360 Degree Feedback Demo 1

360 Degree Feedback Results

Confidential Report Provided for: Sample Employee

Results Generated by


What you will find in this report.

This report contains the results of the feedback collected on your behalf from a variety of sources. These results are presented in several formats to help you identify your strengths, areas for development, and areas where your ratings may diverge with those of the individuals providing you feedback. We hope that you remember from your own experience how difficult it can be to provide others with this type of feedback. Be open to considering their opinions, and be willing to use their feedback in your development as a leader.

Multi-Source Feedback presents a more complete picture of a leader's behavior and performance by drawing information from different perspectives within the work environment. It gives recipients a resource to guide their development. Feedback from multiple sources helps you in several ways, including increasing awareness of your strengths, how you are perceived by others in different roles, and providing input for your professional development.

Receiving Feedback

Receiving feedback is a tremendous opportunity to discover how you are perceived by others which may be similar or dissimilar to how you perceive yourself. It is important to reflect on your feedback as a tool to help you set specific goals for professional development. This can be done when you see the feedback as it is, a perspective on where you may improve your performance and working relationships.

Try not to become defensive when receiving feedback. You do not have to agree with everything that is being given to you, but you should at least read and interpret it to see how much of what has been observed or suggested might be accurate. Remember, this is simply another person's perspective.


The questionnaire items are intended to represent important areas of leadership effectiveness. The bars shown below are a graphical representation of the ratings you received and are sorted by size with the highest ratings shown at the top of the graph.

Bar Chart: The Summary of the results typically starts with a bar chart of the competencies.
Response Scale: In this example document, the response scale for the questionnaire was a 7-point scale with text anchors at points 1, 3, 5 and 7.

Comparison to the Team

Benchmark Comparisons: In this example, the average team score by competency was used as a benchmark for comparison. The comparison here is shown using a polar graph. Any benchmark can be used including: company, department, team, and prior years.
The following chart shows how your scores compared to the team's scores overall for each of the competencies. The scores from all participants were averaged to calculate the "team's" average score (shown below as a light red polygon). Your scores (shown below in as a blue polygon) are overlaid on the team's scores.

Gap Analysis

The following table graphically displays the "Gap," or difference between your average rating on each dimension (labeled "Self") and the average of all other manager, peer and direct report raters (labeled "All Others"). This can help you identify blindspots, or areas where you were rated more favorably by your other raters than by yourself. The Gap for these dimensions are colored in shades of green (). Conversely, the graph can also help you identify your opportunities for improvement, or areas where you rated yourself higher than the others did. The Gap for these dimensions are colored in shades of red (). The darker the shade of green or red, the larger the Gap. Finally, if a dimension's Gap is not shaded with a specific color (), it indicates an area of agreement between yourself and all other raters.

Benchmarks Using Bar Charts: Benchmarks can be shown using bar charts. In this example, the self-assessment is compared to feedback received from others.

Gap Analysis

This page shows a comparison of each of the dimensions by rater perspective. This allows you to compare your self-assessment with each of the other types of feedback givers (manager, peer, direct report, others).

Perspectives: Continuing the Gap Analysis, this page shows competency average scores by perspective.
