Career Development |
- I could switch to another job at [Company] if I wanted
- My Supervisor has given me good feedback on how I can advance my career at [Company]
- My Supervisor has taken an interest in my career development
- My Supervisor can assess the unique talents and training of their employees
- At work, I have opportunities to learn and grow
- I am continuously learning and trying to improve myself.
- I am more efficient in my job now compared to when I started
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Career Development?
Training |
- [Company] provides a variety of training opportunities for employees
- [Company] offers me the training I need to help me on my job
- [Company] invests in employees through training and development
- I have the skills I need to do my job
- The training I receive is relevant to my job
- The on-the-job training I received has prepared me for this job
- Training is offered at times convenient to me
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Training?
Coaching and Mentoring |
- My Supervisor coaches me to help me develop professionally
- There is someone at work who encourages my development
- Having a mentor is important to me.
- I am given clear instructions and objectives.
- I do not feel micro-managed.
- I am treated fairly by my supervisor.
- I receive mentoring and coaching from my superior.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Coaching and Mentoring?
Department |
- Communication is good between departments.
- My Department promotes safe workplace practices
- Resources are coordinated and utilized effectively in my department.
- The Information Technology Department responds to my questions and inquiries in a timely manner.
- In My Department, the workload is evenly distributed
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Department?
Teamwork |
- [Company] promotes teamwork
- I feel confident in my team members
- I feel I am part of the team
- Team members take pride in their work
- In my Department, we work as a team
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Teamwork?
Employee Relations |
- I can go to My Supervisor if I have a problem
- Managers show fairness and respect in their interactions with employees
- Managers work to obtain win-win resolutions
- Labor and Management work together to achieve the Company vision
- Conflicts are resolved in a positive and constructive manner
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Employee Relations?
Job Content and Design |
- I know what is expected of my in my job
- I am clear about my daily priorities.
- I have a reasonable amount of work assigned to me
- I can make positive suggestions and improve how [Company] operates
- I find my work challenging.
- I get a sense of personal accomplishment from my work
- My Job makes effective use of my skills and abilities
- The goals and objectives for my job are integrated and aligned with [Company] vision
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Job Content and Design?
Job Satisfaction |
- I enjoy working at [Company]
- I feel satisfied at [Company]
- I have good working relationships with my co-workers
- I get a sense of personal accomplishment from my work
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Job Satisfaction?
Job Promotions |
- There is opportunity for me to advance at [Company]
- Leaders are developed from within [Company]
- There are promotion opportunities at this Company
- I have career opportunities available to me
- I have been given more responsibilities since when I started
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Job Promotions?
Customer Service |
- [Company] focuses on providing excellent customer service
- I am aware of what the customers want
- I receive the support I need to provide excellent customer service
- Managers are focused on improving customer service
- My Department is committed to customer service
- Training is offered to improve customer relations
- The training I receive reinforces customer focus
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Customer Service?
Equipment |
- I am provided with tools and equipment that are up-to-date
- The programs and platforms [Company] uses for a variety of tasks, I am aware of and understand their use/purpose
- Employees have the tools and equipment to do their jobs
- My Supervisor knows how to use the equipment given to us
- I have been given at least a minimum explanation of how to access the programs and equipment needed to do my job
- When new equipment arrives, My Department works to understand and use the equipment to its fullest capacity
- If I have an computer/IT problem, I know who to contact.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Equipment?
Rewards/Recognition |
- [Company] values my work
- [Company] offers rewards based on performance
- Employees are recognized for good work performance
- My Supervisor praises me for a job well done
- I am made to feel that I am an important part of [Company]
If [Company] were to make improvements in the area listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve Rewards/Recognition?