Employee Opinion Survey Sample Results 6

This shows the typical format for an Employee Opinion Survey Results document. Cover Page, Summary Page, Dimensions, Response Rates, Items

Employee Opinion
Survey Results

Overall Survey Results for [Name Of Organization]

Results Generated by


Due to its continued commitment to the development of the organization and it's staff, in particular improving the organizational culture, elected to conduct an Organizational Culture survey.

The survey examines each employee�s viewpoint on a variety of organizational topics including job satisfaction, leadership, customer service, and company culture. The hope is to use the input to help guide actions related to improving the organizational culture and performance.

With all of these objectives in mind realized that in order for this activity to be a success, advice and guidance needed to be sought from an external source. HR-Survey worked closely with to design a questionnaire that fulfilled the requirements of the organization.

The survey itself was launched for a two week period in . During this period the survey was administered to employees via a web link on a voluntary basis. Employees were allowed time during their working day to complete the survey and due to the nature of the web link were able to respond on a confidential and honest basis as HR-Survey handled the administration of the survey responses.

Summary of Findings

This survey measured employee agreement on a variety of topics and within several work group classifications. Agreement was measured using a scaling option from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. The survey also included several open-ended items to gather information in the form of suggestions and explanations.
  1. 150 respondents completed the questionnaire. Please note however, that not every participant completed every item. Therefore, within these results you may find some items with a higher number of respondents (the 'n'-size) than other items.

    Summary of Findings


Organizational Survey


The following document contains the results of the Organizational Survey . The survey was open to all employees to ensure that the views of employees are taken into account in an effort to improve performance, services, and quality.

The Survey was intended to measure and gauge employees� perception of the company and its employee initiatives.

Employee Surveys

Why conduct an employee survey? Can't I get the same information just by "walking around" and asking the employees myself? A skilled manager does interact with their employees on a regular basis. But a survey provides a way of supporting formal and informal communication methods. All employees are asked the same questions which greatly enhances the interpretation of the responses gathered from the survey.

A survey makes it possible to gather responses from individuals who may otherwise be hesitant to speak about their opinions and suggestions.

Employee surveys perform a number of useful objectives. Surveys can:

  • provide benchmarks for comparison
  • empower employees to contribute to the growth of the organization
  • open lines of communication with the employees
  • measure attitudes and opinions
  • form the basis of future employee development programs

Purpose of this Survey

This survey is not a measure of employee happiness or misery. Rather, the purpose of the survey was to gather feedback from employees in order to make a better place to work.

A questionnaire was specifically developed for this purpose. This questionnaire measures facets of the organization that employees feel satisfied with, those which are viewed less favorably, and opportunities for improvement.

Monitoring satisfaction of employees and identifying areas that need improvement can result in lower turnover rates and help retain high performing staff members.

What to do with these results

Considerable time and effort were taken to develop the questionnaire. Employees invested their time in the completion of the on-line questionnaire forms. Results were generated and included in this document. But two important parts of the process are left to be implemented: Decision and Action.

The complete survey process is composed of:

  • Measurement The questionnaire was specifically designed to measure facets of employees at the Company.
  • Orientation The results of this survey will serve to provide an orientation from which to take action.
  • Decision Senior management must decide on a course of action to implement changes and strategies identified by the employees.
  • Action Management must execute and implement changes and strategies.

  • Survey Methodology

    Survey Methodology

    The survey was conducted in . The survey questionnaire was operated by HR-Survey who ensured the anonymity of all respondents. Information was not collected that would reveal the identity of the respondent.

    All employees were invited to participate. 150 responses were collected.

    The survey findings are largely in the form of descriptive statistics and narrative conclusions.


    All employees at were included in this survey. An email invitation was sent to the employees.

    Data Collection

    The survey was conducted by HR-Survey which prepared the web-based questionnaire for administration to the employees. No individual employee data was linked to responses.

    Administration Period

    The survey was conducted for two weeks in . The survey questionnaire was operated by HR-Survey who ensured the anonymity of all respondents. Information was not collected that would reveal the identity of the respondent.

    Item Types

    "Closed-ended questions" asked users to respond on a scale, for instance, from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree."

    Results between 1.0 to .0 indicate respondents predominately disagree with the survey question. Results .0 to .0 indicate respondents predominately agree with the question.

    The survey findings are largely in the form of descriptive statistics and narrative conclusions.

    Guide to Interpreting the Tables

    The following pages contain several types of tables.

    Response Rates Table
    The first shows the number of respondents (n), average score (Avg), and number and percentage of respondents for each of the alternatives for the item. An example of this type of table is shown below. The responses to these items on the survey were assigned a numeric value that ranged from 1 to . The value of 1 was assigned to "". The value of was assigned to "". This makes it possible to calculate an "average score" for each item which is useful in comparing different items or different groups of respondents on the same item.

    Level of Agreement Table
    The next table shows a graphic representation of the percentages of responses. The table includes a graph that uses colors that range from green to red where green represents a high level of satisfaction and red represents a low level of agreement. Items that show a larger section of green have a high level of agreement. The Level of Agreement score represents the percentage of participants who selected either "" or "".