360-Degree Feedback Questions 27

ABC Global 360-Degree Feedback

Rater: [Your Name]
You are providing feedback to: [Participant Name]


    You are invited to provide feedback for the employee listed above in .

    Providing feedback is an important responsibility. Feedback is intended to support the receiver’s success in his or her role and to be useful, i.e. - information that the receiver can understand and apply. In providing your feedback, please consider your experiences with this individual during the last twelve months.

    Your feedback will be summarized with others’ in a report for the employee and his or her supervisor to use in support of the employee’s development and successful performance. The responses (for all feedback categories except for “self,” “director” and “supervisor”) remain anonymous. Please note that comments are provided in the final report exactly as written by you.

    You may signout at any time by pressing the Submit button at the end of the form and then closing your browser. You may return later to pick up where you left off.

    To what extent does [Participant Name] exhibit the following ...

    SELECT the rating that best reflects the employee’s performance in the areas listed.

      Core Values

    1. Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answers.

    2. Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answers.

    3. Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answers.

    4. Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answers.

    5. Please feel free to provide any comments to help explain your answers.

    6. Positive Attributes Select the top 5 attributes of this individual. You are limited to only selecting 5. Please select the top 5.

    7. Comments In the comment boxes below, provide comments about yourself that you believe are relevant to your development.

      Describe when this employee has been at his or her best.

      Describe ways this employee could improve: