+]
    I wasn't aware of a CTS web site

Strategies In Action

Strategies In Action is a quarterly online publication for all employees available from the web site. The publication regularly features interviews with senior management, champion employee profiles, safety updates, highlights on key strategies, initiatives, and news events.

  1. I read the quarterly online publication, Strategies In Action
    Yes [+]
    No [+]

Employee Weekly E-Mail Updates

E-Mail Updates is a weekly e-mail distributed to all employees. This e-mail highlighting key information and events planned for the upcoming week.

  1. I read E-Mail Updates regularly:
    No [+]

  2. I find E-Mail Updates to be useful and informative