Your questionnaire can have a variety of item formats including limited checkboxes, unlimited checkboxes, radio buttons, select lists and text boxes.

Training Needs Survey

We would like to better understand your continuing education needs. Please take a few minutes to complete this on-line training needs survey. Your responses will be sent online to an external consultant hired by the Human Resources department. Thank you for your valuable input. If you have any concerns or questions about this survey, please contact [Name] at [Phone].

Notice how you are limited to just 3 checked boxes in this item. Try selecting more.

  1. What areas listed below would you like to see additional training programs? (Select your top three)

    Others (be specific):

  2. What technology areas interest you? (check all that apply)

  3. Please select the most convenient time for you to attend training programs:

  4. Please select the most desirable day for you to attend training programs:

  5. Which of the following would influence you to register for a training program?

  6. Which method of training do you feel would be most effective:
    Not Very Effective Somewhat Effective Very Effective

  7. Would you or your department be willing to pay a fee to hire outside training groups?

    If yes, please select the amount you or your department would be willing to pay per person.

  8. Have you been to conferences or workshops that you would recommend to others?

  9. How important are the following training topics:
    Grievance Procedure
    Employee Performance Management
    Customer Service Skills
    Workplace Ethics
    Conflict Management
    Strategic Planning/Organizational Skills
    Hiring & Firing Procedures
    Presentation Skills
    Stress Management
    Cultural Diversity
    Compensation & Benefits
    Sexual Harassment
    Recruitment & Retention
    Workplace Violence
    Supervisory Skills

  10. Which division do you work in?

  11. Please indicate your job level.

  12. Please indicate how long you have worked at [Company]:

  13. On what basis are you employed?

  14. What time does your shift begin?

  15. Please provide any suggestions on how we can
    better support individual and organizational success.

    Thank you for your participation in this Survey.
    Your candid input and time are appreciated.