Web JavaScripts

Add commas to a number

For example:

function insert(form) {
   var re = /(-?\d+)(\d{3})/
   var num = form.entry.value
   while (re.test(num)) {
      num = num.replace(re,"$1,$2")
   form.commaOutput.value = num

Remove commas from a number

function remove(form) {
   var re = /,/g
   form.plainOutput.value = form.commaInput.value.replace(re,"")

Masking Comments in a Report

function CThis(cx) {
  // split on spaces
  var cy;
  if(cx.indexOf(" ")==0) { return cx; }
  cy=cx.split(" ");
  for(cz=0;cz<cy.length;cz++) {  
    var cl=cy[cz].length;
    for(ca=0;ca<cl;ca++) {
    cx+=' ';
  return cx;


Dynamically generated select lists

See example at: PfDynamicLists.htm

var iArrayMax = 16
var aDropdown = new Array(iArrayMax)
//as the page loads - first thing to do is to load the dropdown array
var bOk = LoadArrays()

function sElement(sParentId,sValue,sDescription){	
	// elements that will be loaded into the array structure and persisted
	// think of it as an object.
	this.ParentId = sParentId
	this.Id = sValue
	this.Description = sDescription

function bCascadeDrop(oDDsource,oDDdest){
	//function to enable cascading dropdowns
	//called as the parent dropdown changes.
	var iX
	var sText
	var iY= 0
	var sOptionId
	var sOptionDesc
	var iStartPos
	//find the value of the item currently selected		
	sText = oDDsource.options[oDDsource.selectedIndex].value 
	if (sText != '0')
		//clear down the destination list box
		oDDdest.options.length = 0                
		//loop through the elements that are in the array
		// if they match the parent if then they should be displayed.
		for (iX=0; iX<=iArrayMax; iX++) 
			if(sText == Array[iX].ParentId)
			//grab the values out of the element
			sOptionId = Array[iX].Id
			sOptionDesc= Array[iX].Description
			oDDdest.options[iY] = new Option (sOptionDesc,sOptionId)	
			iY = iY +1		