This shows the typical format for an Employee Opinion Survey Results document. Cover Page, Summary Page, Dimensions, Response Rates, Items
A brief introduction describes the survey process.
The survey examines each employee's viewpoint on a variety of organizational topics including safety, training, career development and communication. The hope is to use the input to help guide actions related to improving the organizational culture. HR-Survey worked closely with [Company] to design a questionnaire that fulfilled the requirements of the organization.
The survey itself was launched . During this period the survey was administered to employees via a web link on a voluntary basis. Employees were allowed time during their working day to complete the survey and due to the nature of the web link were able to respond on a confidential and honest basis as HR-Survey handled the administration of the survey responses.
This survey measured employee satisfaction on a variety of topics and within several work group classifications. The survey also included several open-ended items to gather information in the form of suggestions and explanations.
Overall Response Rate: Number of respondents.
Overall Scores: The percentage of participants who agreed or strongly agreed with the items on the survey questionnaire.
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Response Rates: Rates by Demographic variables. Include demographic variables on the survey for more detailed results.
Summary Scores: by Dimension. The Average Score and Percentage of Agreement (Level of Agrement).
Top Ten / Bottom Ten: What were the highest and lowest scoring items on the survey? The table below lists these.
All Items: This table shows all items sorted by Level of Agreement.
Dimensions of Satisfaction: Now we look at each dimension of employee satisfaction. The results for each item is shown overall and broken down by demographics.
Final Comments: Open-ended questions allow participants to offer suggestions and examples. This is valuable information for the company and can form the basis for future development.
Demographics: Comments can be grouped by demographic variable to help with developing action plans.