Employee Survey Questions form the basis for your survey of employees. Employee Surveys contain questionnaire items that measure dimensions of satisfaction and performance. These dimensions fall into three broad categories:
"the Job"
"the Person"
"the Company"
On this page, we have listed several common dimensions of job satisfaction and typical items that may be found on employee survey questionnaires.
The information shown below is not a "questionnaire" or "survey". Instead, it is simply a list of dimensions and items that you may find in an Employee Survey. There are several hundred items listed here and these are just a fraction of the items you can browse on this website.
We work with clients to administer their Employee Surveys. You are not restricted to the information you find here. If you would like to create your own sample questionnaire, you may access our FREE on-line tool.
The Company does a good job communicating about changes or decisions that affect employees.
I am able to contact Senior Management as needed.
Managers communicate a clear sense of direction for my organisation
I can get the information I need to do my job
I am satisfied with the information I receive from Management on what's going on in the Company
Please indicate the extent to which you are kept informed about matters that affect you
Your Job
I am involved in decisions that affect my work
I have enough information to do my job well
Overall, my workload is reasonable.
I know how my job impacts the mission of the Company.
My work group focuses on fixing the problem rather than finding someone to blame.
In my job I focus on problem solving instead of fault finding
My manager gets input and buy-in from me when making key decisions that impact my section.
My Manager is effective in involving his/her employees in solving the problems we face as a unit
My manager keeps me in the loop so that I know what is happening in the organization that impacts my work.
I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things
I am expected to find new and better ways to get the job done.
My workgroup looks for ways to change processes to improve productivity
The senior administration cares about my ideas.
Indicate the level of freedom you have to use your own judgment in getting the job done
My skills and abilities are utilized effectively by the company.
Being the catalyst of change and innovation at the forefront of the industry
Being committed to excellence through continuous improvement in all activities to increase value for our customers
In my work group, we participate in deciding how the work gets done.
My co-workers and I work well together to accomplish our organization's goals.
My department works well together to accomplish our organization's goals.
The people I work with cooperate to get the work done
My group works well together to accomplish our organization's goals.
Our department staff meetings are filled with open and honest participation.
There is cooperation among team members.
We resolve conflict honestly, effectively and quickly.
Customer Focus
I understand the issues facing our customers/members.
I am committed to producing the highest quality work for our customers/members.
Our organization has clearly identified the customers/members who receive our work.
Our team's current activities reflect a strong focus on the customer
The Company's current activities reflect a strong focus on the customer
I have the freedom I need to meet customer needs.
In my work group, we ask our internal customers what they require from us.
The internal practices of the Company support my ability to deliver a high standard of quality to my customers
The Company's is committed to providing competitive products and services
Conditions in my work area allow me to be highly productive.
At the Company, my suggestions are given serious consideration.
Overall, I feel the organization is successful.
We have a set of values and beliefs that guide our decisions about work.
My fellow employees are committed to doing quality work
Goals and Vision
I can clearly explain the business goals of my local Business Unit to others
Senior Management gives staff a clear picture of the direction in which the Company is headed
The organization values diversity.
I feel the company values honest answers.
I can see the link between my work and the Company objectives
Our senior leaders establish a clear direction for the company.
We have a plan to implement the organization's work.
We have prioritized our major goals.
Training and Development
I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in this Company
I am given the training I need to do my job effectively
I participate in training and development opportunities that are available to me.
I get the training I need to do a first-class job.
I am provided with opportunities to improve my skills.
My manager encourages my professional development
My training meets my needs for my current job
I have the training and support to do my job right.
I have all the information I need to do my job well.
My manager assists me to identify my training and development needs
I am aware of available training and development activities.
There is someone at work who encourages my development.
Technology available is appropriate for my needs and those of my customer
I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right
I have the materials and equipment to do my job right.
I have the necessary resources to perform my job.
The tools and equipment I need to do my job right are readily available.
Career Paths
Career paths exist for someone like me in this company
People get ahead as fast here as they do in other places
In general, career moves are handled fairly at the Company.
Job promotions are fair and equitable.
There are opportunities for promotion in my role
I am adequately recognized for my good work.
I am recognized by my manager for my contributions.
Indicate the extent to which you receive recognition when you do a good job
I am treated fairly by my supervisor.
My manager is fair and even handed in the treatment of all employees.
My Manager delegates work effectively
I feel favoritism is not a problem in my department.
Performance Feedback
My supervisor provides me with adequate feedback.
We know who is responsible for what, who needs to be informed, and who, if anyone, has veto power.
I have clear measures for each of my objectives.
I have participated in a Performance Management Process
I know what is expected of me in my job.
My Manager has set performance goals for my job
My Manager holds me accountable for the work that I do
In the last 12 months my Manager has talked to me about my progress
My Manager
My manager role models effective leadership (i.e., behavior that is ethical, moral, consistent, positive, just).
My manager role models high standards for quality work.
My Manager sets a good example
My manager is available to me when I have questions or need help
Corporate Culture
Having a clear corporate "culture" (a clear set of values, a clear style of management, etc.)
The Company's image is that of a high quality Company
The Company's standards for business ethics are high.
I support the Company values in my day-to-day actions.
Job Satisfaction
My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment
I find my work challenging.
Considering everything, I am satisfied at the Company
The Company's is a good Company to work for
I am proud to work for the Company.
I am happy to encourage friends and colleagues to work at the Company
My job is enjoyable and challenging
My job makes good use of my skills and abilities
I am made to feel that I am an important part of the Company
The amount of pay you receive for your job compared to others doing similar work in our industry
I am satisfied with the increases in compensation.
I have a clear understanding of the Company pay policy
I understand the criteria used to decide my compensation
I am compensated fairly for the work I do.
I am able to balance work priorities with my personal life.
I have the flexibility to arrange my work schedule to meet my personal/family responsibilities.
The Benefits Department has timely follow up on questions for Benefits, employee relations issues
Benefits available are appropriate for my needs and those of my family
I would share the costs of an improved benefits plan.
I feel the company's benefits meet my needs.
Job Security
I feel I have job security.
I plan to be working for the Company a year from now.
Benefits of the Survey
I believe real changes can be made in my Department/Function as a result of this survey
I have seen improvements as a result of the Company action plans that were created.
I believe the Company will use this survey's feedback to make improvements
The information from this year's survey will be used constructively by management
Other Items
The last time I asked someone from a different function for help, I got it
Having a minimum of "corporate politics" (favoritism in handling conflict, advancement based on "looking good," etc.)
I believe that the HR department heeds my opinion with regard to Work and Family benefit needs
I believe that the IT department asks my opinion with regard to technology needs
In my Department/Function, decisions get made without unreasonable delay
In my Department/Function, projects are managed well (from initiation and planning to execution and close-out)
My manager has enough authority to get the work done.
Open-Ended Items
What is lacking in your work environment that might help you perform better?
What is your level in the organization?
What would make our organization more effective?
From my point of view the five most important issues raised in this survey are:
Rate your overall satisfaction with your job at the Company.
How long have you worked for the company?
Please comment on any other issue you would like to raise