Employee Satisfaction Survey

Welcome to the MyCom Employee Satisfaction Survey. Most participants find this questionnaire very easy to complete -- you will likely only need 15-25 minutes.

Information About You

Customer Relations
Fleet Management
Human Resources
Information Systems
Research and Development

Job Classification
Length of Service


  1. For each question, click the response that best matches your opinion. Use the column headers as a guide.

  2. If a question does not apply to you, or if you don't know enough to form an opinion, do not respond to the question.

  3. There is room for any comments you wish to make at the end of the questionnaire.

  4. Click the SEND ANSWERS button at the bottom of this page to submit your responses. Wait for a confirmation that your survey was submitted successfully before you close your browser.

About My Job
Disagree Neither
Agree nor
Agree Strongly
1. I have the freedom I need to meet customer needs.
2. I know what is expected of me in my job.
3. I am able to balance work priorities with my personal life.
4. The tools and equipment I need to do my job right are readily available.
5. I get the training I need to do a first-class job.
6. I have all the information I need to do my job well.
7. I find my work challenging.
8. I am expected to find new and better ways to get the job done.
9. I participate in training and development opportunities that are available to me.
10. Overall, my workload is reasonable.
11. I am adequately recognized for my good work.
12. My job makes good use of my skills and abilities.
13. There is someone at work who encourages my development.
14. Conditions in my work area allow me to be highly productive.
15. Rate your overall satisfaction with your job at MyCom.

About MyCom
Disagree Neither
Agree nor
Agree Strongly
16. MyCom does a good job communicating about changes or decisions that affect employees.
17. MyCom's standards for business ethics are high.
18. I support the MyCom values in my day-to-day actions.
19. Our senior leaders establish a clear direction for the company.
20. Our senior leaders are responding effectively to the changes in our business environment.
21. I am proud to work for MyCom.
22. In general, career moves are handled fairly at MyCom.
23. At MyCom, my suggestions are given serious consideration.
24. My total cash compensation (salary and bonus/incentives) is competitive with the market where I live and work.
25. My employee benefits (health care, retirement, 401k, time off, etc.) are competitive with the market where I live and work.
26. MyCom does a good job of linking rewards to job performance.
27. MyCom is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all employees.
28. At MyCom, we do the right things to satisfy and retain our external customers.
29. MyCom's policies and procedures are user-friendly to customers.
30. MyCom is innovative in developing new ways to serve our customers.
31. MyCom does a good job of recognizing the efforts of employees to improve customer service.
32. MyCom does a good job communicating business objectives.
33. I understand the relationship between my job and MyCom’s overall strategy and goals.
34. The processes for considering employees for job openings are fair (i.e. job postings, interviewing, selection, feedback).
35. My most recent performance appraisal (PP&D) was an accurate assessment of my job performance.
36. I believe there are adequate ways for me to develop my career at MyCom.
37. At MyCom, work groups cooperate with each other to minimize unnecessary work.
38. There is a spirit of we’re all in this together across work groups.
39. I have seen improvements as a result of the ESS action plans that were created.
40. I plan to be working for MyCom a year from now.

About My Work Group
Disagree Neither
Agree nor
Agree Strongly
41. My work group consistently meets the requirements of our internal customers.
42. In my work group, we ask our internal customers what they require from us.
43. In my work group, we participate in deciding how the work gets done.
44. My work group focuses on fixing the problem rather than finding someone to blame.
45. My work group communicates effectively with other work groups. (i.e. conducts PRIDE meetings, etc.)
46. My work group is focused on reducing job-related expenses (travel, materials, etc.).

About My Current Supervisor
Disagree Neither
Agree nor
Agree Strongly
47. ...makes effective decisions, even when under pressure.
48. ...encourages me to take on greater responsibility.
49. in a way that makes others want to work with her/him.
50. ...encourages teamwork and collaboration.
51. ...treats others with respect and dignity.
52. a person you can trust.
53. ...keeps me informed about the things I need to know.
54. ...makes sure that I have a clear idea of our group’s goals.
55. able to see issues from others' perspectives.
56. ...consistently provides me with timely feedback for improving my performance.
57. not afraid to take corrective action when necessary.
58. ...takes personal responsibility for results.
59. ...takes accountability for leading change efforts.
60. ...takes an active interest in my success.
61. ...overall, is a highly effective supervisor.

All comments will be presented as written in your supervisor's feedback report.
About My Job

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About My Work Group

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