Sample Email for a 360 Feedback Survey

Brief and simple

Subject:Request to participate in a Feedback Survey

TO: [Name of Rater]

Several employees in [Company] are participating in a 360-Degree Feedback process. This process is facilitated through the use of a web-based survey used to gather the feedback from other [Company] employees. Your feedback is requested and will be used for employee development. Please provide this feedback as soon as possible. Feedback will be collected through .

You are requested to provide developmental feedback for the following employee(s):

[Name of Ratee]

Please click on the link above to provide the feedback.

Your responses will be confidential.

If you are unable to access the feedback forms by clicking on the name(s) above, you can access this form by cutting and pasting the URL into your web browser.

If you have any questions about this process or cannot access the form through this email, please contact

Thank you for your assistance in this important endeavor.

