Training Needs Assessment Demo 13

HR-Survey is a web-source for employee web survey technology. View our sample questions for an training needs analysis survey. The opinions of your employees matter. Use a training needs survey to find out the level of training needs in your organization. Employee surveys measure key dimensions of employee opinions, attitude, engagement, satisfaction, loyalty, training needs, and organizational effectiveness. View our on-line tools for free. Your employees deserve training that is timely and relevant. High performing companies utilize training needs surveys to guide training and development initiatives and provide benchmarks for organizational goals.

Form Validations: This questionnaire includes a javascript function embedded within the HTML code to validate that no user selects more than 6 check boxes below. Try it out. Just try to check more than 6 boxes.

Please check the top six skills that you use most often:

Work Skills

Establish and document goals and objectives
Encourage collaboration of fellow employees to achieve results
Seek and utilize opportunities for continuous learning and self-development
Meet reqularly with subordinates to discuss job performance
Respond to changing organization
Anticipate unexpected hurdles or obstacles to a plan or project
Expresses loyalty and dedication to Company in interactions with others
Set up and monitor timeframes and plans

Communication Skills

Accurately attends to/understands ideas which are exchanged
Deliver influential presentations
Listen carefully

People Skills

Display confidence in others abilities and talents
Network with others across organizational boundaries
Recognize and reward people for doing their best
Constructively receive criticism and suggestions from others

Leader Skills

Give others direct, constructive, and actionable feedback which can be used
Able to align manpower, design work, an allocate tasks to achieve goals
Empower others to achieve results and hold them accountable for actions
Motivate others in order to reach organizational goals
Influence others in a way that results in acceptance, agreement, or behavior change

Customer Skills

Consider customers point of view when making decisions
Effective in satisfying customer needs
Pursue the best customer-focused responses that add value to the business

Business Skills

Align resources to meet the business needs of the company
Understand the costs, profits, markets, and added value of issues
Focus on needs of customers
Anticipate marketplace opportunities and supports speed to market.

Analytical Skills

Select the appropriate techniques for analysis
Interpret financial data, reports, balance sheets, and cash flow analysis
Generate alternative solutions to problems and challenges.

Dear Colleague:

Welcome to the Organizational Climate Survey. Over the past sixteen months our department has grown. We are on a journey to create an environment that encourages and supports success and professional growth. A critical component of creating this environment is building a business where you, our people, recognize our company as being a great place to work and one that provides you with challenge, recognition, and opportunities for development. To build and maintain a thriving and successful business, and one which provides this motivation and satisfaction to our people, we need to assess how we are doing and understand your current thoughts, views and feelings.

We have developed this follow up survey with questions tailored to our business and our people. This survey provides you with an opportunity to anonymously rate many facets of the business and express what you would most like to see in a development program here at . The survey is web-based to make it quick and simple for you to complete. To ensure we have maximum anonymity, the survey is being hosted by an external organization and you will not be required to identify yourself when completing your input.

We will ask for some demographic data however to ensure we can make the best possible interpretation of the results and focus our actions on the areas of most need. We need to be very clear that we will not be able to attribute this data to any specific individual and it is not our intention to do so.

Please complete the survey, be very honest but also constructive and thoughtful in your input, and most of all to understand that the goal of the survey is to help us understand more about your thoughts regarding our organizational development initiative.

The results of this survey will be used to help drive our future success and as such it is critical that we are transparent in our report back to you about what you have said, but also what we plan to do about it. If you have any concerns about the process, confidentiality, or any other issue please contact ______ at ____________.

This Survey will run between now and the end of the month.

Thank you for your participation in the survey.

Please complete the items below and press the submit button at the end of the survey.
  1. Demographic data:
    1. Site office location

    1. Gender

    1. Age group

    1. Level of Employee

    1. Years of overall supervisory
      experience (if applicable):
      Are you currently responsible
      for managing people?

      If yes, how many total
      years of experience do
      you have managing people?

    1. Tenure with Company

  1. Opinion Questions

      Agree Disagree Strongly
      1. I am clear about my daily priorities.
      1. I am clear about the expectations of my role.
      1. I feel well informed about company goals and strategic directions.
      1. I feel I am well prepared and have the tools to succeed in my role
        as an associate, supervisor, manager, or top leader.
      1. I am satisfied with my manager’s communication and interpersonal skills.
      1. I am satisfied with my own communication and interpersonal skills.
      1. I am comfortable giving feedback to others.
      1. I actively seek feedback from colleagues and customers about my work.
      1. I am comfortable delivering difficult messages to superiors and subordinates.
      1. I deal effectively and in a timely manner with difficult people and poor performers.
      1. When an issue arises affecting the organization, we construct solutions by taking into account everyone’s needs.
      1. We resolve issues in our organization without resorting to blame, anger, or retribution.
      1. I am comfortable managing change and feel prepared to handle change in the future.
      1. "Team" is the best description of how my co-workers and I function.
      1. Supervisors, managers, and leaders across units speak with one voice on policies, procedures, and implementing decisions.
      1. We have shared goals across organizational units.
      1. When making operational decisions, my manager seeks my opinion.
      1. I feel responsible for contributing towards collective results across the organization.
      1. Decisions are clear and are communicated effectively organization-wide.
      1. When decisions are made they are executed effectively.
      1. Individual differences across age, ethnicity, and working style are understood and managed well organization-wide.
      1. We make the best use of meetings and meetings are tailored to specific needs and purposes.
      1. Supervisors, managers, and leaders have a common set of tools related to project management.
      1. We hold one another accountable when working in teams.
      1. I see my role to include mentoring and coaching others.
      1. I receive mentoring and coaching from my superior.

      1. I would benefit most from training and development programs focusing on (check all that apply):

      2. My most preferred method of receiving training would be:

      3. Over the past 16 months, I feel that organizational performance is improving.

      4. Please provide us with any additional comments about training and organizational development that may not have been covered in this survey.

  2. Submit Your Response